Handout 1

The Rise of Christianity

Answer Key

After reading Chapter 6 Section 4, rewrite each sentence to make it a correct statement.

1. At first Christianity was just one religion practiced in the Roman empire.

At first Christianity was just one of many religions practiced in the Roman empire.

2. When the Roman empire fell, the Christian Church became the smallest institution of

the eastern civilization for nearly 500 years.

When the Roman empire fell, the Christian Church became the central institution of

western civilization for nearly 1,000 years.

3. Almost all that is known about Moses’ life is recorded in the Gospels, the last four

books of the Old Testament.

Almost all that is known about Jesus’ life is recorded in the Gospels, the first four

books of the New Testament.

4. Jesus was born in Rome and grew up in the small town of Bethlehem.

Jesus was born in Bethlehem and grew up in the small town of Nazareth.

5. Jesus’ teachings were firmly rooted in the Jewish tradition. He believed in many gods

and denied the Ten Commandments.

Jesus’ teachings were firmly rooted in the Jewish tradition. He believed in one God

and accepted the Ten Commandments.

6. Jesus proclaimed that His mission was to bring reincarnation to everyone.

Jesus proclaimed that His mission was to bring spiritual salvation and eternal life to

anyone who would believe in Him.

7. Jesus was betrayed by the Roman king. Arrested by the Jews, He was tried and

condemned to be stoned to death.

Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples. Arrested by the Romans, He was tried and

crucified and left to die on the cross.

8. Following Jesus’ death, the Romans spread His message throughout Rome.

Following Jesus’ death, the apostles and other disciples spread His message only

among the Jews of Judea.

9. Paul had a conversion experience and spread the teachings of the Roman gods to

Gentiles, another name for Jews.

Paul had a conversion experience and spread the teachings of Jesus to the Gentiles, or


10. Rome’s tolerant attitude toward religion extended to Christianity.

Rome’s tolerant attitude toward religion did not extend to Christianity.

11. Nero, a Jewish ruler, persecuted Christians during his reign in Jerusalem.

Nero, a Roman ruler, persecuted Christians during his reign in Rome.

12. The persecution of apostles finally ended in A. D. 313, when the emperor Constantine

issued the King James Bible.

The persecution of Christians finally ended in A. D. 313, when the emperor

Constantine issued the Edict of Milan.

13. Women were allowed to become members of the Christian clergy.

Only men were allowed to become members of the Christian clergy.

14. As the structure of the Church became more defined, divisions arose between the

English-speaking in the west and the Greek-speaking in the south.

As the structure of the Church became more defined, divisions arose between the

Latin-speaking in the west and the Greek-speaking in the east.

15. The Church preserved and spread Jewish teachings and the achievements of

Hebrew civilization.

The Church preserved and spread Christian teachings and the achievements of

Greco-Roman civilization.