Use Case: UC08.03.01 / Generate Precinct-District Report
Use Case: UC08.03.01 / Generate Precinct-District Report
Attribute / Details /System Requirements: / This use case addresses the following use case in its entirety:
S21.10 VoteCal must provide the ability for independent county users to review and export the precinct and political district data stored within VoteCal for that county.
Description: / The purpose of this use case is to allow a A user to runs a report to review the precinct-district mappings that are currently configured for his or her jurisdiction.
Actors: / County User
Trigger: / Although this report can be run at any time, it will likely be run after a local jurisdiction loads a Precinct-District Mapping Batch.
System: / VoteCal Application
Preconditions: / § All global preconditions apply.
Post conditions: / § All global post conditions apply.
Normal Flow: / 1. UC07.18.01 Generate Report or Correspondence through Step 4
2. System prompts the user to select a county for which to create the report/extract.
3. User selects a county and chooses to continue
4. Follow UC07.18.01 Generate Report or Correspondence steps 6 – 9.
5. System generates the Precinct-District Report. The report is generated in the format chosen by the user with a line item indicating a specific precinct-district mapping that exists in the current version of the jurisdiction’s Precinct-District Mapping.
6. Follow UC07.18.01 Generate Report or Correspondence step 10.1.
Alternate Flows: / N/A
Exceptions: / N/A
Includes: / N/A
Business Rules: / § N/A Per SOS: I can anticipate a SOS usage for an extract to fulfill client requests (current business process involves running a query/export to provide this information.)
Frequency of Use: / TBD
Assumptions: / N/A
Notes and Issues: / Per SOS: I can anticipate a SOS usage for an extract to fulfill client requests (current business process involves running a query/export to provide this information.)N/A
Revision History
Date / DocumentVersion / Document Revision
Description / Revision Author
01/5/2010 / 0.1 / Initial Draft / Chad Hoffman
01/12/2010 / 0.2 / Document Revisions / Chad Hoffman
01/14/2010 / 1.0 / Release to Client / Chad Hoffman
02/08/2010 / 1.2 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Chad Hoffman
02/08/2010 / 1.3 / Submit to client for review / Maureen Lyon
02/11/2010 / 1.4 / Incorporate Client Feedback / Kurt Schwartz
03/18/2010 / 1.5 / Incorporate Client Feedback from QA Checklist / Kimanh Nguyen
03/23/2010 / 1.6 / QA and Release to Client for Review / Don Westfall
mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy / 1.x2.0 / Update with client feedbackSubmit to Client for Review / Only if needed{Name}
mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy / 2.02.1 / Submit to Client for Review (Deliverable 2.3 Draft)Incorporate Client Feedback / {Name}{Name}
mm/dd/yyyymm/dd/yyyy / 2.13.0 / Incorporate Client FeedbackSubmit to Client for Approval / {Name}{Name}
mm/dd/yyyy / 2.2 / Submit to Client for Approval (Deliverable 2.3 Final) / {Name}
Version: 1.54 / Page 2