Academic Promotion
Application Form – Teaching Focused
Staff NumberDepartment/School
Current post
Promotion applied for
% of Full time
Date application submitted
This form should be completed with reference to the criteria for the post or band being considered as set out on Criteria Matrix explaining how these criteria have been met. All cases need to be accompanied by a CV using the College template which covers the whole academic career. Significant achievements since the previous promotion should be indicated in bold. Candidates are reminded that Faculty Review Panels and Academic Staffing and Titles Committee will discuss the applications anonymously and any reference to the applicant’s name must be removed from all materials and replaced with XXXX.
All applications should be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word format. Individual sections should not normally exceed the size of their boxes (one page per component) and text format should not be smaller than Corbel 11. Please do not attach supplementary material.
Any special circumstances should be detailed on the Individual Circumstances Form and personal details should not be included on the CV.
Individuals are reminded that, in all sections of this form, what is required is supporting evidence rather than restatements of the facts included in the CV. The CV should include details such as committee membership but the application form should include the initiatives you have brought about in that role or other ways in which your work has had, or is having an impact.
Due attention will be paid by the Panels to the specialist aspects of particular disciplines and sub-disciplines. Nevertheless, it would be helpful if (for example) scholarly activities/pedagogic activities could be described as far as reasonably possible in terms which are readily intelligible to those outside the discipline.
TEACHING:Give evidence of where the strengths of your teaching lie, of the contribution you have made to the development of teaching in your discipline and how your work fulfils the criteria
EXTERNAL ENGAGEMENT & IMPACT:Give evidence of how your work has achieved significant external impact and has a bearing on significant specified agendas.
ENHANCEMENT & LEADERSHIP:Give evidence of how your contribution to management or administration or other enabling activities in the College or in public bodies, meets the criteria.
SCHOLARSHIP: Please comment on your scholarship within the field and activities which enhance your teaching as specified in the criteria.
Once complete, individuals should pass this form and their CV to the Head of Department/School who will complete the relevant section after a meeting of the Departmental Review Panel. A copy of the completed form will be provided by the Department/School to the individual making the application.
HEAD OF DEPARTMENT: Comment on the areas below.
The quality of teaching including information on peer reviews and student feedback and indicate how the teaching load compares with the department norms. Comment where particular innovations or national/international impact of teaching has been achieved.
The importance of the external engagement and impact in relation to the discipline norms. Comment on how effective activities have been in achieving impact and where the College has benefitted from such activity.
The effectiveness of leadership in relation to departmental norms including the outcomes for the department or discipline achieved as a result of the leadership. What difference has the candidate made to their field as a result of their leadership, or to College?
Comment on the effectiveness of the candidate’s scholarship activities in establishing a national and international reputation in teaching. What impact has the candidate’s scholarship had on pedagogy beyond the department?
Please provide confirmation of any alternative contractual working modes, i.e. where an applicant is not expected to carry out activity in all four components:
Satisfactory annual appraisal achieved and date:
Name: Signature: Date:
In signing the Head of Department should be aware that there must not be any formal conflicts in the relationships of the applicant and those completing the management section of the application form, such as a current grievance case. Any such conflicts must be reported to the Director of Human Resources.
Once fully completed please return this form with supporting documentation to the Human Resources Department at in accordance with the published deadlines.
For completion by Head of Department and submission with application form for promotion. This form will be removed when the form is returned to the applicant with feedback on the outcome of the case.
Please provide full contact details for six referees, one of who must be international. Please note that where professorial referees are based in North America or countries employing a similar academic nomenclature, Professors should have Full and not Associate or Assistant status. The majority of referees should be at a level higher than the candidate.
Referee 1:
Referee 2:
Referee 3:
Referee 4:
Referee 5:
Referee 6:
Faculty Review PanelIndividual Circumstances applicable: Choose an item.
Details of time loss agreed by individual circumstances panel: Click here to enter text.
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
External Engagement & Impact
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Enhancement & Leadership
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Academic Staffing & Titles Committee
Individual Circumstances applicable: Choose an item.
Details of time loss agreed by individual circumstances panel: Click here to enter text.
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
External Engagement & Impact
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Enhancement & Leadership
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Score: Band (for professorial cases)
Comments: Click here to enter text.
Overall Band/Outcome (average score):Band
Chair of ASTC: Name / Signature: Signature / Date: Date
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Academic Promotion Application Teaching - HR Form_v0.1_09112017.docx
Author: Rachel Tribe