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Total number of pages contained in this application including attachments

Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment FundGrant Application Form

About the program

The Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund (PMIIF) is a competitive, merit based grant program which will support investment in new activities, innovations and technologies, including in plant and equipment, focused on solid and reconstituted hardwood plantation wood manufacturing to broaden the timber industry and to increase demand for hardwood plantation timber.

Completing an application

Deadlines apply to this program

The Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund (PMIIF) close at
5 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Friday, 1 November 2013.
All applications must be submitted by the program closing time.

Information on the PMIIF is available in the Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund Customer Guide. Applicants should familiarise themselves with the Customer Guidelines prior to completing this application. An AusIndustry Customer Service Manager can help explain program requirements (contact the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46). When completing an application, applicants are advised to be factual and concise in all responses.

The Application Form will contain the following sections:

  • Applicant Information and Organisation Background
  • Project Details and Project Funding
  • Merit Criteria
  • Declaration
  • Attachments

Privacy and confidentiality

Applicant information will only be publicly disclosed in accordance with the Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund Customer Guide or if the Department of Innovation, Industry, Climate Change, Science, Research and Tertiary Education is required or permitted by law to make such a disclosure. The Department may also disclose information with your consent. The Department may disclose any information to Commonwealth or state agencies for law enforcement or audit purposes.

Part AApplicant Information

All entities must be non tax exempt incorporated organisations.

A1Name and registered address of applicant

Registered business name
Trading name(if trading under a name other than the registered business name)

Business addresses

Provide the registered business street address of the applicant.

Address / Suburb/town / State/territory
--- Please select a state ---TASACTNSWNTQLDSAVICWA / Postcode

Applicant’s business website address:

A2Applicant business registrations

To be eligible to apply for funding, an applicant must be incorporated.

Australian Business Number (ABN) / Australian Company Number (ACN) / Date of incorporation
/ /

Is the applicant registered for GST?

Please attached relevant evidence if exempt from GST registration and mark the attachments as ‘A2’

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What is the applicant’s main revenue earning activity under the Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) code?

(4-digit code)

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View ANZSIC codes.

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A3Trustee applying on behalf of a trust (where applicable)

Is the applicant applying as a trustee* on behalf of a trust?

If ‘Yes’, please complete the following details

Name of trust
ABN used by the applicant in its role as trustee for the trust
ACN of the trustee for the trust

* The trustee must be incorporated to be eligible to apply.

A4Applicant’s primary contact

Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Dr)

A5Primary contact’s details

State/territory / --- Please select a state ---TASACTNSWNTQLDSAVICWA / Postcode
Telephone number
Mobile telephone number
Fax number
E-mail address

A6Primary contact’s relationship to applicant

Is the applicant the contact’s employer? ('Yes' or 'No') / -- Please make a selection ---YesNo
If no, please describe the contact's relationship to the applicant

A7Will the project activities occur solely at the above listed business address? YesNo

If ‘No’, please complete the following table. Note: Additional rows automatically appear when you hit 'Tab' at the end of that last row of table

Site Address (Must be a street address, not postal)

Site Nos. / Street No / Street Name / Street type / Suburb / State / Postcode / Estimated % of project value expected to be undertaken at site
1 / TAS / %

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A8Applicant organisation background

If you have a business plan or company profile, please attach it to the application.

Please answer the questions below relating to the latest completed financial year.

How long has your business been in operation?
How many people do you currently employ?
Number of independent contractors (headcount)?
Sales Revenue (turnover)? / $
Export Revenue? / $
R&D Expenditure? / $
What is the core business of your organisation?
  • Describe your product or service?
  • Who are your major customers?

A9Collaborative Projects

A collaborative project is one involving a partnership, alliance or network, aimed at the mutually beneficial, clearly defined outcome. Applicants will work together to deliver the outcomes of the project.

For further information please refer to the Customer Guide.

Collaborative projects involve a lead applicant who must meet all applicant eligibility criteria. Project partners can be domestically or internationally based and include, but not limited to:

  • Other non- tax exempt entities or
  • Tax exempt organisations such as public sector research organisations/publically funded research agencies or higher education research organisations

Is the applicant undertaking the project in collaboration or partnership with another or entities?

Nogo to Part B – Project details

YesProvide details of project partners below

Project Partner Details

The applicant must list the business details of each project partner.

Provide the following details for each Project Partner

Note: Additional rows automatically appear when you hit 'Tab' at the end of that last row of table

Partner’s Legal/registered entity name / Partner’s Trading Name / Partner Type / Partner Location for Project / Evidence to support the collaborative arrangements

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Part BProject details

B1Project title (in 20 words or less)

(Note: If the application is successful, this title will be used by the Australian Government in published material.)

B2Project description

Provide a brief description of the project activities for publication on our website.

  • What are the key activities of the project (e.g. new product, research and development, feasibility study, commercialisation, proof of concept, purchase new equipment, expand facilities etc?)
  • What do you expect the outcomes of your project to be (eg expanded business, new product/service, increased employment etc)?
  • What is the demand for your proposed project (product/service) from the target market?
  • Have you undertaken research to support the projected demand?
  • What is the location of the project? Where will the project activities be undertaken?

B3Project duration

Please provide the proposed start and end dates for your project.

Note: Grant funding is available for the project activities up to the 30 June 2016.

Start date:
(dd/mm/yyyy) / / /
End Date:
(dd/mm/yyyy) / / /

B4Grant amount sought

All amounts must be GST exclusive. Please note that the minimum grant size is $50,000.

