Replacing Constitution of 1928
reprinted 31.10.2007. Amended and reprinted 16.1.2011
1 / NAME
The name of the organisation shall be " The Broom Allotment Society".
2 / AIMS
To develop the Broom Allotment Society and to promote allotment gardening for the benefit of local people.
To be non profit making, any surplus to be retained and used for the benefit of members.
To promote the interests of allotment holders and to take joint action for the benefit of members.
Carry on the business of the creation of allotments and promote their proper cultivation.
Promote the health and well being of local people by making available allotment plots to all regardless of age,
ethnic origin, ability, gender or sexual orientation. In terms of disabled members the Society will work with Rotherham
Metropolitan Borough Council in order to make all reasonable adjustments for the benefit of disabled members.
Involve members in working together to enhance Allotment facilities.
Provide a service to members by making gardening produce, seeds, fertilisers and other horticultural requirements
available at reasonable prices and to use any proceeds to further develop allotment facilities.
To work with R.M.B.C. and other local bodies to promote allotment gardening.
Their shall be three categories of membership. By becoming a member the plotholder is deemed to have accepted
the terms set out in the Constitution and agrees to abide by the rules of The Broom Allotment Society.
(1) FULL
A full member is one who has paid the yearly subscription for an allotment plot in accordance
with the rules of the Society.
An Associate member does not have an allotment but is a supporter of the Society and has the
same access to the shop as a full member to purchase gardening products, seeds etc.
A new plotholder is to be given temporary membership for a probationary period of three months
before becoming a full member of the Society. This is to allow the new plotholder to decide if he/she
is suited to allotment gardening , and to leave without recrimination. The Committee will review progress
after two months and advise the probationer if the plot is, or is not, being worked satisfactorily. This
is with a view to a termination of the tenancy if the plot, in the opinion of the Committee, at the end of
the three month probationary period is not being worked to its proper potential. In the event that a
probationer leaves the Society any rent paid will be refunded, less an amount to cover the time in
occupancy (to a maximum of 25%) if a full year rent has been paid. At the end of a satisfactory three
month period the tenant will become a full member of the Society.
Termination of Membership
Any full member who wishes to give up their plot should give one months notice of their intention with all keys
returned at the end of the notice period. All personal property must be removed and any property left one month
after the date of termination shall become the property of the Society. The Committee of Broom Allotment Society may
terminate the tenancy of any member
(1) who has not paid their annual subscription within two months following the date of the Annual General Meeting
(2) who is not operating in the best interests of the Society and its members or who may bring it into disrepute.
In such instances the member has the right to written notice that action is being considered and they must be given
14 days notice of such consideration. The member has a right of reply and may make representations to the
Committee as to why their membership should not be terminated. An appeal may be made to the Rotherham
and District Allotments Council.
The Committee of The Broom Allotment Society is to consist of the following officers:-
Minute Secretary
In addition to the officers above there will be not more than eight others on the Committee. The quorum for any
Committee meeting will be five, of whom two will be office holders listed above. The Committee will retire at the A.G.M.
but will be eligible for re-election. Members of the Committee will be elected at the A.G.M. and any vacancies arising
from termination, illness or any other reason may be filled by co-opting additional members from the full members list.
The aim of the Committee will be to reflect the diversity of the membership. / Decisions will be made by simple
majority and in the event of a tied vote the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
The Committee is charged with ensuring that the Broom Allotment Society operates in line with its aims and objectives
and for the proper financial stewardship of the Society.
A full minute of committee proceedings will be maintained and will be available for members to consult. The Treasurer
will open a bank account(s) in the name of the Society and all funds will be paid into the appropriate account(s).
Cheques will be signed by signatories recognised by the bank, to include the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
7 / Subscriptions
Subscriptions are due immediately after the A.G.M. has fixed the rentals for that year and must be paid within two
months, in full, after the date of the A.G.M. Membership will cease if this deadline is not met. Subscriptions will
include affiliation fees to any organisation that the A.G.M. deems appropriate.
8 / General Meetings
The A.G.M. will be held as soon as practicable after the end of the financial year which is 31st December.
Members will be given at least 14 days notice and all full members have voting rights. Associate members have the
right to attend but do not have voting rights. An E.G.M. may be held at the request of the Committee or at the request
of at least 10 members provided the Committee has been notified of that request. Rules for an A.G.M. will apply.
Where the matter(s) to be discussed involve proposed changes to the Constitution then a months notice must be given.
The annual accounts will be audited by someone independent of the Committee and the audited accounts will be
presented at the A.G.M. for consideration.
The Broom Allotment Society will affiliate to such bodies deemed appropriate by the A.G.M. and will follow the
legal requirements of such bodies.
Changes to the Constitution may only be made at an A.G.M. or special E.G.M. and must be supported by twothirds of
of members present. The objective for which the meeting is called must be clearly stated in the notice of the meeting.
In the event of the Society undergoing dissolution (ceasing to be an Allotment Society) then the same rules shall apply
as to amendments to the Constitution. Any assets remaining will be shared amongst all full members at that date.
All members should operate within the aims and objectives of the Society. At the time of payment of annual
subscriptions all members will receive a copy of the rules which have been adopted by the Committee and which are
in the interests of good allotment practice and good relationship with the local community.
Any matters not provided for in this Constitution or issued rules shall be dealt with by the Committee at its discretion.
The registered address of the Society shall be:-
The Broom Allotment Society
New Site
off Brunswick Road
S60 2RR
For correspondence purposes this may be changed to the address of the current Secretary of the Society, with the
consent of The Committee.
Broom Allotment Society