Kentucky Center for School Safety

Quarterly Report

April - June 2005


November 2005

Kentucky Center for School Safety Work Plan FY 2005

Status Report for Period April - June 2005






Center Operations

I. Goal: Carry out the central operations of the Center
A.  Implement FY05 work plan and budget / ü / ·  The FY05 work plan and budget were approved by the KCSS Board of Directors at its 6/30/04 meeting.
B.  Establish MOA with KDE / ü / ·  An MOA was established with KDE at the beginning of FY05.
C.  Submit FY04 KCSS fiscal report / ü / ·  The final Fiscal Report for FY04 was included in the April – June 2004 Quarterly Report.
D.  Maintain toll-free school safety information line / ü / ·  The KCSS averaged 305 calls per month via the toll-free line during the quarter April – June 2005.
·  The KCSS averaged 336 calls per month via the toll-free line during the quarter January – March 2005.
·  The KCSS averaged 305 calls per month via the toll-free line during the quarter October – December 2004.
·  The KCSS averaged 296 calls per month via the toll-free line during the quarter July – September 2004.
E.  Conduct regular KCSS staff meetings / ü / ·  A KCSS staff meeting was held on 5/24 to discuss KCSS activities for FY06.
·  A KCSS staff meeting is scheduled for May 24.
·  A KCSS staff meeting will be held during the second quarter.
F.  Establish sub-contracts with Center partners / ü / ·  Subcontracts between EKU, KSBA, MSU, and UK have been executed.
G.  Conduct KCSS staff evaluations including Executive Director / ü / ·  Evaluations will be done for each partner at the beginning of FY06.
H.  Conduct annual evaluations of KCSS partners / ü / ·  Executive Director conducts ongoing meetings with partners regarding performance expectations.
I.  Pursue additional funding to supplement KCSS activities / ü / ·  The KCSS has received a second year of funding for the Community Service Work Project in an effort to continue to reduce rates of out of school suspensions.






II. Goal: Produce summary reports of Center activities
A.  Submit quarterly reports to the Board of Directors / ü / ·  The quarterly report for the period January – March 2004 was submitted to the KCSS Board of Directors at its 4/27/05 meeting.
·  The quarterly report for the period October – December 2004 was submitted to the KCSS Board of Directors at its 2/23/05 meeting. The third quarterly report for FY05 will be submitted to the Board at the 4/27/05 meeting.
·  Submitted quarterly reports for April – June 2004 and July – September 2004 to the KCSS Board of Directors at its 12/15/04 meeting. The second quarterly report for FY05 will be submitted to the Board at the 2/23/05 meeting.
·  The KCSS will submit the quarterly report for April – June 2004, as well as the first quarterly report for FY05 to the Board at the 12/15/04 meeting.
B.  Submit to KCSS Board of Directors FY04 External Fiscal Audit Report / ü / ·  Eastern Kentucky University’s internal auditors audit the KCSS each year.
C.  Develop and submit FY 2004 annual KCSS report to the Governor, Kentucky Board of Education, and General Assembly / ü / ·  The KCSS 2004 Annual Report was released to the public in April 2005.
·  The KCSS 2004 Annual Report has been completed and will be released in April 2005.
·  The KCSS 2004 Annual Report will be completed in March 04.
·  Work has begun on the KCSS Annual Report for FY 2004. The Annual Report will be submitted at the beginning of 2005.
III. Goal: Promote Interagency Collaboration
A.  Conduct semi-annual meetings of School Safety Advisory Council (SSAC) / ü / ·  Due to KCSS staff changes, the SSAC meeting will be delayed until the next Fiscal Year.
·  A School Safety Advisory Council meeting will be held in June 2005.
·  The first meeting of the School Safety Advisory Council for FY05 was held on October 20, 2004.
·  A School Safety Advisory Council (SSAC) meeting is scheduled for October 20, 2004.
B.  Provide school safety speakers upon request / ü / ·  Section II of the quarterly report provides a detailed summary of presentations made by KCSS staff.
C.  Conduct school safety related presentations, guest lectures and workshops at conferences, university lectures, collaborative meetings, etc. / ü / ·  Presentations and collaborative meetings are listed in Section II of the quarterly report.






