Sport in Our Life

Sport plays an important role in the life of many people. It makes people more healthy and it’s a good way of spending free time.

Sport is good for health, but only if you are sport-lover. Professional sportsmen have a lot of injuries. A lot of people in Russia heard about the young Russian gymnast Masha Zasipkina who fell during coaching and injured her spine. It was a year ago. She was paralyzed, she had surgery and now she feels O.K. But she would never go to the gymnastic stage again.

One of the least dangerous kinds of sport is swimming. You can’t break your spine, leg, hand, etc. Of course, someone can say that you can sink in the swimming-pool, but I think it is less probable then breaking your nose in basketball.

In Russia is very long and cold, so people can’t afford to spend a lot of time in the fresh air. But if it is not very cold skiing and skating are a good way to stay fit.

If you ask anyone about health, practically all the people will say that sport influences health, and all people should do sport. It can be not only tennis, basketball and hockey but it also can be something like dancing, walking, etc.

Sport in Russia plays a large role, and there are a lot of kinds of sport which are new for Russian people.

Fitness is a combination of body composition and muscular performance. . It decreases your risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and other life threatening diseases.

Aerobic (means with oxygen) exercise which involves steady constant motion of the muscles increases the body's demand for oxygen. In this manner aerobic

exercise works your heart muscle making it bigger and stronger. Examples of aerobic exercises are walking, running, swimming, and cycling.

There are some rules for persons who want to stay fit and be healthy.

1.  Physically exercise should be given the same importance as any important event. Regardless of what exercise you choose, 20-30 minutes 3 times a week should be placed into your timetable.

2.  Pedal your way to fitness and enjoy the scenery and the company of family or friends.

3.  To increase your physical activity doesn't always mean going to the gym. Try putting it into your daily routine. If you do this, your are more likely to keep doing it. To increase your physical activity doesn't always mean going to the gym. Try putting it into your daily routine. If you do this, your are more likely to keep doing it

because you don't have to go out of your way to exercise.

4.  Take stairs whenever possible - particularly if you are going four floors or less. Even if you work on the 60th floor, try climbing a few flights and then taking the

lift just shy of your floor and walk the rest of the way.

5.  Don't use the remote control, get up and change the T.V. channel.

If you follow this rules you will fell yourself O.K!

Kargapolova Nina