28th April 2017Extended Leadership Meeting, Rome

Wednesday saw us up with the sunrise and setting off in a small coach tothe Vatican. The security from here toour places was as strong as at any airport. Eventually we arrived at seatsvery close to where Pope Francis was sitting to speak to the people. Welaunched the beautiful banner that the Generalate had made and hoped thatin time it would catch the eye of Francis too. It was wonderful to see and hearso many young folk shouting Papa Francesco, the essence of his talk beingthat God will be with us always and our faith is like an anchor. The weatherwas cloudy and windy and several times his white hat took to the air! At theend we moved to the place where he would be leaving from. An hour and aquarter later, after spending time with the sick and newly married couples, he passed very near us and just as he passed he turned round and did athumbs up to the Mary Ward banner, so you can imagine our joy.

Imelda PooleIBVM joined us for Mass at the Jesuit Curia which Fr Jesus Rodrigues SJcelebrated with us. His gift of being both a Spanish and English speakerenhanced the experience. At 4.30 pm Imeldashared her knowledge andexperience of Trafficking from her work with the team of Mary Ward LoretoAlbania and Renate. It was a passionate, inspiring, moving and challenginginput and her facts and figures made us more aware of the enormity of thewhole issue across the world. We appreciated Imelda being with us andraising awareness of trafficking that the last congregation had addressed.

Thursday morning saw us up and out early again, as we set off for ourhistorical day– the first ever joint meeting of the CJ Generalate team and the CJ Provincials from around the world with the IBVM Generalate team and Province Leaders at Via Nomentana. From the moment we arrived thespirit was buzzing and lots of conversations were shared over a first or secondbreakfast. Both Generalate teams had planned the day in great detail and led ittogether. Enjoyable group work, listening, sharing, meals, dancing were allpart of the day. Cecilia O'Dwyer spoke with us abouther ministry at the IBVM-NGO desk of the UN. You have already heard that Cynthia Matthews CJ fromthe Patna Province (India) is joining her at the UN- another IBVM/CJ joint ministry. Again Fr Jesus Rodriguez SJ celebrated Mass with us. PatMurray also joined us. We then headed over to Casa Loreto for a deliciousItalian dinner bringing to a very joyful ending what can only becalled an 'unforgettable' day to quote Jane Livesey. Our special thanks go toall at Nomentana and Casa Loreto.

Friday dawned wet, cold and grey but the valiant group headed out to followMary Ward’s footsteps in Rome. There was that deepening awareness ofbeing with her in spirit and touching into the courage of our early mothers.Forthe first time we visited the crypt at the English College where remains of some of Mary Ward’s first companions have been buried - so that would include the four sisters from those early days.

Then we continued our journey to the Gesu where a young Jesuit deacon from Oregon shared with us the story of Ignatius roomsand the Gesu with great ease and knowledge. We promised to pray for himwhen he is ordained in June in Hollywood! A Zambian Jesuit, Fr Sam, celebrated Masswith us there linking the readings with the beginning of the secondweek of the Exercises. It was a day that touched us back into our history andthe pathway of the first companions.

Over the weekend we hope to have time to reflect and relax as well as do theordinary things of life so as to be rejuvenated for a busy second week.

Youwere all remembered in our prayers, celebrations and pilgrim journey

With love to all from the ELM