Please complete the application in Black ink. It can be handwritten or typed.

Make sure that you complete all sections, if a section is not applicable, write N/A clearly. Please note that questions marked with an asterisk * are mandatory and therefore must be answered.

If applying online you may save and exit your application at any point. Please remember to check your application carefully before submitting as once your form has been submitted it cannot be changed.

If you wish to you may email your application to:

Alternatively return the form to: Human Resources,

Cornerstone Housing,

Cornerstone House,

WesternWay, Exeter,EX1 1AL.

Cornerstone retains all applications and data for a period of twelve months from the closing date for the position.

Please ensure that your applicationis received by the closing date as late applications may not be considered.

* Position Applied for
Closing Date
*First Name(s)
*Surname / FamilyName
Previous Surname/ Family Name (if applicable)
*Current Address
*Post Code
Previous address(if less than 3 Years)
Post Code
Home Telephone Number:
*Mobile Number:
Work Number:
Preferred Telephone Number /  Home Mobile Work
Email Address
*National Insurance Number
Do you hold a valid driving licence /  Yes No
If “Yes” please give your driver number:
Eligibility to work in the UK
Cornerstone have to ensure that applicants have a right to work in the UK and to enable us to do this we require the following information.
We will need to see original documentationif you are invited for interview to confirm eligibility.
*Do you have a Passport /  Yes No
Passport Number
Passport expiry date
*Are you a United Kingdom(UK), European Community(EC) or European Economic Area (EEA) national /  Yes No
*If you answered “No”
Do you require a work permit or does your visa have a condition restricting employment or occupation in the UK /  Yes  No
*Please provide details of any restrictions on your work permit or visa
*Please supply details of any visa currently held / Visa No
Start Date
Expiry Date
Education & Professional Qualifications
Please list educational establishments attended.
All qualifications disclosed may be subject to a check.
Please also indicate subjectscurrently being studied.
Subject / Qualification / Place of Study / Grade/Result
Obtained / Date
Training Courses Attended
Please provide details of relevant training courses attended or courses you are currently undertaking together with the expected completion date.
Course Title / Training Provider / Duration / Date
Membership of Professional Bodies
Please provide detailsof any relevant professional memberships.
Professional Body / Date of Membership / Level / Grade
Employment History
Please provide the details of your current or most recent employer.
Employer’s Name
Type of Business
Job Title
Start Date
End Date
Period of Notice
Reason for leaving (if applicable)
Description of duties and responsibilities
Previous Employment History
Please record your work history of all your previous employment in chronological order.
If you have any gaps in your employment history please provide details.
If required you may attach an additional sheet if necessary.
Employer’s Name
Type of Business
Job Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for leaving.
Description of duties and responsibilities.
Employer’s Name
Type of Business
Job Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for leaving.
Description of duties and responsibilities.
Previous Employment History
Please record your work history of all your previous employment in chronological order.
If required you may attach an additional sheet if necessary.
Employer’s Name
Type of Business
Job Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for leaving (if applicable).
Description of duties and responsibilities.
Employers Name
Type of Business
Job Title
Start Date
End Date
Reason for leaving (if applicable).
Description of duties and responsibilities.
Additional Information
Please use this space to explain why you are interested in this position and how you consider your qualifications, training, knowledge, experience, and/or achievements to date will fulfil the criteria for this post (you may continue on a separate sheet if necessary). You can also include any other relevant experience, for example: private business activity, family duties, voluntary or charitable works, and leisure interests.
If you have any gaps in your employment history, please state the reason for the gaps below.
Are you related to either a Cornerstone Board or Staff member? /  Yes  No
If “Yes” please give details.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? /  Yes  No
If, “Yes” are there any reasonable adjustments that we can make to assist you in your application or our recruitment process?
Are there any dates within the next four weeks that you would be unable to attend an interview?
Where did you see this vacancy advertised?
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
All applicants are required to declare any conviction(s) or charge(s) still outstanding against them in respect of a criminal offence, subject to the rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 and as amended.
Please quote details below of any convictions or charges outstanding in respect of offences (or alleged offences) including driving offences. If you inadvertently disclose a conviction which is regarded as “spent” it will be ignored, unless you are applying for employment which is not protected by the Act.
