Cambridge Direct Payments event November 25

Notes from workshops

What have you tried that’s worked?

Workshop 1 – PA framework

  • Free training for Pas
  • Initial conversation to be positive about DPs can have a massive impact
  • Headway trying to give IAG to service users
  • Ensuring good involvement of third sector and private providers
  • Good information: being clear about options, use of language
  • Camb ulo: peer mentor training, direct experience pass on knowledge
  • Employrite booklet including employment law

Workshop 2 – PA Framework

  • ‘suitable persons’ who can receive a DP, for someone who lacks capacity (LA appointed) worked well with older people (good take up in Derbyshire and Norfolk and Suffolk
  • Good supporting organisations – other than LA
  • Having knowledgeable staff
  • Involving service users on training
  • Choice at the door, when go to LA – provided with info in a non-frightening way
  • Independent living groups involved in co-production, with LA, involved in letters and dvds (Norfolk) working well now. New service users get involved and have training on personalisation they promote to others.

What do you see as the main challenges

  • Health and safety, CRBs and training not mandatory, incl safeguarding: risk management
  • Allocation of resources versus cost in market for services (also re debate ie PB and residential care)
  • HR info (correct) made available and support
  • No money
  • Work overload for vol orgs and ulos in providing advice
  • Trying to get hears and minds involved – exciting for care managers
  • Social care workers, some promote DPs more than others. Issue re individual training and support on promoting DPs
  • Cultural change and discussion in temas (Norfolk perf mgt)
  • Lessening the bureaucracy – and delays in time in PB starting
  • Bureaucracy around hospital discharge
  • Issues re commissioning and developing the market
  • Ask social workers, individually why they have not offered DPs
  • Balance of employer and PA best practice, versus personal requirements for receiving care at home
  • Young people and Pas decision making – empowerment vs risk in decision making
  • Being able to determine risks taken in own home

What would you like more support with?

  • Getting a lot more supporr for ulo with tendering process
  • Updating guidance about employment
  • An alternative to being an employer
  • Unambiguous information
  • One main contact for everyone
  • National info campaign to raise awareness
  • Stable platform – stop moving the goalposts. We need a stable platform
  • PA register
  • More funding for support packages for time slots/assessed care (half hours am and pm)
  • Change mindset of front line practitioners
  • National communications strategy to raise profile
  • Need to get DP going more
  • More events on best practice
  • Regular feedback to service users to check if individuals are ok after DP
  • Check if people need support