The meeting was opened at 19:30 by the Chairman Brian GW4KAZ who then introduced the committee to members.


The minutes of AGM 2015 were read and Chris (MW0LLK) proposed acceptance seconded by Alun(2W0CYM).The members voted on the motion and the minutes were approved.The secretary then read apologies.The secretary informed the AGM that last years membership was 36, he continued by announcing the sad loss of a former member Edna Wood GW4XZP.

  1. treasurer's report

Alun submitted his accounts and the group found that although all was in order not all details where clearly shown. It was agreed that it be deferred and that it be made available on the website in du coarse, then an appraisal and agreement can be obtained. At this juncture the group’s financial assets are £3000.00

  1. CHAIRMAN'S report

Brian (GW4KAZ) told the members that all of the repeaters had operated well during the passed 12 months; there had been main minor faults that needed to be attended too.He would go through each site and repeater individually.

a)GB3AR Waunfawr: -

No problems. Paddy MW0PAD asked why the cw ident of the repeater was so poor in audio. Brian (GW4KAZ) replied stating that since its construction some 15 years ago the logic board was not of the best and this was the cause. It was agreed that future plans should include a fix.

b)GB3ANNebo Amlwch: -

Brian stated that this repeater has had a new repeater system installed. Thiswas a Yaesu Fusion DR-1XE. This was first time that we as a group had purchased a commercial repeater system, in the past all had been self constructed.

Brian went on to explain that GB3AN has an excellent radio site and the home built repeater system was not operating to present standards required at this time. Having funds and the opportunity to buy at a much reduced cost the committee resolved to purchase the said item. This Yaesu system was reasonably priced and provides analogue FM and digital CF4M Fusion system. The repeater at this time is operating with reduced TX power output of 5 watts which means about 3 watts erp. The system will however be switched to 20 watts output soon.

c)GB3TM Nebo Amlwch:-

This is our ATVrepeater: We are still working on a new logic system for this repeater and Chris MW0LLK is progressing and getting to the final stages of the design. The logic system will be unique to GB3TM and we are all looking forward to the system being commissioned.

We are looking to provide this site with internet access so that we may make full use of the Fusion system that is available on GB3AN.

A wireless system is being looked and which will link to the qth of Chris MW0LLK. This will also give us the facility for remote on the two repeaters in due course.

d)GB3DW/ GB3GWPentrefelin: -

GB3GW atv repeater has been working fine; this repeater is attended to by Derek, (GW3FDZ). GB3DW, this repeater has had a fault over the winter months, which Brian reported that he had been unable to attend to, due to circumstances and the weather. He did make plans and indeed visited the site in April of this year with test and repair equipment. However while carrying the equipment up the grassy hill he encountered problems of access due to livestock in the field and restricting access to the communication building. Unfortunately hr had to abandon the repair. He stated that only 3 weeks ago the livestock was still on the land.

Brian reviewed the situation regarding the site and presented the findings to the last committee. The facts are: The site is a difficult site to access (and has always been so); heis getting older than and not as mobile as he used to be! In winter month’s access is very difficult due to wet ground and outside the building, there is a feeding trough, livestock have made the ground here very muddy in wet weather and very difficult to cross the land to the access door.

We (ARG) are the only occupier of the building and access is by permission of site a site management company. Prior notice has to be given and access granted. HSE requirements is now required for access which we as a private group cannot obtain. It will require professional staff to accompany us for access from now on.This will equate to costs which are beyond our means. Taking into account also that the repeater when used, only 3 out of 36 group members (2015/16 statistics) from the coverage area of the repeaters are members of our group. Brian also looked at the contract for the site, and found that the contract had actually expired last September.

The committee agreed that we should now abandon the site, and report these facts at the AGM, so that we get feedback on the situation. We are happy to look at any other site, and in must be noted that a new repeater keeper will be required.The equipment will remain ARG property and if a new repeater keeper is obtained then he or she will have to be ARG member. We also need to look at the support we have from this area to make the project viable.

Bob (MW0RHD) informed the meeting that other sites had been investigated and that there was a local demand for a repeater. Brian replied that as the site was now unsuitable it would be closed but all of the equipment could be made available if support and leadership were forthcoming.

John (GW0AQR) pointed out that at a recent committee meeting the groups insurance had been a topic. It should be noted that the group only has “third party cover”, which has a huge bearing on site visits.

e)Thanks go to the following:

Brian thanked National Grid for the site at Amlwch. Scottish Power, MANWEB for Pentrefelin and Waunfawr and Coleg Menai, we still have radio equipment on site, Caernarfon Fire Brigade for the venue of AGM and other meetings.

  1. Election of Committee:

Brian announced the retirement of the current committee stating hat its members where prepared to stand for re-election. Bob (MW0RHD) proposed that we vote as a block vote there being no other contenders for committee this was seconded by Alun 2W0CYM. Members voted acceptance for this proposal and that the previous members be reinstated. The proposals where agreed.

Therefore the committee elected was.

ChairmanB.V. DaviesGW4KAZ


TreasurerA. Guest- Rowlands2W0CYM

MemberD. E. JonesGW7PBX

MemberWynn GriffithsMW0AQZ

MemberPeter McFarlandGW7BZY

MemberChris TannerMW0LLK

  1. A O B

Chris (MW0LLK) noted that there was a great deal of interest in digital radio tracking ARRS and requested that some investigation as to its use within the group be considered. Brian (GW4KAZ) noted that a member of the group was actively working with these systems so an appraisal could be made.

Brian GW4KAZ closed the meeting and thanked those attending.

The meeting was closed at 09.00 p.m.


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