Oklahoma Health Care Workforce Center

Clinical Simulation Sub-Committee

Meeting Notes

9:30-11:00 a.m. – Wednesday, Aug. 19, 2009

2 North Conference Room

Members Present:

Lisa Rother, INTEGRIS Baptist & Southwest Medical Centers

Via Video Conference from Tulsa:

Steve Eddy, Oklahoma State University-Tulsa

Cheryl Feken, Tulsa Community College

Susan Gaston, Chair, University of Tulsa

Sheryl McLain, Executive Director

Kammie Monarch, Chief Nursing Officer

Via Teleconference from Ardmore

J. R. Polzien, Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education

Staff Attending:

Shayla Austin, Project Coordinator

Cheryl Day, Executive Assistant

Dr. Susan Gaston welcomed members and introductions were made.

Part IV Conference Planning

Meeting Location/Date

The Part IV Simulation Conference will be held on May 19, 2010, at the OU School of Community Medicine in Tulsa.

Pre-Conference Discussion (i.e., PALS, ACLS etc.)

During the planning of last year’s conference, the committee discussed offering PALS and/or ACLS training as an added feature to attract participants. However, this discussion occurred late in the conference planning process so was postponed for consideration at a later date. In order to provide adequate time for planning this pre-conference activity for 2010, a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages was held which resulted in a consensus to forego this particular pre-conference in 2010.

However, members spent some time discussing the benefit of another pre-conference half-day meeting as follows:

A progressive, hands-on learning experience that would include how to benefit from the use of simulation, encompassing the following topics from beginning to advanced skills:

·  Getting started and determining learning objectives

·  Using a template to write a scenario

·  Programming a mannequin to play its part in the scenario

·  Demonstrating the scenario

·  Observing the mannequin after the program has run

·  Maintaining equipment

·  Evaluating the scenario and debriefing students

This pre-conference workshop would be offered to a select number of individuals, evaluated, refined, and used as a pilot program that could be offered regionally across the state. This activity would tie into the Center’s goal of creating regional simulation alliances.


Suggestions made during the July 7 committee meeting provided the basis for OHCWC’s decision to contact six potential speakers about their availability for May 19, 2010:

Presenter Topic Area

Dr. Jana Berryman A popular Part III presenter that addressed:

WELLS Center state of the art in clinical simulation and

Aurora, CO clinical simulation in 3-D

Dr. Sharon Decker Debriefing and guided reflection

Texas Tech

Lubbock, TX

Dr. Pam Jefferies The future of simulation

Johns Hopkins

Baltimore, MD

Dr. Renee McLeod PDAs/smart phones and medical records

Chapman University College

Irvine, CA

Dr. Jose Pliego A popular Part III presenter that addressed:

Scott & White multidisciplinery applications and use in multiple

Healthcare practice settings

Temple, TX

Dr. Daniel Raemer DASH (Debriefing Assessment for Simulation

Center for Medical Simulation and Healthcare)

Cambridge, MA

Three of the presenters have been confirmed: Dr. Berryman, Dr. Jeffries and Dr. Raemer.

Dr. McLeod responded through voice mail with interest and availability and will be contacted again. No response has been received yet from Dr. Sharon Decker, and Dr. Jose Pliego was out-of-town; Bud Abbott will follow-up.

The working agenda used in planning last year’s conference was enclosed in the packets to promote discussion about the structure of next year’s agenda. Committee members approved the following plans:


If all six speakers are confirmed, a single track for the day was the preferred structure for the agenda. Repeating certain sessions later in the day was proposed if the agenda allows. Dr. Pam Jeffries’ presentation about the future of simulation was chosen for the keynote address, along with the option of asking her to present a breakout session on a related subject. A suggestion was also made to inquire if she could provide information about “Second Life,” an interesting online community composed of avatars.

Other Topics/Speakers to Consider:

Dr. Rhonda Sparks, OUHSC Simulation Lab – Using the standardized patient

Dr. Charles E. Stewart, OU Department of Emergency Medicine, Tulsa - Trauma and disaster preparedness (two sessions last year)

Future Topics:

Members were encouraged to report any new technological developments to the committee (e.g., robotics, standardized patient, virtual simulation, etc. so that future conferences will feature “cutting edge” technology).


A written policy regarding keynote speaker fees and honorariums will be created for future use. It will be extended to the presenter at the beginning of the relationship and will allow some flexibility for special circumstances (e.g., sponsor-donated speaker fees).

Presently, out-of-state speakers are offered an invitation to the pre-conference dinner, complimentary registration, and paid travel expenses; speaker fees are paid on an individual basis. In-state speakers, who are also planning committee members, receive an invitation to the pre-conference dinner and complimentary registration. All other in-state speakers receive complimentary registration.

A future consideration is to require the submission of an abstract for all breakout session presenters.

Marketing Efforts

The proposed “Save-the-Date” E-postcard included in the meeting packets was approved, and a suggestion was made to include the “Going Green” policy statement in the body of the e-mail message. A date in early September is planned for the initial distribution to interested groups.

Note: The E-postcard has been distributed to numerous groups.

Next Steps

Lisa Rother offered to provide templates to assist in planning for speakers presenting more than one session.

Cheryl Feken will extend an invitation to Dr. Sharon Decker to speak, as they are attending another meeting today.

Kammie Monarch, J. R. Polzien, and Lisa Rother will work on simplifying the CE process.

OHCWC will continue to work with Brandi King on needs related to next year’s location.

Next Meeting Date

OHCWC will coordinate arrangements with Dr. Gaston and Brandi King to host the Tulsa group at the OU School of Community Medicine in October.

Note: The simulation workshop planning committee will be meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 20, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. The Oklahoma City group will be meeting in the 2 North Conference Room on the second floor of 655 Research Parkway. The Tulsa group will be hosted by Brandi King at the site of the 2010 Simulation Conference, the OU School of Community Medicine Learning Center, Room 205, 4502 E. 41st St.,Tulsa.


The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m.

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