D.  Continue participation in collaborative technical assistance initiatives with KECSAC, DJJ, DMH, and other various service organizations / ü / ·  Section II of the quarterly report provides a detailed summary of collaborative meetings conducted in the 4th quarter.
·  Section II of the quarterly report provides a detailed summary of collaborative meetings conducted in the 3rd quarter.
·  Section II of the quarterly report provides a detailed summary of collaborative meetings conducted in the 2nd quarter.
·  Section II of the quarterly report provides a detailed summary of collaborative meetings conducted in the 1st quarter.
Administration of Funds to Local School Districts
I. Goal: To facilitate the dissemination of funds to local school districts
A.  Facilitate the distribution of FY05 funds based on an approved formula and established criteria / ü / ·  School Safety funds will be distributed to all districts in FY05 based on the approved formula of a base amount of $20,000 with the remaining funds distributed on a “per pupil” basis based on 2003-2004 average daily attendance. Districts received funding notification in June 2004.
B.  Provide technical assistance to districts receiving school safety funds / ü / ·  There were six (6) requests for technical assistance in the fourth quarter.
·  There were two (2) requests for technical assistance in the third quarter.
·  There were two (2) requests for technical assistance in the second quarter.
·  Technical assistance is continually provided via the website, phone communication, and through site visits regarding safe schools funding and program requirements. There were no requests for technical assistance in the 1st quarter.
C.  Develop and disseminate FY05 KCSS District funding report / ü / ·  A summary of the distribution of safe schools funds in FY05 is available at the KCSS website. The summary includes the final allocation per district. The FY05 funding report was sent to districts in June 2004.
D.  Compile and disseminate profiles of KCSS funded programs including alternative education settings / ü / ·  An updated summary of district level programs and revised funding amounts can be obtained from the KCSS website.
·  KCSS have compiled information based on district submission of FY05 Safe School Activity reports. An updated summary of district level programs and revised funding amounts will be available at the KCSS website in the next quarter.






E.  Conduct site visits to school districts through continued utilization of
Safe Schools Associates / ü / ·  KCSS Safe Schools Associates have completed 74 site visits through June 2005.
·  KCSS Safe Schools Associates have completed 63 site visits through March 2005.
·  KCSS Safe Schools Associates have completed 34 site visits through December 2004.
·  KCSS Safe Schools Associates have completed 8 site visits through September 2004.
F.  Continue to fund six districts participating in the second year of the Community Service Work Project as an effort to reduce rates of out-of-school suspensions and/or expulsions / ü / ·  Data was received from the six participating districts in the fourth quarter. A report of the second year findings will be generated this fall.
·  Conducted final monitoring visits.
·  A meeting was held with representatives from the six sites on December 16 to discuss new data requirements.
·  Finalized the CSW annual report and conducted two workshops on the Community Service Work project on 7/22 and 9/27.
Data Analysis
I. Goal: To provide analysis of school safety data
A.  Publish and disseminate 2003-2004 Kentucky Safe Schools Data Report(s) / ü / ·  Met with KDE and OET personnel to finalize process for transferring data for the 2004-2005 Safe Schools Data Report.
·  The KCSS Safe Schools Data Report was released to the public on February 11, 2005.
·  The Data Report will be finalized in January 2005.
·  Data have been received from all 176 districts in the state and are presently being verified and compiled for the Safe Schools Report.
B.  Solicit consumer evaluation information on Kentucky school safety data reports / ü / ·  Designed surveys to measure superintendents’ perceptions of the effectiveness of KCSS.
·  Designed surveys to measure superintendents and principals perceptions of the Safe School Assessment Process.
C.  Continue to provide input to KDE to improve school safety data collection process (including case by case data collection) / ü / ·  Continued meeting with KDE and OET to fine tune safe schools data definitions and outcomes.
·  Finalized safe schools data definitions and outcomes.
·  Continued meeting with KDE and OET to fine tune safe schools data definitions and outcomes.






