The Recruitment and Retention of Managers of
Care Homes for Older Adults in Wales
Information for Participants- July 2014
The Care Council for Wales and Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales have jointly commissioned a study to increase understanding of factors affecting the Recruitment and Retention of Managers in Care Homes for Older Adults in Wales. This work is being undertaken by two independent consultants, Jan Wood and Brian Paget.
What is the purpose of the study?
It is essential that there are sufficient numbers of registered managers in Care Homes for Older Adults to meet the demand for services. This study aims to improve understanding of factors influencing the recruitment and retention of managers of Care Homes for Older Adults with and without nursing provision and across all sectors.
How can we take part and what will the interviews cover?
We are very keen to hear from registered managers, employers and commissioners about the factors which they think influence recruitment and retention. We will do this by inviting a sample of participants to take part in individual semi-structured interviews as well as running Focus Groups across Wales. Dates and venues will be notified shortly.We also hopeto develop case studies of good practice in recruitment and retention and would be very interested to receive examples from your own experience (please see contact details below).
Is it compulsory?
No. It is entirely voluntary and participants can withdraw at any time.As with any study of this type, participants will be asked to sign the attached consent form to confirm that they have read and understood the information provided and consent to taking part.
What will happen to the information I provide?
The feedback we receive will be included in the final report in an anonymised form andindividuals will not be identified. Individual organisations will not be identified unless they give consent as part of a case study. Records of individual interviews will be destroyed once the study is complete and a Summary of Key Findings will be available for participants in autumn 2014.
What other information will you be gathering?
We are also undertaking desk research on other work undertaken in the UK in relation to recruitment and retention of managers in care homes for older adults. We plan to share the initial findings with participants as part of the Focus Group sessions.
Further Information?
If you have any questions about the above or would like further information, please contact Brian Paget (07931 442463 ).
Research, Evaluation, Development
Reflected Ltd
14 Jessops RiversideBrian Paget, Director
800 Brightside Lane07931 442463
Sheffield S9
Registered in England and Wales: 8073150
The Recruitment and Retention of Managers of
Care Homes for Older Adults in Wales
Consent Form
I confirm that I have read and understand the attached Information for Participants (7th July 2O14) and that I consent to taking part in the study.
I am aware that individual interviews and focus groups will be recorded, that records of individual interviews will be destroyed once the study has been completed and that the findings will be anonymised.
I would like the individual interview to be conducted in Welsh/English (please delete as appropriate)
Name (print):
Email: Telephone:
Consultants Undertaking
We agree to abide by the requirements set out in the attached information for participants:
Brian Paget/Jan Wood
7th July 2014
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