Preschool Application
Today’s date______
Child’s Name: ______Birth date:______
Family Information (or custodial guardian)
Is this child a foster child? YesNo
Length of time at address:______
Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______
E-Mail Address______
Graduated High School (circle one):YesNo
Age at birth of child:______Marital status when child was born:______
Family Information 2 (or custodial guardian)
Address, if different:______
Length of time at address:______
Home Phone:______Cell Phone:______
E-Mail Address:______
Graduated High School (circle one): YesNo
Age at birth of child:______Marital status when child was born:______
Living Situation
Describe your current living situation, including any recent changes:______
Describe any disruptions or stresses your family is currently experiencing (illness, separations from a parent, drug or alcohol abuse, physical or emotional abuse, etc.) or serious situations from your child and family’s past: ______
Please list all the addresses where your child has lived in the past two years (include dates):
Information to help us get to know your child and family
These are things I want my child to learn in preschool this year:
My child is good at:______
My child needs help with:______
Names of brothers and sisters and ages and school(s) attended:______
Other people who live in our household are (names and relationships):______
My child understands and speaks English (circle one):YesSomeNo
I have concerns about my child’s speech (circle one):YesNo
If yes, please explain:______
Languages spoken in our home:______
Educational Plan/Support
My child has an Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP), 504, or Individualized Education Plan (IEP) (circle one): Yes No If yes, which one? IFSP 504 IEP
If yes, I have provided a copyof my child’s plan to the school. (NOTE: This application will not be considered complete until the plan has been received and reviewed by the school.)
I have concerns about my child’s behavior (circle one):YesNo
I have concerns about my child’s social skills (circle one):YesNo
Has your child been excluded or expelled from other preschool/ child care programs or community activities due to behavior or emotional concerns? Yes No
If yes, please explain______
My signature indicates that the information I have provided in this application is true and correct.
Feel free to include any additional information below or on the back of this form: