SUBJECT: And we’re off!


Thank you so much for attending the United Way kickoff this morning — what fun! Great speakers and good doughnuts all to support the community! If you weren’t able to attend, here is a summary of what went on:

•We showed the campaign video. If you missed it, view it online at . You will have the chance to win great prizes just by watching the video and filling out a form.

•We announced our goal — $XXXXX! We are very excited about this goal and how it will help our community. Please be a part of this by turning in your pledge card by this Friday; we’ll have an early bird drawing for parking spaces and gift cards.

•We will have a pizza party incentive for the department that has the highest participation. Good luck!

When many people move towards a collective goal there is more might in the movement. Our workplace has 88 staff. If everyone donated 4$ per pay to the United Way campaign, more people in our community would have opportunities for a brighter future; more young people succeeding, more communities getting the programs and services they need to thrive. That’s the strength of unity and the power behind the United Way’s uprising of care!

We thank you for your support. By joining together in this effort, I am confident we can help people in our community become stronger and healthier.


United Way Campaign Coordinator

SUBJECT: United Way goal revealed!

Dear friends,

If you love this community, you’ll want to keep it strong and vibrant. Unfortunately, our community faces many challenges, such as poverty and mental health. Gifts to the United Way helps our families, friends and neighbours when they need it most.

Our workplace has collaborated with United Way to determine a fundraising goal of $15,000. It’s easy for you to participate in reaching this goal – simply complete the pledge form provided and submit to Tina in the payroll department.

I participated by signing up for payroll deductions. I chose an amount equal to one day’s pay and had that amount divided over the 26 pay periods. I feel great about giving and know that the tax information will appear right on my T4.

Do you know what your donation looks like?

It looks like ensuring kids have opportunities to be all that they can be; enabling people to overcome poverty and embrace possibilities; and building a strong community with access to social services when they’re needed.

Click here to see how your donation could help someone like Angie feel welcomed in her community after her husband had passed away.

It looks like Maddie:

“I was embarrassed and scared. Someone had taken one of my online pictures and photoshopped it. He used the photo and started asking me to send him more pictures when I didn’t want to. Then he started making threats. I thought my parents would be disappointed in me getting caught in this situation. I didn’t want anyone seeing the picture he had I looked up how to deal with it on Connect Youth. The website was helpful and I was able to figure out what to do. My Mom was glad I used to make a wise decision.”

By donating to United Way your investment remains 100% local - contributing to positive change and hope for your family, your friends, and your neighbours. There are many needs in our community, let’s come together to help change the odds that people have a better chance to make a brighter future.

In community partnership,

SUBJECT: You can help change lives

Dear Friend,

It’s day four of our United Way Perth Huron (UWPH) Workplace Campaign and we’ve raised 14%of our $55,000 goal!

Our total number of donors to date is 29. These donors have been entered into a draw for a day off with pay; you can also be entered if you hand in your pledge form to Tina.

If you have already donated THANK YOU! If you haven’t, we hope you’ll consider the impact your donation dollars can have on the lives of thousands of Huron-Perth residents. Residents who have the opportunity to utilize any of the 48 supported programs of the UWPH. Click here to see a list of UWPH supported partners.

Do you know what your donation looks like?

It looks like…ensuring kids have opportunities to be all that they can be, enabling people to overcome poverty and embrace possibilities. It looks like a strong community with access to social services in times of need.

Click here to see how your donation can help someone like Alasdiar experience a fresh start and have his basic needs met.

Your donation looks like Derek, who received support from a local youth program in a time of need:

Derek was alone. His mother was struggling with addiction and didn’t want him in the house; he was getting in trouble with the law and skipping school on a regular basis. With no money of his own and no family to fall back on, Derek relied on friends for a temporary place to stay and was malnourished and sleep deprived.

A guidance counselor at Derek’s school became concerned about the young man’s well-being and referred him to Huron Safe Homes for Youth.

With the support of Safe Homes, Derek was able to get financial assistance from Ontario Works, find a safe place to live and get a part-time job so he could have money of his own. Derek was able to become more independent and stable; allowing him the chance to think about what he wanted out of life instead of only worrying about where he would stay or where his next meal would come from.

With strong support behind him, Derek is looking forward to the future; a future that includes taking on an apprenticeship after he graduates high school.

By joining the United Way’s uprising of care, you’ll ensure that help is available and easily accessible when people need it. Butmore than that, you’ll enable important partnerships that help United Way tackle the root causes of our community’s pressing problems.

We are happy to answer any questions and tell you more about lives being changed. Your donation will remain 100% local.

In community partnership,

SUBJECT: Update on the United Way campaign — 6 days remaining


Campaign update

So far we’ve raised 25% of our goal! What an excellent start. Please be sure to turn in your pledge card and thank you to everyone who has already made their commitment. We had a great turnout at the bake sale and raised more than $700. Special thanks to Peggy Smith for spearheading the sale and everyone who participated.

There are two days left to qualify for the early bird drawing, so make sure to turn in your pledge card by DATE. Please print out the attached pledge card or email it to your department coordinator or HR to be eligible.

Do you know what your donation looks like?

Each gift to United Way goes to help people. Together, our gifts will help a person find a job, a child receive after-school care and an elderly person get safely to their medical appointments.


United Way Campaign Coordinator

SUBJECT: That’s a wrap!


What a great year! I’m happy to report our United Way campaign was a success and we raised more than $XXXXX! This would not have been possible without your generosity and support. Thank you for participating in all of the activities and taking time to learn about United Way and its importance in our community. If you did not have a chance to turn in your pledge card, it’s not too late. See me for details.

You are helping people. You are making a difference. Thank you.

You can stay connected with United Way on Facebook and Twitter; they have many events and discount Stratford Festival Tickets in the summer.


United Way Campaign Coordinator