World History- MYP Humanities

Teacher: Mr. Reginald E. Seastrunk


Phone: 940-369-2165

Tutoring: Friday 8:10-8:40

Conference: 3-A 11:25-1:35 pm

English I, II - MYP Language A

Foreign Language I, II, III - MYP Language B

World Geography, World History- MYP Humanities

Biology and Chemistry- MYP Sciences

Algebra I, Geometry- MYP Mathematics

Art, Band/ Orchestra, Choir, Dance, Theatre- MYP Fine Arts

CATE - MYP Technology

PE- MYP Physical Education

World History- MYP Humanities

MYP Mission Statement

The MYP (Middle Years Program) covers the 9th and 10th Grade portion of the International Baccalaureate. The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programs of international education and rigorous assessment. These programs encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

Welcome to World History class at DHS! I want to share with you my expectations for this year so that we may keep a clear line of communication. My intent is to provide you with a comfortable yet challenging and productive classroom. Within this environment

you will read write, think, and speak critically, clearly, and effectively in preparation for a lifetime of learning.

Students and/or parents may schedule a conference to receive extra help or discuss grades, papers, homework, tests, life, etc. If you are ever confused, overwhelmed, or frustrated, please contact me via phone or e-mail.


Our yearly curriculum corresponds with the Texas Essentials Knowledge and Skills, or TEKS, based curriculum. The majority of our workload will prepare your child for his or her exit level TAKS test. Again, the Social Studies department did a great job in preparing the students for the TAKS test; as a school our passing rate was above the state average. In addition to gaining knowledge in World History, we will also cover basic computer usage (word, power point, and excel), library research skills, and all aspects of social studies including geography, government, economics, social interaction, good citizenship, and self-organization.

TEXTBOOK: McDougal Littell: World History


·  Large spiral notebook for World History Class ( ONLY)

·  Regular Loose-Leaf Paper (not a spiral)

·  Pens (Blue/Black Only) & Pencil

·  High lighters/ color pencils

·  Drawing paper

·  A folder to store homework and Quizzes



·  Homework (HW) is assigned on a regular basis covering chapter readings, Skill builders, vocabulary, or worksheets.

·  Long Range Assignments are due on the specified date, whether or not you are present in class.

·  In the event of illness, the student is responsible for making up all assignments or missed work.

·  HW is due at the beginning of the period.


·  First Day Late = 20 points will be taken off the assignment

·  Second Day Late = 30 points will be taken off the assignment

·  Third Day Late = 50 points will be taken off assignment

GRADES: Please note the percentage value of each

Tests & Major Project 60%

Homework, Quizzes & Daily Work 40%

Extra Credit Bank ( Bonus points)

CONDUCT IN THE CLASSROOM: Remember all the things you learned in Kindergarten?...... It still works!!

1.  All the rules in the DHS Student handbook will be enforced.

2.  Courtesy and manners are important in the classroom and life.

3.  Zero tolerance for any disrespect to another student, teacher, or substitute.

4.  Be in your seat ready to go when the bell rings.

5.  Do not write on your desk.

6.  Personal items such as make up, brushes, CD players, etc. are not appropriate in the classroom.

7.  Be prepared for class….No passes will be given to go to the locker. Do not ask to see another teacher or take care of other business during class.

8.  Be an active participant in class.

9.  Academic dishonesty is a serious infraction (copying homework included). A zero will be recorded and an office referral will be filed, and a citizenship grade of an “F” will be given for that grading period.

10.  All assignments are to be completed in blue or black ink, unless stated otherwise.

DISCIPLINE: When disruptive behavior interferes with learning, the following steps will likely occur:

1.  Verbal warning to student.

2.  Issue a school detention

3.  Call home

4.  Office referral

ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE: In general, I simply want your personal best. I expect you to set high standards for yourself, aim to achieve those standards, and be proud of your success!!


Reginald E. Seastrunk

Denton High School

Sign-Up for E-Alerts & Parent Connection (Gradespeed)

Being signed up for e-alerts will allow you to get an email every time I updated my web page for school wires. On my page, there will be a quick link to email me, a tutorial schedule, major assignments, and an electronic copy of my syllabus. Depending on the unit, notes, extra credit, and minor assignments will also be posted.

In order to sign up for e-alerts, go to the Denton High School home page: Under the Parent tab to the top, there is a drop down selection: E-Alerts. Follow the instructions to sign up for the e-alerts. You can sign up for every class your child is in. Having access to Parent Connection and Gradespeed will allow you to not only monitor your child’s grades, but his/her attendance.

In order to sign up for Gradespeed, go to the Denton High School home page: Under the Parent tab at the top, there is a link: Parent Connection. Follow the instructions to sign up for Gradespeed. All of your child’s classes should be available for you to view.

Name______Subject/Block ______

By signing below, you indicate that you have received the syllabus and course contract for MYP/World History.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Please sign syllabus and bring supplies by ______. Thank you!

Student Signature ______Date ______

Parent Name ______

Parent Signature ______


City, State, Zip______

Work # ______Home # ______

Cell # ______E-mail ______

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