Process ForCompany

Department of Food Science Phone: 225-578-5207

111 Food Science Building Fax: 225-578-5300

Louisiana State University

Baton Rouge, La 70803-4200



PLEASE NOTE: This form is intended for any acid or acidified product (such as barbecue sauces, pickles, salsa, etc.) that is to be packaged in a sealed can /jar/bottle so that it will be shelf-stable at room temperature. A Process Approval is not required for bakery items, refrigerated goods or most meat or poultry products. Once your process for this product is approved, a letter of process approval will be issued to the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals who will then contact you.

Please allow at least four weeks per product from the date we receive all of your information and payment. Please save this form to your computer, then print and fax to (225) 578-5300, or mail a copy of this form with your payment to the address above. Payment in advance is required. Use the separate EFS Services Payment Form to calculate your fees, then print and fax it to (225) 578-5300 or mail with your product information.

Product Name:
Owner ______
Company ______
Address ______
City/State/Zip ______
County of Residence ______
Phone ______
Fax ______
Email ______
# Employees in company ______Projected Sales $______ / Contact Person (if different from owner )
Phone ______
Email ______
Send a copy of this form with one sample of this product, packaged as it will be when it goes on the market, to:
Process Approval
LSU Food Science
111 Food Science Bldg.
Baton Rouge, La 70803-4200
Effective January 1, 2011, if you will be a processing acid or acidified product yourself in a licensed and inspectedcommercial kitchen, you must have completed and passed Better Process Control School training prior torequesting a Process Approval for any product. If you plant to use a co-packer, be sure they have completed thistraining!
“I passed the Better Process Control School at (college/location) ______on
(dates) ______.
Fax BPCS certificate to (225-578-5300) or scan and email to



Recipe/Formulation of Your Product – List all ingredients in your recipe, using accurate measurements (i.e., grams, pounds, ounces, etc., not "pinch"!). Household measure is acceptable. If a commercially prepared product (such as mustard or mayonnaise) is used in your recipe, please send the label with your sample.

Amount / Unit of Measure / Ingredient

Step-by-Step Processing Instructions

Start with measuring the ingredients and proceed through the entire operation to the finished product ready to sell. Include cooking times, target temperatures, cooling procedures, etc. Double-check the steps as you do them so that you don't leave anything out. This could delay your process approval! Use additional sheets if needed.

Cooking or Heating, Hot/Fill/Hold Procedures

Be sure to include temperature of product during cooking or heating and cook time. If you use the Hot/Fill/Hold method to bottle your product, include temperature of product at pour-up, time of processing and temperature, and time of holding after capping.

Weight Before and After Cooking

Weight of one batch before cooking:

Weight of one batch after cooking:

Containers (size, type) and Closures to be used for this product

Indicate the can or jar size(s), net weight filled and capped, type of lid/seal/cap, if you will use a tamper-evident safety seal, etc.

Product lot/batch coding procedures (attach a sample of your record-keeping form)

These are the procedures you use to track each batch you make, in case you have to recall some due to a problem. The code should include the date it was processed and unique batch number.


Product Testing Procedures (pH, temperature, etc.)

For acid or acidified foods: How do you test pH in each batch 24 hours after processing (equilibrium pH). What is the target pH of this product at equilibrium (24 hours after bottling)? For other food products: What guidelines do you use to determine that this product is prepared properly?

Trace-back and Recall Procedures

How do you code each package so that you know when it was made? Include the steps you would use to trace a particular batch of product if a problem arises. (See the EFS Starting a New Food Business webpage for more information.)


Facility Sanitation Procedures

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning and sanitizing your food processing area. Include what chemicals are used, who is responsible for doing the cleaning and sanitizing, how often microbial tests are taken to be sure cleaning procedures are effective.

Equipment Sanitation Procedures

Step-by-step instructions for cleaning and sanitizing your food processing equipment, starting with equipment tear-down. Include what chemicals are used, who is responsible for doing the cleaning and sanitizing, how often microbial tests are taken to be sure cleaning procedures are effective.

Employee Personal Hygiene Requirements

What personal hygiene procedures are required of all persons who handle your food product? Include hand washing and sanitizing procedures, wearing of smocks, gloves, hair nets or caps, face shields, etc.

Reviewed by ______(signed) Date ______

Process Approval DocumentationPage 1