A.Applicant's matching funding contribution / $
B.Grant amount sought / $
C.Other Funding (if relevant) / $
D.Total project expenditure (A+B+C) / $ 0.00

B5Project budget

a)Please complete the table below detailing the costs of the key activities of the project under the five expenditure types. All amounts must be GST exclusive.

Expenditure type / 2013-14 / 2014-15 / 2015-16 / Total Project Costs
Salary costs / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
Plant and equipment costs / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
Contract costs / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
Other costs / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
Audit certificate costs / $ / $ / $ / $ 0
Total costs / $ 0 / $ 0 / $ 0 / $ 0

b)Provide a brief explanation of how you have calculated the costs for your proposal.

  • What items are the key items or services to be purchased for the project?
  • Please attach evidence to support these costs (eg quotes/estimates from suppliers?)

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Part C Project Merit Criteria

Provide information detailing how your project meets each of the four project merit criteria.

C1The degree to which the Project will enable transition of the industry to a greater use of hardwood plantation timber.

  • Describe how the activities of the project will be undertaken (research and development, feasibility study, commercialisation, proof of concept, capital investment or capacity expansion.
  • Describe the pathways to commercialisation including timeframes and stages for the transition to greater use of hardwood plantation timber.

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C2The level of net economic benefit the proposed project will bring to Tasmania, including:

a)The number of sustainable jobs;

b)New investment and innovation; and

c)The positive impact in regions adversely affected by the downturn in the forestry sector.

The project should not compromise competitive neutrality (e.g. taxpayers subsidising one participant in a market thereby reducing the competitiveness of other participants) unless it can be demonstrated that the benefits of grant assistance outweigh the costs.

  • How many sustainable jobs will be retained or created as a result of the project? On what basis have you determined this figure (eg, new sales contracts, increase in business revenue)?
  • Describe the type of investment (eg, plant and equipment, project costs, and research and development).
  • What is the impact of this project in the regions that have been affected by the downturn in the Forestry sector?
  • Projects that include innovation and/or commercialisation should provide evidence to demonstrated potential of the project through two factors:

market demand strategywhich includesthe target market and evidence of market demand; any competitive advantage of the project outcomes, strength of intellectual property and frequency of new product entry and

a sound commercialisation strategywhich includesmarket entry barriers, manufacturing and market supply strategy, timeframe to market, market growth and financing market entry.

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C3The applicant’s demonstrated capacity to successfully undertake the project, including the skills, experience and resources to which it will have access.

  • How long has your business been operating?
  • Has your business undertaken other projects successfully in the past? Provide examples.
  • Who will be managing the project? What are their skills and experience? Include a resume (if available).
  • Does the business have the necessary resources (eg staff and equipment) to undertake the project?
  • Do you have the required planning or other statutory approvals in place to undertake your project?

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C4The applicant’s demonstrated capacity to provide matching funding for the project of at least 1:1.

  • Identify the total amount of funds your business will make to the project. (eg, details staff costs, production costs or value of providing assets).
  • Describe how your business will fund these contributions (eg, from existing revenue, bank borrowings, assets, stock)?
  • Provide evidence to show how the business is able to make these contributions.
  • Assure that the project is free of other concurrent government funding (Federal, State and Local)

C5The value for public money offered by the project as measured by the extent to which the project will be unlikely to proceed without funding support.

  • In addressing this criterion an applicant will need to demonstrate why the project could not proceed without grant support

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Part DDeclaration

Authorised person declaration

I declare that I am authorised by the applicant to complete this form on behalf of the applicant and to sign and submit this declaration on behalf of the applicant. I understand that I may be requested to provide further clarification or documents to verify the information supplied in this form and the Commonwealth may during the application process consult with other agencies about the applicant’s claims and may also enlist external technical or financial advisers to advise on information provided in the application.

I declare that the information contained in this application is to the best of my knowledge true, accurate and complete.

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Applicant’s signature / Name of signatory
Date /

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Part EAttachments

You may wish to attach documents in support of the claims made in your application. The following is a list of suggested attachments that you may like to include with your application, where applicable. This is not an exhaustive list and it is not essential to include every document listed with your application.

  • Business Plan
  • Cash-flow forecast
  • Financial statements
  • Bank statements / evidence of loan approval
  • Letter from accountant confirming financial contributions
  • Sales contracts or orders
  • Quotes or estimates for project costs
  • CVs or resumes for key personnel
  • Letters of support from customers or suppliers
  • Copies of statutory approvals received for planning or building projects

Getting help

If you wish to obtain advice on your application please contact the Tasmanian State Office of AusIndustry in Hobart on (03) 6230 9900 or Launceston on (03) 6331 4183 or email: . We will either provide advice via the phone or e-mail or arrange a suitable time to meet with you.

Additional information concerning the Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund can be obtained from the AusIndustry website at or from the AusIndustry hotline on 13 28 46.

Submitting your Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund application

Completed applications should be submitted by 5pm (AEST) on Friday 1 November 2013 to:

Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund

Tasmanian State Office


GPO Box 9839


Hard copy applications submitted by post must be postmarked by 5 pm AEST 1 November.

Applicant feedback

AusIndustry values your input to the service provided to our customers. Please complete this voluntary questionnaire. Note that this questionnaire is not part of the application or assessment process.

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How did the applicant find out about the Plantation Manufacturing Innovation and Investment Fund? (Select one or more of the following.)

Newspaper/magazine article



Direct mail/e-mail

Industry group

Word of mouth

AusIndustry staff

AusIndustry hotline


If ‘Other’, please specify

Please tick this box if information about AusIndustry’s products and services is not required in future.

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Grant Application Form