September 14, 2016

Mayor Kastbergcalled the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Trustee Gifford, Mathes,Rizzo, Zemanand Mayor Kastberg


Mayor Kastberg provided the Board of Trustees with a copy of the Design Guidelines for the Central Business District that were adopted by the Board of Trustees in November 2000 with revisions made in January 2006. The guidelines have not been adopted into Village Law; they were developed to provide guidance to the Planning Board for potential projects. Trustee Gifford suggested that the guidelines be adopted into Village Code so they may be enforced. Attorney Marola stated that the guidelines need to agree with the comprehensive plan for the Village and also the zoning for the specific districts. The Board of Trustees will review the Business District Design Guidelines with the Planning Board to determine which parts should be adopted as code and which guidelines should be left to the discretion of the Planning Board.


This month the Mayor provided an overview of the Parks and Recreation Department to the Board. The Mayor provided the Board of Trustees with a list of park projects to make the board aware of the projects that need to be completed within the park. The Mayor also provided the board with a list of park projects completed. The Mayor stated that the projects in need of completion will be discussed during the next budget season.


Mobilitie installs antenna towers that collect signals and repeats the signals to provide improved wireless service. The company provides this increased service to wireless vendors not directly to customers. A representative from Mobilitie tried to obtain a permit to install a tower in the right-of-way. The proposed tower is 40” in diameter and stands 75’ tall. Since Mobilite is not a public utility, the Village Attorney is in the process of reviewing how a data tower would apply to current code. The Board of Trustees suggested a moratorium be put into place to restrict work in the right of way to only public utilities. Attorney Marola will draft legislation for the board’s review.


MOVEDby Trustee Rizzo, seconded by Trustee Zemanto adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m.

Ayes: Trustee Gifford, Mathes, Rizzo, Zemanand Mayor Kastberg

Noes: None

Abstentions: None

Respectfully submitted,

Maria A. Schmitz

Clerk to the Village Board of Trustees