Minutes of the meeting of Upwell Parish Council, Monday 4th December 2017, 6.30pm at Upwell Village Hall
Committee Members: Cllr. Lester (Chairman), Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Robinson, Cllr. A. Harrison, Cllr. Shorting,
Cllr. Pope, Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Melton, Cllr. Pugh, Cllr. Humm, Cllr. Schultz
Those Present: Cllr. Lester, Cllr. Melton, Cllr. A Harrison, Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Pope, Cllr. Humm, Cllr. Schultz, Councillor Robinson, Councillor Shorting
Public: 8
Apologies: Councillor Pugh, County Councillor Humphrey
1 Apologies
1.1 Apologies were given as listed above and accepted.
2 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest
2.1 No declarations of pecuniary interest were made on any item on this month’s agenda.
3 To accept the Minutes of the last meeting
3.1 It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the 6th November 2017 as a true record of the meeting. These were signed by the Chairman.
4 To report on matters arising from last month’s minutes
4.1 Item 6 v f) - A response from Bowser Solicitors was noted regarding an update on the Edith Blunt Trust.
4.2 Item 6 v b) – No further progress made yet with Anglia in Bloom.
4.3 Item 6 v d) – It was noted that the Middle Level Commissioners will be visiting the village again soon.
4.4 Item 8.1 – Councillor Humm confirmed that he had completed the nomination for this year’s KLFM Local Hero Awards.
5 Public Forum[1]
The meeting was suspended to hold the public forum.
5.1 The eight members of the public present were concerned with the recent abrupt cessation of the auction at Lakes End Village Hall. Their concerns were reported by a nominated representative and noted by councillors. Clerk to request a copy of the Lakes End Village Hall constitution from Fraser Dawbarns solicitors. It was resolved with all in favour to appoint Councillor Carr and Councillor Melton to progress this matter with Lakes End Village Hall Committee.
6 To receive reports
i. Police
a. The monthly newsletter has been received and circulated.
b. A theft of a motor vehicle from Low Side was noted.
ii. Neighbourhood Watch
No report.
a. Speedwatch has been active this month. The increase in the number of volunteers has allowed more exercises to take place.
iii. Borough Councillor Report
No report.
iv. County Councillor Report
No report.
v. Parish Council Affairs/Correspondence
a) The Christmas gathering with Outwell Parish Council will be on Tuesday 12th December at 7.30pm at The Crown Lodge in Outwell.
b) The Clerk gave a brief report on the implications to the Council on General Data Protection Regulations as of 25th May 2018.
c) It was resolved with all in favour to accept the quote of £3900.00 + VAT from Country Grounds Maintenance for the removal of trees and brambles at the riverbank at Church Bridge. It was noted that permission needed to be applied for to Richard Fisher at the Borough Council as this is within the conservation area. Councillor Melton to action.
d) 2018 meeting dates were circulated.
7 Finance
7.1 It was resolved to approve this month’s list of payments.
*salaries shown together re data protection.
7.2 The reconciled cashbook to end November 2017 was approved.
7.3 It was resolved with all in favour to accept the proposed 2018/19 budget figures.
8 Correspondence
8.1 It was resolved with all in favour to donate £100.00 to Upwell St. Peter’s Parochial Church Council towards the annual maintenance fee of the parish clock.
9 To receive & discuss Norfolk County Council issues inc. Highways
9. 1 It was resolved with all in favour to submit a bid to the 2018/19 Parish Partnership Scheme for the purchase of a dot-matrix sign for the junction of Tointons Road with Townsend Road and Green Road. The sign is to be purchased from Norfolk County Council at a cost of £7,180.00. The total cost to the parish will be £2590.00 (including the £1,000.00 contribution from a local sponsor).
9.2 It was resolved with all in favour to submit a bid to the 2018/19 Parish Partnership Scheme for the purchase of a new bus shelter from Pro Edge Construction at a cost of £3750.00. Total cost to the parish will be £1875.00.
10 To discuss churchyard/cemetery issues
No report.
11 War Memorial
11.1 Community Workers have done an excellent job painting the railings and the copings. Clerk to write to Brian Foster on behalf of the Council to pass on the parish council’s thanks.
11.2 It was noted that the Police did not manage to attend Remembrance Sunday this year. It was resolved to ask Speedwatch to help with stopping the traffic for the two minutes silence next year.
12 Agricultural Allotments
12.1 It was noted that a notice to quit dated 20th November 2017 as of April 2018 from the tenant who rents 4.5 acres at Foxes had been received and it was resolved with all in favour, on this occasion, to accept the notice as another tenant had expressed an interest in taking over this land[2]. Clerk to draw up a tenancy agreement for the new tenant at £180.00/acre for 4.5 years.
13 Garden Allotments
13.1 One of the very long standing tenants has unfortunately quit his plot due to ill-health.
14 To consider Health & Safety issues
14.1 Councillor Carr provided his Health & Safety Inspection sheet.
15 To consider any issues for Three Holes & Lakes End
15.1 Three Holes Village Hall will be showing a film this weekend, Whiskey Galore.
15.2 A copy of Lakes End Village Hall’s constitution to be obtained from Fraser Dawbarns solicitors.
15.3 Thanks to be recorded to Councillor Carr and Councillor Melton for their continued support of both Lakes End and Three Holes village halls.
16 To consider Village Hall issues
· There will be a New Year’s Eve dance.
· 200 club tickets are once again on sale.
· Councillor Andrew Harrison has decorated the kitchen and put new doors on the container outside.
· It was noted that the village hall will be 150 years old next year.
17 Planning
17.1 To note any planning applications considered by the Planning Committee since the last meeting[3].
Planning Application 17/02071/F, Proposed menage at Walnut House, Mudds Drove, Three Holes. It was resolved with all in favour to recommend approval to this application.
Planning Application 17/02045/F, New access over existing roadside ditch/watercourse with culvert at Brenda, 114 Church Drove, Outwell. It was resolved with all in favour to recommend approval to this application.
Planning Application 17/02055/RM, Plot 9 Orchard Gardens, Upwell. It was resolved to recommend refusal to this application.
Planning Application 17/02053/CU, Retrospective approval for the change of use of an agricultural building to a commercial premises for storage at agricultural building, Baptist Road, Upwell. It was resolved with all in favour to recommend approval to this application.
17.2 Clerk to progress with some pre-application advice from the Borough Council on the possibilities for the land at Low Side. Clerk to include a covering letter to outline the parish council’s proposals for the land. It was noted that the fees for an outline planning application for a piece of land 1.9 hectares (4. 5 acres) will be in the region of £7,700.00.
18 Agenda items for the next meeting
· 2018/19 Precept
· Planning
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.55pm.
The next meeting will be on Monday 8th January 2018 at 7.00pm at Upwell Village Hall.
Signed ………………………………………………………………………...………… Date……………….……………………
Full Council 7th December 2017 Page 2
[1] The Public Forum is 15 minutes.
[2] It should be noted that notice to quit should legally have be given by 10th October 2017.
[3] These applications were not considered at the Ordinary Meeting but by the Planning Committee over the course of the month since the last Full Council Meeting. Decisions made by the Planning Committee are officially recorded in these Minutes.