Direct marketing= acquiring and retaining customers without the use of an intermediary, including the distribution of products, information and promotional benefits to target customers through interactive communication in a way which allows response to be measured(marketing direct, commercialisation directe)
Direct mail= material sent through the postal service to the recipient’s house or business address promoting a product and / or maintaining an ongoing relationship(publipostage, publicité directe)
Telemarketing= a marketing communications system whereby trained specialists use telecommunications and information technologies to conduct marketing and sales activities(télémarketing, vente)
Direct response advertising= advertising which solicits a direct response from the consumer by phone or coupon(presse / appel de publicité directe)
Catalogue marketing= the sale of products through catalogue distribution to agents and customers, usually by mail or at stores if the catalogue marketer is a store owner (ventes-catalogues)
Marketing database= an electronic filing cabinet containing facts and details about an organization’s customers viz. names, addresses, telephone numbers, lifestyle and transactional data(base de données de marketing)
Junk mail: mail which is sent to a prospect who is not a suitable target (pourriel, courrier indésirable)
A niche= a small but profitable market segment(niche, créneau)
To segment customers= to classify customers or potential customers into groups of people sharing certain common characteristics(segmenter les clients)
Electronic home shopping= buying items from home by means of computers and cable or satellite television. (achat à domicile)
Teleshopping involves making purchases using a satellite TV channel by phoning in on free lines.
1)promotional benefits= advantages or profit made from selling discounted items (avantages promotionnels/ retombées promotionnelles)
2)target consumers= intended clients (consommateur cible)
3)electronic media=forms of electronic home shopping which include the Internet, cable and satellite TV
4)inserts= direct mail leaflets inserted in magazines (encart publicitaire)
5)door-to-door leafleting=direct mail leaflets dropped at or sent to customers' home or business address (porte à porte pour distribuer des prospectus)
6)customer retention= the keeping of existing customers (fidélisation des clients)
7)marketing mix inputs= the data given by the business tools used in marketing by marketers (données du marketing mix, du mix marketing)
8)customers= buyers, clients (les clients)
9)prospects= future possibilities / chances of success (chances, perspectives)
10)enquirers= someone who makes enquiries, asks questions (un questionneur)
11)lapsed customers= customers who no longer buy items (clients inactifs ou anciens)
12)referrals= recommendations (by someone else) (recommendations)
13)existing customers= current customers (clients actiels, clientèle existante)
14)a brief= a summary talk (un briefing)
15)market analysis= the process of determining factors, conditions and characteristics of a market (analyse de marché)
16)an action plan/ action program = a sequence of steps that must be taken, or activities that must be performed well, for a strategy to succeed. An action plan has 3 major elements 1) specific tasks: what will be done and by whom 2) time horizon: when it will be done 3) resource allocation: what specific funds are available for specific activities. (un plan d'action)
17)in-house= internal (interne)
18)a specialist agency=a company that is expert in one area (une agence spécialisée)
19)a renewal rate= proportion of the subscribers scheduled to expire during any one cycle who renew their subscription (taux de renouvellement)
20)a repeat purchasing rate= number of times a product is bought by an individual customer within a period of time (le taux d'achats répétés)
21)face-to-face salesperson visit=visites des vendeurs en personne
22)body language= silent messages communicated through the sender's body movements, facial expressions, voice tone and loudness, etc (langage corporel, expression corporelle)
23)a receiver= someone who gets, receives something (un destinataire, récepteur)
24)a sender= someone who sends somethingun expéditeur, émetteur, envoyeur
25)a purchase= something bought (un achat)
26)business-to-business markets= not business to consumers, any business done between two or more companies (les marchés d'entreprises communes / inter-entreprises)
27)purchasing behavior= purchase decision making pattern that is a complex amagalm of needs and desires, and is influenced by factors such as the consumer 's 1) societal role (parent, spouse, worker….) 2)) social and cultural environment and norms and 3) aspirations and inhibitions (le comportement d'achat)
28)credit worthiness= a creditor's judgment of an entity's current and future ability,and inclination to honor debt obligations as agreed upon. It is usually based on credit history, credit rating and character of the entity (capacité de payer)
29)updating= revising ,entering new data (mise à jour, actualisation)
30)hackers= people who illegally access computers (pirates informatique)
31)bogus companies= fake companies (sociétés-écrans)
32)integrated marketing communication campaign (IMCC)= an approach to achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign, through a well-coordinated use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each other (campagne de communication de marketing intégrée)
33)intrusive nature= nature that invades provacy (nature intrusive, caractère intrusif)
34)privacy= the quality or condition of being secluded from the presence or view of others (vie privée, intimité)
EXERCISE 1A: Answer these questions
1) What are the different methods or forms of direct marketing discussed in the text?