* Do you have any unspent convictions? /  Yes
 No
* If “Yes” please provide details.
Please provide the names and full contact details of at least two people who have agreed to supply references, but are not related to you.
One should be your current or most recent employer, where this is possible.
If you are a student or trainee this should include a tutor at the education institution.
A personal reference must not be provided by anyone related to you or have any financial arrangement with you.
In order to process applications quickly, Cornerstone might automatically take up references if you are invited to interview stage, unless otherwise requested by you.
Referee 1 ( Present employer if applicable)
* Type of reference Employer  Educational  Personal
Job Title
*May this referee be contacted now? /  Yes  No
Referee 2
* Type of reference Employer  Educational  Personal
Job Title
*May this referee be contacted now? /  Yes  No
I certify that all the information given on this form is true and complete. I agree that any deliberate omission, falsification or misrepresentation in the application form will be grounds for rejecting this application or subsequent dismissal if employed by the association. I understand that I must inform any individuals named on this form that I intend to submit their details as part of this application.
Cornerstone reserves the right after making a conditional/unconditional offer of employment, to ask you to complete a medical questionnaire or attend an occupational health assessment.
Any subsequent offer of employment will be conditional upon references and proof of relevant qualifications being received that are satisfactory to Cornerstone Housing Limited.
I agree to the above declaration
* Name ( Please print)
* Signature
For Office Use Only
Application Reference Number
Interview  Yes  No
Appoint  Yes  No
Interview Panel : Date of Interview:
This page is intentionally blank.
Equality and Diversity Monitoring form
All information contained on this form is Strictly Confidential
Cornerstone’s Recruitment policy seeks to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment of all persons seeking employment. In addition to this, under the provisions of the Equality Act2010 (and as amended), Cornerstone is required to demonstrate that our recruitment processes are fair and that we are not discriminating or disadvantaging anyone because of a protected characteristic (age,disability,gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership, and pregnancy and maternity)
To enable the Association to fulfil this commitment, records are kept covering the applicants’ protected characteristic. The information collected is used for monitoring purposes in an anonymised format to assist the association in analysing the profile and make up of individuals who apply, are shortlisted and appointed to each vacancy.
The Association requests your co-operation to enable it to do this, but filling in this form is voluntary.
Position applied for
The Equality Act 2010 protects people against discrimination on the grounds of their age and gender.
Please indicate your age /  16-24  25-29  30-34  35-39  40-44
 45-49  50-54  55-60  60-64  65+
 Prefer not to day
Please indicate your Gender /  Male  Female  Other
 Prefer not to say
The Equality Act 2010 protects people who are married or in a civil partnership
Please indicate the option which best describes your marital status
Married Single Civil Partnership Legally Separated Divorced  Widowed Prefer not to say
The Equality Act 2010 protects bisexual, gay, heterosexual and lesbian people from discrimination on the grounds of their sexual orientation.
Please indicate the option which best describes your sexual orientation.
 Bisexual Gay Heterosexual  Lesbian
 Prefer not to say
The Equality Act 2010 protects disabled people including those with long term health conditions, learning disabilities and “hidden” disabilities such as dyslexia. If you advise us that you have a disability we can make reasonable adjustments to ensure that any selection processes, including the interview are fair and equitable.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or health condition? /  Yes
 No
 Prefer not to say
If “Yes” please provide details.
The Equality Act 2010 protects people against discrimination on the grounds of their race which includes colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin.
Ethnic origin is not about nationality, place of birth or citizenship. It is about the group to which you perceive you belong. Please tick the appropriate box.
Please indicate your ethnic origin
Asianor Asian British Black / African / Caribbean/ British
 Bangladeshi  African
 Chinese  Caribbean
 Indian  Any other Black background
 Pakistani
 Any other Asian background
Mixed / Multiple Ethnic Groups White
White & Asian  British
 White & Black African  European
 White & Black Caribbean  Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other mixed background  Any other white Background
Other Ethnic Group
Any other ethnic group Prefer not to say
The Equality Act 2010 protects people against discrimination on the grounds of their religion or belief, including lack of belief.
Please indicate your religion or belief.
Atheism Buddhism Christianity Hinduism
Islam Judaism Sikhism Other
Prefer not to say

Thank you for participating in our monitoring programme.

For Office Use Only Reference Number