IB World Authors (HL) IA


IB World Authors

Summer Reading/Research Assignment

The Summer Reading Project is composed of two separate parts. Each component introduces in-coming IB Diploma students to the internal assessments (IAs) encountered during their junior year: the Individual Oral Presentation (IOP)and theIndividual Oral Commentary/Formal Discussion (IOC/FD). Below are the texts that will require your attention this summer:

  • Component 1: Read/Analyze
  • Required:
  • Flannery O’Conner’s Wise Blood(ISBN-10: 0374530637)
  • Component 2: Research
  • Required:
  • Poetry PacketSelected Poems(Download on the summer reading assignments page)

Part I: Summer Reading (IOP Preparation)

A. Foundation for Analysis

First, please read Flannery O’Conner’s Wise Blood. While you read the text, please keep a dialectical journal with a total of 15 entries with no less than 250 words per personal response found throughout the entire book. This word-processed journal should be composed of two columns: the first column being composed of a cited quote/short passage taken from the text, and the second column should include a substantive personal response. For example, “a-ha moments,” “new insights,” “applications to past readings,” “questions,” and/or “comments” are all valid responses. See below for an example:

Dialectical Journal for O’Conner’s Wise Blood
Quote/Short Passage / Personal Response
“His eyes glinted through his tears and his face stretched in and evil crooked grin. ‘You act like you think you got wiser blood than anybody else,” he said, “but you ain’t! I’m the one has it. Not you, Me.’” (55). / I think this is where the title of the book comes from. Enoch is very upset with Haze and is making the point that he is the special one, not Haze. This passage also shows the rivalry and jealousy that exists between Enoch and Haze. The fact that he talks about blood indicates that he has inherited something. He was the recipient of the wisdom in the blood. Because it is in the blood, Enoch did not have to learn or earn wisdom, is simply passed down to him through inheritance.

B. Application of Analysis (In-class Timed Writing)

The second aspect of Component 1 will be assessed upon your return to school in August. Upon your return, your instructor will have you select and photocopy a one-half to one page passage from the novel that strikes you as significant with respect to insight gained from your analysis. Prompts to help guide your writing will be provided by your instructor the day of the essay.

Part II: Summer Research (IOC Preparation)

In addition to reading the Packet ofSelected Poems, please become familiar with the following texts this summer—whether that be reading the texts, researching the texts for major themes, motifs, symbols, etc., or interviewing someone who is familiar with these texts.

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby(ISBN-10: 01743273537)
  • The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (ISBN-10: 0684843323) Snows of Kilimanjaro, Hills like White Elephants, A Clean, Well-lighted Place, The Short Happy Life of Frances Macomber, and The Killers

A. Foundation for Research

You must find out biographical information about one of the assigned poets listed below through reputable sources. Pick two poems from the list of corresponding poems to poets to research and discuss. Make sure you address historical and social context. Tie both of these poems and their meaning to your poet’s life. You will write your findings in an essay of no less than 1200 words. You must follow MLA format and cite the sources you use. Make sure Wikipedia is not one of your sources. This essay will be submitted through turnitin.com on or before July 31, 2013 at 11:59p.m. Your paper must be formatted with one inch margins, double spaced, using Times New Roman 12 pt. font. You must provide a cover sheet that includes your word count and a references page.

Be aware that all students will know all poems from all poets on this list. The summer reading assignment is broken down by students’ last names.

First Letter of your Last Name / Poet to Research / Poems
A - H / E. E. Cummings / 9.
Buffalo Bill’s
Humanity I Love You
If there are any heavens my mother will
I thank You God for most this amazing
Next to of course god America
My Love Is Building a Building
I - P / T. S. Eliot / The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
The Hollow Men
The Journey Of The Magi
Aunt Helen
Morning At The Window
Mungojerrie And Rumpelteazer
Q – Z / William Carlos Williams / Tract
Landscape With The Fall Of Icarus
The Adorations Of The Kings
The Last Words Of My English Grandmother
The Red Wheelbarrow
Between Walls
The Young Housewife

Information on how to submit to Turnitin.com will be given your first day of class.

Expectations for the first day of class:

The first few weeks of school we will be discussing Wise Blood. It is a requirement to have the book in class every day. You are also expected to have a notebook and pens with which to take notes. You should be prepared to write in your books. This is an excellent study skill that will serve you far into the future if you learn to utilize it now. Also, you must bring your Dialectical Journal to turn in and be prepared to write about what you read. You will be asked to turn in an electric copy of your Dialectical Journal as well as a printed version. Instructions will be given in class. The journal, the timed writing, and the research paper are all test grades that will be given the first week of class.

Along with the books to prepare for the IOP and IOC, we will be studying another book which you are responsible for procuring for class. Have this for the first day of class, as well.

  • Thomas C. Fosters How to Read Literature Like a Professor (ISBN-10: 006000942X)

Along with other books listed on the sheet, we will also be reading the following books to fulfill the requirements of International Baccalaureate regarding the IOP and IOC. You must find copies of these books, as well, and should be willing to write and annotate in each one.

  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe’s Faust: Part I(ISBN-10: 0192816667)
  • Ewa Lipska’s The New Century: Poems(Packet available on ManageBac)

Should you have any questions, please contact either Jennifer Majchrzak-Giza () or Kara Baker (). We will be checking our e-mail periodically this summer.


Summary of the books you are responsible for procuring:

For the Summer Reading Assignment:

  • Flannery O’Conner’s Wise Blood(ISBN-10: 0374530637)

For the first day of class:

  • Thomas C. Fosters How to Read Literature Like a Professor (ISBN-10: 006000942X)

For the rest of the school year:

  • F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby(ISBN-10: 01743273537)
  • The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway (ISBN-10: 0684843323)
  • Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe’s Faust: Part I(ISBN-10: 0192816667)

If you have trouble locating or purchasing one or more of these books, please talk to us. Make sure you do this early enough for us to help you.