O. Bogomolov. Whether were Gaydaг Reforms no Alternative?
Official propagation continues to approve, that Gaydar reforms were the unique choice twenty years ago in the beginning of market reforming. The life has shown an inconsistency of the chosen way. It is time to take lessons from the admitted mistakes.
A. Akaev. The Post- Soviet Twentieth Anniversary: Expectations and a Reality
Reflections of the active participant of cardinal changes happened in the world about prospects of revival of the Post- Soviet space, its reduction in condition of geopolitics integrity at the central role of Russia.
R. Simonyan. Reflections about Role of the Subjective Factor in a History
The question on a role of the subjective factor in historical process today gets special importance in Russia on the eve of the twentieth anniversary of economic reforms.
A. Bykov. What is Farther?
Disorder of the USSR and all East block became the largest national and global accident of the last century. A geopolitics and geoeconomics condition in our country and in the world has cardinally changed. It has taken place not only due to reorganization of a post- war configuration of the Eurasian space but also wreck of all historical process of becoming and development of the Russian statehood.
The Important Events of Last Twentieth Anniversary In Estimations of Russians
First half of past twentieth anniversary it was rich on historical events. Many of them carried and continue to have «sign» character. As russians estimate these events today.
As It Was, as It Is (A. Aganbegjan, V. Geets, M. Intriligator, G. V. Kolodko, J. Charnogursky, N. Shmelev answer questions for «The World of Transformations»)
In December, 2011 20 years from the moment of disintegration of Soviet Union are executed. This event has shaken not only the country, but also all world. The jourmal «The World of Transformations» has addressed with the request to answer some questions to outstanding economists and political scientists who were not only witnesses, but also active participants of these processes.
Ju. Olsevich. Quo vadis, Domine? An Economic Science and a Policy before Fundamental Uncertainty of the Market
Crisis of 2008–2009 and its consequence again have brought the basic attention to the question of an economic science and a policy. Whether it is capable to provide the market rather steady growth at high employment and the general growth of incomes on the basis of self- regulation? Crisis has given on it the negative answer. J. Keynes and his followers appeared are right.
E. Shipova. New Type of the State Crises
Fund «Institute of the post- crisis world» on a regular basis carries out the international expert interrogations in each of which take part from 220 up to 250 experts more than from 50 countries of the world. They are experts from different areas – economists and financial analytics, owners and top- managers of the leading companies, the journalists shining covering economic and political subjects, scientists, politics and officials from all five continents.
Sh. Fisher. Economics of the Central Europe: from Communism to Convergence
Post- communistic transformation of the Central Europe has brought to the countries of this region significant benefit. The culmination of all these achievements became the introduction of Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia into EU in May, 2004.
P. Havlik, S. Richter. The Countries of the Near East and Northern Africa on a Threshold of Changes
After events of «the Arabian spring» some observers began to compare with changes in the countries of the Near East and Northern Africa (NENA) to transition of the Central, East and Southeast Europe (CESE) to parliamentary democracy. Authors have made attempt to find possible general features and distinctions between an economic situation in the countries NENA and calls with which former planned economy for last two decades faced.
J. Mirer. Organic Russia
In December, 1991 Russian threecolor has replaced the Soviet flag above the Kremlin that became a symbol of the ending of «cold war». Since then in world politics there were drama changes: sharp expansion of the economy based on the Internet and new technologies; proceeding transformation of China and its strengthening on international scene as economic center of force and new partner – the contender the USA; growth of Islamic fundamentalism and the terrorist threat connected to it; the American intrusion into Iraq; distribution of the nuclear weapon and at last financial crisis of 2008 and formation of «the Big twenty».
V. Dimov. Lomonosov Heritage and the Modernity
In Russian history always there were figures of such scale, which as tops, towered above contemporaries, determining mentality of people and the supreme achievements of the country. Michael Vasiljevich Lomonosov such XVIII century was. The native of people, the genius of a science and the enlightenment, glanced in the future of Russia, he was and remains the standard of the Russian person and the independent scientist.