South Kirkby and Moorthorpe Town Council – Minutes -2015/2016

Finance and Resources Committee – 16th March 2016

In attendance:-

TJ Allsopp RRC- Vice-Chair of Environment and Planning Committee

Mrs J Cole - Chair of Recreation Committee

Mrs M Collins

L Harrison - Advisor to the Finance and Resources Committee

DE Mothershaw – Leader of the Council, Town Mayor and Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

A Redfern – Chair of Environment and Planning Committee

R Redfern

C Robinson – Deputy Leader of the Council and Vice-Chair of Finance and Resources Committee

Mrs E Sykes

Mrs J Tunstall

Ms L Whitehouse – Chair of Local Agenda 21

252Apologies for Absence

Resolved that apologies for absence were received and approved in respect of Cllr Mrs M Burkinshaw, Cllr Mrs C Cormack, Cllr Mrs P Evans and Cllr J Treacy. The reasons for absence were noted by the Town Clerk.


Resolved that the minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 4th February 2016, as detailed in Minute Book No. 4(2015/2016) and approved and adopted at the meeting of the Town Council on 10th February 2016 be confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.

254Code of Conduct - Declaration of Interests

Cllr A Redfern declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 4(ii) “Land and Property - Burntwood Community Centre” (minute no. 255[ii]).

Cllr R Redfern declared a non-pecuniary interest respectively in agenda item 4(ii) “Land and Property - Burntwood Community Centre” (minute no. 255[ii]) and agenda item 4(iii) “Land and Property –Langthwaite Business Centre” (minute no. 255[iii]).

255Land and Property

(i)‘Derby and Joan’ building – Mill Lane

The Town Clerk reported that he had sought and received permission from the Royal British Legion to remove any council property from the site.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.

Resolved that any salvageable goods be removed forthwith.

(ii)Burntwood Community Centre

Resolved that the request to install the fencing at the rear of the site be approved subject to the provision of a reasonable quote.

Finance and Resources Committee – 16th March 2016


(iii)Langthwaite Business Centre

Cllr R Redfern reported that he is currently training someone with a view to putting her forward as a possible receptionist.

Resolved that Cllr Redfern’s report be noted and approved.

(iv)Carr Lane Beck

The Town Clerk reported that all the de-silting work has now been completed, thus the Town Council can demonstrate that reasonable steps have been taken to mitigate any potential flooding in the medium term.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.

256Payment of Accounts

Resolved that the payment of accounts for December 2015 and January and February 2016 as circulated to members, be approved and signed by the Chair.

257Exclusion of press and public

Resolved that members of the press and the public be excluded for the consideration of business of a confidential nature, as per the Public Bodies Admissions to Meetings Act 1960.

258Moorthorpe Railway Station

Resolved that the vacant office be let to the tenant concerned on the same terms as the previous occupant.

259Grove Hall

Resolved that catering for the Grove Hall be put out to tender with a view to a contractor being in place for August 2016.

Resolved that where necessary the Town Clerk be authorised to secure the services of a procurement specialist to advise on the tender process.

260Staffing Matters

(i)Change of pay frequency

Resolved that with effect from May 2016 the pay frequency be calendar monthly, two weeks in arrears and two weeks in advance with the pay date being the fifteenth of each month or earlier where the fifteenth falls on a weekend or a bank holiday.

(ii)SLCC Larger Councils Conference

Resolved that Town Clerk be authorised to attend the SLCC Larger Councils Conference 2016.

(iii)Preschool recruitment for cover staff

The Town Clerk reported that cover staff had been successfully recruited

Finance and Resources Committee – 16th March 2016


for the preschool.

(iv)Sickness monitoring

The Town Clerk reported that since the last meeting there had been three members of staff on sickness absence with only one trigger point being hit which had been dealt with appropriately.

Resolved that the report of the Town Clerk be noted and approved.