Comparison between Angels and Demons and Da Vinci Code

Angels and Demons is the first of the two.It’s about a bomb in the Vatican.

The Da Vinci Code is the latter; it’s about a mystery left behind by a murdered man.

The most noticeable difference instructure is the tension. Although the tension in the Da Vinci Code is just about constant, Angels and Demons has an even higher tension rate. This is mostly because of the bomb and the time that’s almost literally ticking away. Another difference is the number of puzzles. The Da Vinci Code has more puzzles and the puzzles individually have been granted more room.

The things that are the same are also quite obvious: The leading role of Robert Langdon, a sidekick (although it’s not the same person), a role for the Vatican (although it fulfills quite a different role here) and the same structure in writing.

Comparison between book and movie: Lord of the Rings (the complete works)

The Lord of the Rings is about the inevitable battle between Good and Evil, and some folks that are caught in the middle of things.

The main differences are quite simple, because the movie doesn’t have the time to develop every aspect of the story many things have been clipped from the story (like Bombadil en Fatty) and some other pieces have been twisted to suit the movie (the part where Saruman explains where Orcs come from, is a piece that doesn’t exist in the book Or the piece where the she-elf pick Frodo up in the beginning after he was poisoned by the wraiths, that piece in the book was different: the she-elf was a man namely Legolas )

The pieces that have remained the same is most of the other stuff

Which I appreciate the most is that the flavor of the story wasn’t completely lost, but in the same time the movie makes the story more open for people who wouldn’t normally read such a heavy story.

In short: The movies and the books are actually for a different audience, although some fans will enjoy both (I am one of them :P), but in the same time they both stay true to the real idea behind the story (although a book is a easier medium to express stuff like that)