
Rockford Crew Boosters Meeting

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014 at 7:00 pm, Room 151 RFC

Call to order at 7pm

Introductions, attendance: Michael Bigelow, Laura Featherston, Marty Fletcher, Larry Maple, Scott VanFossen, Tucker Anderson, Wendy Todd, Scott Todd, Michelle Benham, Chris Perini, Tim Vallier, Rob Johnson, Cindy Wadlow

Review and approve minutes from January 8th meeting, minutes approved.

Agenda review

Discussion Items:

Northview update – Michelle Benham

·  Northview board sent a payment of $876.23, 30% of the boathouse operating costs for the last two years.

Garage Sale this weekend

·  Signs are being made up. Need rowers at 7am to unload dontations.

Ergathon this weekend

·  Rowers signed up for two different time slots, 10:30-12:30p & 12:30-2:30p. Kids should be lunch/snacks if they are staying all day.

Pop Can drive on the 23rd

·  Email out time and where to meet. Kids need to sign in to receive credit.

Dock in

·  Watching the weather, trying for 3/23 or 3/30. Will send out message once date decided. $300 needed to rent lift for dock in, motion made and approved.

Flood Watch

·  Coaches keeping watch

Lvl 2 Coach Training

·  Possible at GVSU, $250 per coach – Tim, Dilan and Tucker. Checked with athletics, no funds are available. Total $750 for all three coaches, motion made and approved to pay for coaches to attend.

Purchase of used Quad

·  There are 2 used quads for sale, we would like to purchase one. Goal is to use monies from patron forms sold and equipment sold. Would need approximately $1,500 from boosters to complete a purchase. Motion made and approved to provide the additional funds for a purchase.

Committees updates (if new information is available):

Fundraising – Wendy Todd and Committee

Apparel – Cindy Wadlow – new apparel form will be out soon.

Texas Hold’em update – Scott Kenyan – The change did not pass so as of now we are back to only needed 2 volunteers per time slot. There is another vote coming up that will decide how many days A1 Bingo can hold games. This will affect how many volunteer groups will be able to volunteer and earn monies.

Hotels/Transportation/Chaperones – Larry Maple/Cindy Wadlow – no changes. Hotel and bussing has been arranged.

Food – new committee formed – Melissa VanFossen, Cindy Wadlow, Sara Maple, Chris Perini – These ladies will take care of the planning/prep but will need assistance with the food tent at all regattas.

Sports Boosters – Scott Todd and Karen Doletzky – State track meet will be held at the high school on May 31. Boosters will be looking for volunteers.

Open discussion

Rack Assignments – should the monthly rate go up? It hasn’t been raised in years. Motion to raise from $225 to $235 made and approved.

Midwest, AP Testing – need to determine how many rowers will have AP testing on Friday. May need a school van to drive these kids to Midwest.

Team Dinners – How will these be handled this year? Parents expressed concern over whole team dinners. They were a little overwhelming last year. Suggested boys and girls have separate dinners.

Out of State Regattas – Departure time for Midwest, May 9th approximately 6am. Departure time for Nationals on Thursday May 22nd approximately 4am.

Meeting adjourned 8:40pm