D.  Collect specific data from schools participating in the Community Service Work Project for analysis and first year report by September 04 / ü / ·  Created data set to facilitate measurement of effectiveness of community service work using experimental and control districts.
·  Data has been received by all participating districts and a final report is available at the KCSS website.
Schools and Communities training and Technical Assistance
I. Goal: Increase the number of Kentucky’s schools that are
implementing the Center’s conceptual framework (Universal,
Targeted, and Intensive Interventions)
A.  In collaboration with KDE, provide intensive training and support regarding instructional discipline practices / ü / ·  KCSS has been working with KYCID to develop regional trainings on their services and to offer educators strategies and interventions to address the issue of inconsistency in responding to student behavior on a school-wide basis.
·  Attended a meeting hosted by KDE to discuss the barriers and issues related to training for alternative education programs.
·  The Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline (KYCID) was established in July 2004 to meet this goal. The Schools and Communities Training and Technical Assistance personnel will collaborate with KYCID to develop and implement their annual “Choices and Changes” conference as it relates to school safety and to collaborate and share resources on respective issues of both agencies.
·  Due to an unanticipated reorganization at KDE, this project is being redesigned and the roll of the KCSS Schools and Communities Training and Technical Assistance is unknown at this time. It has been completed.






II. Goal: Improve the quality of Kentucky’s alternative education
A.  Fund and broker on-site technical assistance (provided by the Center’s Alternative Education Specialists and School Safety Associates) to Kentucky’s alternative education programs / ü / ·  KCSS did not receive a request for technical assistance for the April-June quarter.
·  Received and coordinated two (2) technical assistance requests from January – March 2005. School districts that received services are:
·  McCracken County (50 administrators and staff)
·  Bracken County (10 administrators and staff)
·  Received and coordinated two (2) technical assistance requests from October – December 2004. Those are
·  Bell County (4 administrators)
·  Butler County (11 administrators and staff)
·  Provided the (6) Alternative Education Specialists copies of the KCSS training calendar, Technical Assistance flyer, and Bullying flyer to distribute to each alternative education program.
·  To date, I have not received any requests from alternative education programs.
B.  In collaboration with the Kentucky Educational Collaborative for State Agency Children, co-sponsor an annual conference on alternative education / ü / ·  The “Educating At-Risk Students in Alternative Settings” hosted 150 educators. Plans for next year’s conference have not been scheduled at this time.
·  A conference-planning meeting was held and the agenda is being finalized.
·  The conference is scheduled for July 19-21, 2005 at EKU. The call for proposals has been sent out and the first organizational meeting has been held.
·  The conference was held July 27-29, 2004 at the Perkins Conference Center at Eastern Kentucky University. Three hours of graduate credit was awarded to 61 students enrolled in the course. The conference hosted over 250 educators and treatment providers, and the evaluations received were very positive. A follow-up meeting to discuss the future of this event has not been scheduled.






