Full name of the company, year of foundation * / Agrofirm Pole Ltd., 2000.ID (registration) code * / 35523434
Head of the company * / Ivan Tomenko
Products offered for export * / Organic hulled millet, conventional hulled millet, organic lentils, organic chickpeas, organic wheat, organic peas, organic sunflower seeds.
Name and code of the product in accordance with the HCDCS (Harmonized commodity description and coding system) * / 1104291700 – Organic hulled millet , conventional hulled millet;
0713401000 – Organic lentils;
0713201000 – Organic chickpeas;
1001901000 – Organic wheat;
0713101000 – Organic peas;
1206009000 – Organic sunflower seeds.
Available quality certificates, permits, licenses etc. / FSSC 22000, Organic Certificate UA BIO – 108.
Countries where the company currently sells its products / Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Italy, France, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria.
Approximate prices, volume and terms of supply
Contact information (mail address, website, e-mail, phone, fax, English speaking contact person) * / , ,
Skype – pavel_sivtsov
+380503303020 – Paul Sivtsov
Additional useful information, comments / Greetings from Agrofirma "POLE" (Field) Ltd., a Ukrainian organic and conventional groats production company based in the city of Cherkassy, a very heart of Ukraine.
My name is Paul, i'm a representative of Agrofirma Pole LLC (Ukraine), and also our 100% subsidiary Organicke Pole s.r.o. (Czech Republic).
Our star product is organic gluten-free hulled millet with which we have made our name on the European market. We test our product at our internal lab as to the gluten presence with RIDA QUICK Gliadin expess tests with LOQ of 5 mg/kg. If the presence of gluten is detected, then we send the sample to GALAB laboratory (Hamburg, Germany) for accurate determination. To have more rigid control of gluten we have already purchased BIOTEK ELx-800, USA make.
Every year we produce approximately 3000 tons of organic hulled millet which is exported to Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, France, Italy, Hungary. We supply up to 50% of all European imported organic hulled millet. We are certified organic by Organic Standard Ltd. UA-BIO-108.
We cooperate with 15 organic agricultural enterprises throughout Ukraine with total area of 9000 hectars that assures that we have enough raw material for contracts fulfilment. We are able to sign yearly contracts with fixed prices and deliver the goods on the confirmed schedule.
This year we also started the production of organic flour from hulled millet as well as organic wholegrain millet flour.
Also we offer a wide range of organic and conventional commodities, such as: millet, wheat, durum wheat, barley, rapeseeds, lentils, peas, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, chickpeas, coriander seeds, flax seeds, oats, rye, mustard seeds and some others grains in depending of current harvest.
We welcome your company for long-term, fruitful and mutually beneficial cooperation.
* - позиції, обов’язкові до заповнення. У разі відсутності згаданої інформації запит опрацьовуватися не буде
Разом з заповненою формою надсилаються додаткові презентаційні, інформаційні матеріали тощо в електронній формі, англійською мовою або мовою країни, до якої надсилається пропозиція