offered to undergraduate or postgraduate students
in the frame of the Agreements of Scientific Cooperation signed between
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and foreign partner Universities
Total: (38)
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki offers scholarships to undergraduate or postgraduate students of foreign Universities for implementation of signed Agreements of Scientific Cooperation, to attend high quality summer courses of Greek Language and Civilization organised by the School of Modern Greek Language, for the period of one month, between August to September, every year.
The selection of the candidates is realised by the home Universities which will announce the final nominees to Aristotle University. (Department of International Relations, e-mail: ). The Department of International Relations informs each year the involved Universities about the scholarships offered in February.
In particular the cooperating Universities are:
1. Yerevan State University, ARMENIA
Two (2) scholarshipsoffered Coordinator: International Relations Office, Anna Tayan
Naira Mnatsakanyan
tel: (+37410) 55 06 12
E-mail: , ,
2. LaTrobe University, AUSTRALIA
One (1) scholarshipoffered Coordinator: Mr. Harshini Egorov, Coordinator LaTrobe Abroad - Europe
tel: (+61 3) 9479 3368
3. Sofia University St. Kliment Ohrdiski, BULGARIA
Three (3 to 5) scholarshipson the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Mr. Rumen Grigorov, International Relations Department
tel:(+359) 2 986 1597
Additional: Prof. Panayot Karagyozov, Director of the Summer Seminar in Bulgarian Language for Foreigners
4. York University of Toronto, CANADA
Two (2) scholarships offered
Coordinator: Education Abroad Office, International Affairs, Norma Speranza,
and Coordinator for student mobility, Beth Alaksa
tel: (416) 736 5177
E-mail: ,
5. University Paul Valery – Montpellier III, FRANCE
Two (2) scholarships on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Prof. Julien Calvié, Section de Grec Moderne,
Additional: Constantin Angelopoulos, Directeur, Departement d’etudes neo-
tel:(467) 142135
E-mail: ,
6. University of Strasbourg FRANCE
Three (3) scholarships on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Prof. Irene Tsamadou-Jacoberger, Directrice, Departement des
Etudes Neo-Helleniques,
tel:(388) 417394
E-mail: , ,
7. University Leipzig, GERMANY
One (1) scholarship offered
Coordinators: Mrs Jane Moros, Akademisches Auslandsamt
tel: (341) 973 2032
Additional: Prof. Dr. Foteini Kolovou, Institut fur Klassische Philologie &
Komparistik, Abt. Byzantinische & Neugriechische Philologie
tel:(341) 973 7702
8. Trinity College Dublin, IRELAND
One (1) scholarship offered
Coordinator: Dr. Christine Morris, School of Classics
9. Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, POLAND
Two (2) scholarships offered
Coordinator: International Relations Office, Malgorzata Frackiewicz
Monica Szymaniak
E-mail: ,
10. Iasi University Alexandr Ioan Cuza, ROMANIA
Three (3) scholarships on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Mrs. Livia Dimitriu, Department of International Relations
tel: (232) 201021-2, 201112
11. University of Belgrade, SERBIA
Three (3 to 6) scholarships on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Mr. Vojkan Stojicic,
Filoloski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Katedra za neohelenske studjie
tel: (381) 64283 10 60
12. University of Arts in Belgrade, SERBIA
Four (2 to 4) scholarships on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Mrs. Sunčica Milosavljevic, International Relations
tel: (+381)112626 994
13. Ιvan Franko National University of Lviv, UKRAINE
Two (2) scholarships on the basis of mutual exchange
Coordinator: Prof. Lina Hlushchenko, Greek Language Center “Arsenios of Elassona”
E-mail: ,
14. Mechnikov State University of Odessa, UKRAINE
Three (3) scholarships offered
Coordinator: Prof. Nanouska Podkovirov, Modern Greek Studies Centre
tel:+380 482 630703
15. Taurida National Vernadskiy University, UKRAINE
Three (3) scholarships offered
Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Eduard Sh. Isayev, Dept. of Greek Philology
tel:(+38)0652 253084
16. Donetsk National University, UKRAINE
Three (3) scholarships offered
Coordinator: Dr. D.V. Kaliuscenko, Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages
Department of International Relations
Helen Bahtsavanopoulou-Kotsaki
Tel.: +30 2310 996742
Fax: (0030) 2310-991621
Department of International Relations
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
K. Karatheodori Building, 541 24, Thessaloniki