III. Goal: Identify priority needs for training and technical assistance for
various education audiences
A.  Administer the KCSS Needs Assessment instrument at the annual Safe Schools Conference and other training events as identified / ü / ·  The 05-06 training calendar is being printed and topics are based on data provided from needs assessments and evaluations.
·  A meeting was held in March with representatives from KSBA, KCSS, UK, FRYSC, and Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse to assess the training needs per our safe schools assessment data, training evaluations, and the current trends in our students, schools, and communities that are barriers to a positive school climate and culture. The 05-06 training calendar is currently being developed based on this data.
·  The Safe Schools Conference evaluation results have been disseminated and will largely be used to determine the content for the 2005 conference as well as sponsored training events.
·  Compiled and analyzed evaluations from October, November, and December sponsored trainings.
·  Data collected from each training event for the 2004-05 school year was very positive. The evaluations for the Safe Schools Conference are being compiled for analysis and will be utilized to determine the content of next year’s conference. Results thus far, have been very positive.
·  Assisted with disseminating and collecting a Director of Pupil Personnel Survey to determine the future of the Truancy and Dropout Symposium. The targeted audience felt the symposium was important but there is a need for fresh topics. It was decided to assist the National Dropout Prevention Center for the April 2005 conference in Louisville and to begin working on the state conference for 2006.
IV. Goal: Increase knowledge and skills related to specific aspects of
KCSS conceptual framework
A.  Provide a variety of one-day professional development opportunities focusing on the three levels of intervention/support.
¨  Level 1 (Universal Strategies = All Students)
¨  Level 2 (Targeted Strategies = At-Risk Students)
¨  Level 3 (Intensive Strategies = Disruptive/Violent Students) / ü / ·  Two (2) regional trainings were held in the fourth quarter:
1.  “Training/Homeland Security Emergency Planning for Kentucky,” May 12, Bowling Green (34 participants)
2.  “Training/Homeland Security Emergency Planning for Kentucky,” May 13, Lexington (31 participants)
·  Received and coordinated six (6) technical assistance requests from April – June 2005. School districts that received services included:
1. Calloway County (32 administrators and staff)
2. Bell County (5 administrators and staff)
3. Boone County (not enough time to schedule)
4. Pulaski County (17 administrators and staff)
5. Newport Independent (14 administrators and staff)
6. Spencer County (11 administrators and staff)
·  Trained four (4) educators to provide, per request, the Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) Suicide Prevention Model that is being implemented across the state of Kentucky.
·  Lincoln County requested a multiple day, Level 1, 2, 3, training for gang awareness, intervention, and prevention. Eighty-nine (89) students, staff and community participated in the training.
·  Provided technical assistance to four (4) school administrators in Spencer County for Emergency Response Planning.
·  Danville Independent requested gang awareness training. Thirty-two (32) educators participated in the training.
·  Two (2) regional trainings were held in the third quarter:
1. “Defining and Understanding No Child Left Behind (NCLB): Requirements in relation to school safety and reporting accurate data” May 17, Lexington (42 participants)
2. “Defining and Understanding No Child Left Behind (NCLB):
Requirements in relation to school safety and reporting accurate data” May 18, Hopkinsville (19 participants)
·  Lincoln County requested a multiple day, Level 1, 2, 3, training on gang awareness, intervention, and prevention. The first training served four Lincoln County administrators.
·  Eight regional trainings were held in the second quarter:
·  “How Does School Safety Relate to Me? The Important Role of Classified Staff in Creating a Safe Learning Environment”
1) October 16, 2004, Bowling Green (26 participants)
2) October 23, 2004, Louisville (26 participants)
3) October 30, 2004, Prestonsburg (25 participants)
·  “i-Safe Internet Safety: K-12 Professional Development Program”
1) October 26, 2004, Murray (10 participants)
2) December 7, 2004, Morehead (20 participants)
·  “Childhood Obesity and Education: How does Child Obesity Impact Learning?”
1) Nov. 9, 2004, Richmond (50 participants)
2) Nov. 10, 2004, Elizabethtown (35 participants)
3) Nov. 11, 2004, Florence (20 participants)
·  Bath County requested a one-day, Level 1, training for de-escalation and behavior management training. The training served 60 bus drivers for the district.
·  Lewis County requested a one-day, Level 1, training for coordinated emergency management training. The training served 18 administrators for the district.
·  Garrard County requested a one-day training for revising their school district emergency management guide. The training served 26 school personnel.
·  Scott County requested a one-day training for de-escalation skills for teachers. The training served 35 teachers for the district.
