Office of the Board of Director’s

P.O. Box 626

Benton City, WA 99320

Phone: 509-588-4396

Board of Directors Meeting

April 27, 2015

The Benton Irrigation District’s (BID), Board of Directors (BOD) Monday meeting was held at the District office on Highland Road in Benton City, WA beginning at 8:00AM.

In Attendance: Chairman Robert Buoy, Director Dirk Martin, Director Tyler Wilson, Operations Manager Ed Mitchell, Office Manager Ivy Johnson. Water users; Jim Skinner, Jerry Atterberry, Lee Blocher, Horace Dodson, George Schmidt.

1. April 14, 2015 Board meeting minutes, Director Martin made a motion to accept the minutes, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor

2. Operation/Maintenance Voucher’s –

20 $977.85

Director Martin made a motion to accept and pay voucher 20 and, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.

3. George Schmidt (BCJFRA)

  • Mr. Schmidt stated that he is the new President for the BCJFRA, and he is hoping to improve relations with the community and people that would like to utilize their facility. He stated that the only time they use irrigation water is when they have events for dust control and he would like to find out if there was any way to speed up the amount of time that it takes to fill their water truck, he stated that right now it takes about an hour. Mr. Schmidt had to leave the meeting to go to another meeting in Richland. Discussion ensued on possible ideas to help them out, the District stated that it is still very important to set a precedence and make it the same for everyone, and stated that when the Operations Manager met with him to suggest a storage tank.

4. Jerry Atterberry

  • Mr. Atterberry stated that he came to the meeting to contest his invoice from improper winterization. He stated that he had drained everything before the water was off and someone must have turned it back on. Mr. Skinner stated that he would like to see the filter because he believes he can fix it. Mr. Atterberry stated that he had some large rocks pushed on his property and a fence that was ruined during canal restoration and wasn’t going to complain about it until he received his invoice. The District stated that they would come and look at his property.

5. Jim Skinner

  • Mr. Skinner stated that he had looked at the District Bylaws and he believed that they were amended by the Board illegally, that any amendments or changes should be voted on by the people in the District like a Union, Mr. Dodson concurred. The District stated that they did not believe that to be true but will consult with Legal Counsel

6. Administrative Report

  • Presented the 1st QRT 2015 BOR Financial Report for signatures; Director Martin made a motion to sign and accept the 1st QRT 2015 BOR Financial Report, Director Wilson 2nd. All in favor.
  • There has been $1,058,978.75 in 2015 assessments received so far
  • The Office Manager reminded the Board about the meeting with S&P on the 29th at 10:00AM

7. Maintenance Report

  • They have been servicing vaults & deliveries
  • The Operations Manager stated that there has not been any updates from the BC Sherriff regarding the stolen deliveries
  • The Operations Manager stated that there has been no new updates regarding Tom Judkins short plat
  • Running 29 CFS at the river pump station

8. Wyatt Rolfe-Schroeder Law Offices

  • Mr. Rolfe presented the draft Board resolution for the sale of the excess surplus parts per the R.C.W.’s, he stated that it should be advertized in the local paper and on a broader scale as well. The District stated that they need to be sure and have everything done correctly and will send the Resolution to the BOR for approval

9. Horace Dodson

  • Mr. Dodson stated that he wanted to revisit the easement issue: he had asked the District to send him the MOA stating that the District is required to have an express easement for the project. He stated that he received part of the MOA and didn’t see anything stating that the easement is required. The Operations Manger read him “II ImplementingActions”A. BID, at its expense, subject to the reimbursement provisions contained herein and subject to Reclamation’s review and approval, will: 1. Acquire all property interests such as licenses, permits, easements and rights of way necessary for the construction, maintenance, repair or replacement of facilities associated with this project. All acquired interests will be in the name of BID”. Mr. Dodson stated that there is an easement there. The District asked about the status of the easement numbers that Mr. Dodson had given them at the last meeting; the Office Manager stated that she had contacted 2 different tile companies and after they researched them the numbers did not represent any kind of easement. Mr. Dodson stated that he didn’t have a problem with the Bureau’s requirement and he “wants the District to make him an offer”. Mr. Dodson stated that the District talked with 2 Title Companies and they were unable to come up with anything and that he is not at liberty to produce his map at this time. Legal Counsel tried to explain easements and why the easements are required for the project. Mr. Dodson stated that at one time it had been staked out;the District stated that was just to mark the old pipe line.

10. Executive Session at 9:05AM for 30 minutes until 9:35AM.

R.C.W. 42.30.110 (1)(i)

Out of Executive Session at 9:40AM, no action taken.

11. Executive Session at 9:45AM for 30 min. until 10:15AM.

R.C.W. 42.30.110 Subject to R.C.W. 42.30.140(4)

Out of Executive Session at 10:15AM. Director Martin made a motion to give the Benton Irrigation District employees a 4% pay increase, and to add a floating holiday only to be used in December, Director Wilson 2nd. All in Favor.

Director Martin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Director Wilson 2nd.

Meeting adjourned at 10:20AM.

Robert Buoy-Chairman ______

Dirk Martin-Director ______

Tyler Wilson-Director ______

Ivy Johnson-Office Mgr. ______