August 14, 1999

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The Board of Directors of Coos Bay Public Schools held a workshop at the Cedar Grill in Coos Bay on August 14, 1999.

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. with the following board members present:

Tom Bennett Wally Hazen Sue Walberg

Don Blom Donna Stolle Rob Wall

Betty Golden

Also in attendance were Superintendent Giles Parker, Jerry Hill, Barbara Walton, Libby Hughes, and Rod Danielson.

PREPARATION BID / Betty Golden made a motion to award the site preparation bid to the lowest bidder, D.L.B. Construction, Inc., of Coos Bay. Don Blom seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
BID / Wally Hazen made a motion to award the bid for electrical projects to the lowest bidder, Reese Electric of North Bend. Betty Golden seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
BID / Rob Wall moved the Board award the bid for the computer network cabling projects to the low bidder, Phone Technologies, Inc., of Pleasant Hill. Wally Hazen seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
MATTERS / Upon a motion made by Betty Golden and seconded by Sue Walberg, the Board unanimously approved the following personnel changes. Certified teachers hired were William Bartman, Elementary Band/Music; Gary Domina, Special Education, Elementary Behavior Classroom at Bunker Hill; Cheryl Schindele, Special Education at Millicoma Middle School;
(continued) / Gary Schindele, Special Education at Marshfield High School; Tamara Narkiewicz, Humanities at Sunset Middle School; Sheri Treadwell, Physical Ed/Health at Marshfield High School; Karla Delgado, 3rd Grade at Madison; Jeffrey Logan, 4th Grade at Bunker Hill; Kathleen Zappelli, half-time Visual Arts at Sunset Middle School; and Angela Davis, Learning Manager at CE2. Michelle Inskeep was granted a one-year leave of absence from her teaching position at CE2. Tom Dill’s resignation from the RBD Program was accepted. In addition, it was announced that Rand Baldwin has accepted a new job in Washington and would be leaving the District.
CIM/CAM/TESTING / Barb Walton reviewed preliminary state assessment results in reading and math multiple choice for grades 3, 5, 8, and 10, in math problem solving for grades 5, 8, and 10, and in writing for grades 5, 8, and 10. The results are positive on the whole. Barb will continue to keep the Board informed when the data is complete.
BUDGET / Rod Danielson reviewed the current year budget and projections for the 2000-2001 school year. It was agreed cost cutting measures need to be taken now in order to start 2000-2001 with the largest carry-over possible. We will need to start working on the 2000-2001 budget using a zero-based approach. Tom Bennett recommended the Board consider this a topic for a future workshop.
YOUTH / Superintendent Parker summarized a report done by Dr. Kathy Ingram on the status of Coos County children ages 0-6. The research was done at the request of the Commission on Children and Families. The full report was available for Board members to review, and a copy is on file in the Superintendent’s office. It was suggested the Board have a goal which reflects concern for “at risk” youth and their desire to address these needs.
COOPERATION AMONG SCHOOLS / Tom Bennett briefed the Board on progress in the area of cooperation and collaboration between North Bend and Coos Bay School Districts and between the districts and Southwestern
(continued / Oregon Community College. Three things he mentioned were alternative education programs, college courses at the high schools, and cooperative contracting. Sue Walberg stated this would be a good topic for OSBA quarterly regional meetings.
1998-99 GOALS / The Board evaluated its accomplishments of their 1998-99 goals and gave each a 1-10 score, with 10 being the best.
Goal #1 (passage of a capital construction and capital improvement bond for . . . Phase 1 of the Long Rang Facilities Plan) — Betty Golden stated that, although this may not be a written goal for next year, the Board needs to remember this is a 20-year plan and keep on it. It is important to let the public know the District accomplished what it said they would. The Board rated achievement of this goal a “10.”
Goal #2 (increase its understanding of student assessments and progress . . . and communicate the process, goals, and progress to its patrons) — Betty Golden expressed the need to keep this as a goal as it continues to evolve and find more ways to deliver the message to the public. The Board rated achievement of this goal a “5 or 6.”
Goal #3 (increase public understanding of our schools and student/staff accomplishments . . . improve parent/school involvement and relations)— This, too, should be an ongoing goal, especially with the emphasis on the new state-wide district “report card.” Dr. Parker considered this last year as the best year. The Board might want to add getting PTO’s more active. The Board rated achievement of this goal an “8” and noted a lot of improvement.
Goal #4 (enhance curriculum offerings at Marshfield High School) — There has been a lot of foundation work on this effort, and we should start seeing results next year. Achievement of this goal was rated a “7.”
Goal #5 (support the creation of a community-wide emergency plan . . . to protect the health and safety of all students) — The community-wide e-plan is in place but needs to be tested and adjusted community-wide. Jerry will continue to keep the Board informed. Achievement of this goal was rated a “9.”
1999-2000 / Tom Bennett led the Board in a discussion of possible 1999-2000 goals. Five general areas were agreed upon: collaboration (Coos Bay and North Bend School District and Southwestern); school safety (drug prevention, discipline, etc.); assistant superintendent and superintendent succession; budget (carry-over from 1999-2000 and zero-based budget for 2000-2001); and public communication (PTO’s, assessment, construction projects, CIM/CAM, etc.). Superintendent Parker will draft goal statements and present them at the September Board meeting.
Other areas which did not make the goal list but should receive specific attention in 1999-2000 were: the T&F at Marshfield; stay focused on the 20-year strategic building plan; have Libby Hughes give a presentation to the Board on “Title I and parent involvement”; have a principal report on his/her school at each Board meeting; get Board members to City Council meetings; have a “suspense date” checklist to remind the Board of important deadlines; and nutrition in the school lunch program.
EVALUATION / There was discussion of some of the shortcomings of the evaluation process. There is still learning to be done, and the March mid-term evaluation provided a good lesson. Donna Stolle was put on the Superintendent Evaluation Committee, which now consists of Sue Walberg, Rob Wall, and Donna. This committee will meet soon, compile information from individual Board members, and write the evaluation. This will be presented to the entire Board for editing and approval and will then be given to Superintendent Parker.
ADJOURN / The Board Workshop was adjourned at 3:00 p.m.

Thomas W. Bennett Mary Bjornerud

Chairman of the Board Board Secretary