The different methods or forms of direct marketing discussed in the text are direct media, telemarketing, direct response, advertising catalogue, marketing, electronic media, inserts in print media and door-to-door leafleting. (paragraph 1 lines 3 to 5)
2) Why do companies maintain a marketing database?
Companies maintain a marketing database to keep customer data and create a customer profile (see paragraph 3)
3) What type of information can be recorded on a database?
The type of information that can be recorded on a database is a list of names, addresses, telephones as well as lifestyle and transactional data
4) What could be the objectives of a marketing campaign?
The objectives of a marketing campaign could be the acquisition and retention of customers.
5) What are the stages of managing a direct marketing campaign?
The stages are 1) identifying and understanding the target audience 2) setting campaign objectives 3) making media and creative decisions 4) executing the campaign and 5)evaluating the campaign.
6) How is a marketing campaign assessed ?
A marketing campaign is assessed through the return on investment generated by a given campaign. Such a return includes total sales, sales rate, number of enquiries, cost per sale and
renewal rate in the short term. In the long term, however, it includes the yielded repeat purchasing rates and the value of customers.
7) What do integrated marketing communication campaigns consist of?
Integrated marketing communication campaigns consist in using many of the seven forms of direct marketing simultaneously and coherently to its best advantage in order to achieve marketing objectives.
8) What ethical problems are usually raised concerning the practice of direct marketing?
Criticisms usually include a quantity of poorly targeted direct-mail (junkmail), the timing and intrusive nature of telemarketing calls, the content of direct mail envelopes and the invasion of privacy.
9) Why is marketing on the internet growing fast?
It is growing fast because of the advantages the internet is offering both to companies and consumers.
10) What could be the obstacles to its expansion?
The obstacles are to do with the security of transactions when using cards to purchase items on the internet. The dangers are hacking and the possibility of buying from bogus companies.
Exercise 1B: Complete the table below with information from the text. Write short sentences.
Direct marketing
Method / Scope (what it is or what it does) / Advantages / Disadvantages / Personal opinionDirect mail / - material sent through postal service to recipients' house
-promotes a product and/or maintains an ongoing relationship / -targets specific named individuals
-allows elaborate personalization
-allows success to be measured / - junk mail
- high initial costs
Telemarketing / -use of telecommunications and information technologies to conduct marketing and sales activities
-can be inbound or outbound / -close customer targeting
-two-way dialogue
-lower costs
-less time consuming / -no visual impact (difficult therefore to assess buyer's reaction through body language or facial expressions)
-easy for customers to react negatively on the phone
-unsolicited calls can be intrusive
Direct response advertising / Advertising designed to elicit a direct response such as an order enquiry or a request- for a visit / - can reach large sections of the population
-allows a swift response
-can reach wide markets / Same as direct mail or telemarketing
Catalogue marketing / Sale of products through catalogues distributed to agents and customers by mail or at stores / -targets specific market niches
- convenient for choosing products
- good sales aid
-response can be recorded on a database
-can lower distribution costs / - items cannot be tried before purchase
-catalogue production can be expensive
-catalogues require regular updating
Electronic media / Forms of electronic home shopping which include the Internet, cable and satellite TV / To consumers
- convenience
-information provision
- less hassle
To companies
-lower costs
-ability to hold dialogues with individuals
-audience measurement and flexibility / problems related to the security of transactions
Inserts / Direct mail leaflets inserted in magazines / Not discussed / Not discussed
Door-to-door leafleting / Direct mail leaflets dropped at or sent to customers' home or business address / Not discussed / Not discussed
Exercice 2A: Use the list of definitions in bold to select the appropriate term to fit each sentence
1) A directory is a useful source of information for building and updating the company's marketing database
2) Companies are increasingly using direct marketing to foster long-term relationships with customers.
3) A good market research ends up in establishing whether there is a niche for the investor.
4) Another name for teleshopping is direct response television.
5) Maintaining an up-to-date mailing list is a key factor in the success of a direct mail campaign
6) People are usually annoyed when they receive junk mail in their letterbox.
7) An advantage of catalogue marketing to consumers is that it allows them to select products at home with their family members
8) The difference between direct response advertising and standard advertising lies in the fact that it is designed to trigger a direct response from the prospective customer such as an order enquiry or a request for a visit.
9) Telemarketing can be inbound when the prospective customer or prospect contacts the company by telephone or outbound when the company is calling theprospect.
10) It is possible to segment if we want to satisfy their requirements more effectively.
Exercice 2B: Match with their meanings the following words and expressions used in the text to refer to different types of customers
1) existing customers 2) prospects 3) enquirers 4) referrals 5) lapsed customers 6)competitors' customers
1) People who have hard currency buying your products are existing customers.
2) Individuals or organisations who are potential buyers of your products are prospects.
