Michelle Ghormley

Tutorials: Monday 3:50 pm–4:30 pm Wednesday 8:00 am–8:40 am

Other times by appointment

Ghorm’s Website: http://bit.do/Ghorm

In addition to our specified tutorial times, I am accessible by appointment. If at any time, you have questions, please email or stop by my room. Be proactive in your success. If you need help, get it!

English IV Course Description & Student Expectations

Course Overview: The purpose of English IV is to foster the reading, writing, critical thinking and oral presentation skills required of students following graduation. Our curriculum encourages students to develop collaborative as well as independent study skills, to expand their written and oral discourse, and to explore and understand philosophical ideas and their relationship with those big ideas. Students should also gain a familiarity with British Literature and how cultural and historical influences have influenced the work of British authors.

Transcripts: Must be ordered on line through www.Parchment.com, students who are applying to the University of Texas at Austin or Texas A&M will need to see Ms. Mayo in the Counselor’s office.

Writing Portfolio: I will provide a folder for you to keep in class – it will become a grade periodically.

Reading Material and Curriculum Units:

·  Literature: British Literature (Holt McDougal). Available online www.my.hrw.com Login: rhssr, Password: 12345 Students may choose to check out a textbook through the bookroom.

·  Assigned Novels (Checked out to student through class)

·  Outside Reading Novels (You should obtain your own copy of these novels. If you cannot purchase your own copy, please talk to Mrs. Ghormley immediately. The cost of the book is not a reason to jeopardize your success in this class.)

o  Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

o  The Stranger by Albert Camus

Unit 1: Exploring British Literature

Main texts: Beowulf and The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer

Supporting texts: Grendel by John Gardner, Arthurian Legend

Outside text: The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

Unit 2: Evaluating Poetry/Drama Across Time

Main texts: Macbeth and Hamlet by William Shakespeare

Supporting texts: Works by Shakespeare, Browning, Longfellow, and others

Outside text: as assigned

Unit 3: Analyzing Techniques in Literary Nonfiction

Main text: Dante’s Inferno by Dante translated by John Ciardi

Supporting texts: “A Modest Proposal” by Jonathan Swift

Outside text: as assigned

Unit 4: Synthesizing Informational Text

Main text: Dracula by Bram Stoker, 18th century poetry by Burns, Wordsworth, Blake, Byron, among others

Outside text: The Stranger by Albert Camus

Unit 5: Inquiry and Synthesis through Research

Main focus: Research Paper

Supporting texts: Modern and post-modern short stories/poems

Outside text: The Stranger by Albert Camus

Unit 6: Evaluating Merits of Argument

Main text: The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger

Supporting texts: Modern and post-modern short stories


College ruled notebook paper – always bring plenty! Expect to use several sheets each day J

Writing utensils – Black pens (yes, your only choice is BLACK ink!), Pencils, and Highlighters

3-ring binder (minimum 1”) – you may share a binder with other classes – just stay organized! You will use this binder all year.

The item assigned to your class period as follows: 3rd period – 1 box of Kleenex, 4th period – #2 pencils OR black pens

Grading Policy will follow RISD High School Grading Procedures

70% of your grade will come from major assignments, while 30% of your grade will come from daily assignments.

Daily Grades:

·  No retake or redo option.

·  Late Assignments will be accepted within 24 hours. The grade will be averaged with the zero, per RISD policy.

Quiz Grades:

·  One quiz (double-daily grade) may be retaken per six weeks. The retake request must be within three-day window, per RISD policy. Retest may be newly formatted.

·  The new grade will be averaged with the original score up to a 70.

·  Late Assignments will be accepted within 24 hours. The grade will be averaged with the zero, per RISD policy.

Test Grades & Projects:

·  Per RISD Policy, students must request a retake (or optional assignment) within three days of receipt of the grade, per RISD policy.

·  The new grade will be averaged with the original score up to a 70.

·  Retest may be newly formatted.

·  Late Assignments will be accepted within 24 hours. The grade will be averaged with the zero, per RISD policy.

Late Work

Late work is defined as any assignment that is not turned in at the time and date designated by the teacher when the student is present. A grade of zero will be assigned if the student is present in class and does not turn in the assignment when due.

Make–up Work

When a student is absent from class, it is the student’s responsibility to make up work. Students will be allowed the amount of time equal to the number of days absent to complete make-up work. However, if the student is aware of an assignment/project/exam deadline and has received the necessary instruction before the absence occurs, the assignment or exam is due upon the student’s return to school.

Academic Dishonesty/Plagiarism

Academic dishonesty or plagiarism includes cheating or copying work from another person or source. Mastery of the learning objectives cannot be determined when dishonesty or plagiarism takes place; therefore, students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty or plagiarism will receive a zero for the assignment with an opportunity for an alternative assignment. The grade on the alternative assignment does not replace the zero, but will be entered into Skyward as part of grade calculation. Opportunity for alternative assignment is not applicable to academic dishonesty regarding exams.


New this year, Rockwall Ready days will be a 70 min. change in our daily schedule on the following dates every six weeks. This will allow students and teachers to focus on mastery of concepts with intentional and targeted instruction.

These school days are MANDATORY: SENIORS WHO HAVE EARLY RELEASE OR WORK RELEASE, must arrange to be at school until their classes end on these days. Dr. Gober will release the bell schedule.

·  September 19 – 20

·  October 24 – 25

·  November 28 – 29

·  January 17 – 18

·  February 13 – 14

·  March 6 – 7

·  April 3 – 4

·  April 24 –25

Technology: Please respect the rules of computer use as outlined in the Student Code of Conduct Acceptable Use policy. You may use your phone or electronic devices for class-related activities when I give permission (check your data plan). You may not text, surf the Web, engage in online gaming, or use social media during class.

My classroom rules align with RHS and RISD Code of Conduct. I will enforce discipline, dress code, and attendance policies as they are outlined by the administration. Students will be expected to exhibit appropriate behavior at all times. Respect of self and others is of paramount importance.

Be Respectful. Be Responsible. Be ON TIME!

NO FOOD allowed in this classroom. You may have a bottle of WATER.