3) People who have contacted your organisation and showed interest in your product but who have yet to buy them are enquirers.
4) People who have been recommended to your company as possible customers are referrals
5) People who used to buy your products in the past but who apparently have stopped buying them are lapsed customers
6) All people who buy from your competitors product similar to yours are competitors' customers
GRAMMAR: Nominal compounds
Exercice 3A: Find examples in the text of nominal compounds with:
nouns combinations with two words: target audience (paragraph 4 line 2) specialist magazine (paragraph 6 line 5)television channels (paragraph 6 line 5) information provision ( paragraph 7 line 2) audience measurement (paragraph 7 line 4)
noun combinations with three words: direct response advertising (paragraph 1, lines 3-4), direct marketing activity (paragraph 2 line1), electronic filing cabinet (paragraph 3 line 1), marketing mix inputs (paragraph 3 lines 9-10) telemarketing response mechanisms (paragraph 6 lines 3-4)
noun combinations with four words individually addressable marketing media (paragraph 3 line 3), integrated direct marketing campaigns (paragraph 4 lines 6 and 7), direct response advertising campaigns (paragraph 6 lines 2-3, integrated marketing communications campaigns (paragraph 8 lines 1-2), poorly targeted direct-mail (paragraph 9 lines 1-2)
Exercise 3B: Match each noun in the left column with the appropriate one in the right column to make an acceptable nominal compound
1) telephone number 2) inventory system 3) shopping centre 4) distribution channel 5) product specifications 6) purchasing behaviour 7) response coupon 8) brand image 9)market segment 10) video magazine
Exercise 3C: Match the definitions in the left column with the appropriate 3 or 4 word nominal compounds from the right
1F. 2E. 3I. 4H. 5B. 6G. 7J. 8A. 9.D. 10C
1) The team of salespeople trained to receive phone calls and take either orders all requests for samples is the inbound telemarketing team
2) A number you can ring free of charge is the freephone telephone number.
3) The cycle of four stages ( introduction, growth, maturity and decline) in the life of a product is a product life-cycle.
4) The team of salespeople trained to follow up prospects on the phone is an outbound telemarketing team.
5) The system in which information on marketing is processed is a marketing information system.
6) The stages a consumer goes through when buying something are theconsumer decision-making process.
7) The colour catalogue full of products and prices sent to customers through the post is a mail order catalogue.
8) The findings of research on markets are market research results.
9) Research aimed at locating distribution centres dealers and agents is distribution channel research
10) Schemes in which customers are offered discounts and vouchers so that they can come back are customer loyalty programs.
Adidas earns its stripes in court: Read the article below and discuss or write answers to the following questions.
1)to rebuff= snub, reject = rejeter
2) a bid= an attempt= une tentative
3) to dismiss= reject= rejeter, écarter
4) a retailer= a business or person who sells goods to the consumer as opposed to a wholesaler, who sells goods to another business = détaillant, vendeur au détail, commerçant
5) to infringe= breach, violate= enfreindre, contrevenir à, transgresser
6) trademark= manufacturer's name or logo= marque déposée, marque de fabrique
7) a garment= clothing= un vêtement
8) an issue= a problem, a dispute= un objet de litige
9) to revel= to be happy about, enjoy= se délecter de, savourer, se réjouir de
10) to stir= to cause, provoke= provoquer
11) a subsidiary= an enterprise controlled by another (called the parent) through the ownership of greater than 50% of its voting stock = une filiale
12) a pattern= a recurrent behaviour = un type,un modèle, une forme
13) a ruling= a court decision by a judge= une décision de justice
14) a spokesman/ woman= someone who speaks on behalf of a company... = un porte-parole
15) will= determination= volonté
16) an outpost= a lookout= un avant-poste
17) to wage (a battle)= engage in warfare= partir en guerre contre, s'attaquer à
18) inglorious= disgraceful= déshonorant
19) the preserve= the domain= le domaine
20) to stifle= suppress, suffocate, hold back= suffoquer, étouffer, réprimer
21) treacherous= disloyal= traître
1) How do you recognize Adidas products?
The German manufacturer Adidas products have a distinctive three-stripe logo.
2) Who in a distant past used the same distinctive features?
Hangmen, prostitutes and treacherous knights wore stripes in the Middle Ages.
3) Why did Adidas take other clothing manufacturers to court and what was the court's decision?
They wanted to prevent the use of striped markings so that consumers wouldn't be confused if other companies used the same trademark.
4) Is Adidas right in claiming ownership of the markings?
In Ursula Hudson's opinion, the company is wrong to claim ownership of the markings because nobody owns stripes. They are part of a designer's tool kit and stripes and sport have been associated for ages.
5) Does Adidas use direct marketing methods nowadays?
Yes, commercials, billboards....