Phelps County R-III School District

Power Standards Development Guide

3rd ELA

Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Reading—Key Ideas and details / RL.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
RL.3.1-Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of text. / RI.3.1-Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of text. / RL.3.10-Read and understand grade level text.
RL.3.2-Recount stories, fables, folktales and myths from diverse cultures. / RI.3.2-Determine the main idea of text. Recount details and explain how the support the main idea. / L.3.3-Knowledge of language and its conventions.
RL.3.3-Describe characters in a story and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events. / RI.3.3-Describe the relationship between an event, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Reading craft and structure / RL.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
RL.3.4-Determine meaning of words and phrases as they are used in text. / RI.3.4-Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases. / RL.3.10-Read and understand grade level text.
RL.3.5-Refers to parts of stories, drams, and poems. / RI.3.5-Use text features and search tools to locate information. / L.3.3-Knowledge of language and its coventions.
RL.3.6-Distinguish their own point of views from that of the narrator or those of the character. / RI.3.6-Distinguished their own point of view from the authors text.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Reading-Integration of knowledge and ideas / RL.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
RL.3.7-Explain how specific aspects of a text’s illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by words. / RI.3.7-Use information gained from illustrations and words to demonstrate understanding the text. / RL.10-Read in grade level text.
RL3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings and plots written by the same author about the same or similar characters. / RI.3.8-Describe the logical connection between particular sentences and paragraphs in a text. / L.3.3-Knowledge of language and its conventions.
RI.3.9-Compare and contrast the most important points and key details and key details into text on the same topic.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Writing: Text types and purpose opinion. / W.3
W.3.1 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
W.3.1-Write opinion pieces on topic or text supporting a point of view with reason. / W.3.6-With support, use technology to produce and publish writing as well to interact with others.
W.3.4-With guidance and support, produce writing in which the development or organization are appropriate to task and purpose. / W.3.10-Write routinely over extended time.
W.3.5-With support develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revision and editing. / L.3.6-Acquire and use accurately grade-level conversational, general and domain-specific words and phrases.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Writing: Informative/Explanatory / W.3
W.3.2 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
W.3.2-Write informational/Explanatory text to examine a topic and convey idea clearly. / W.3.6-With guidance use tech, to produce and publish writing as well as to collaborate with others.
W.3.4-With support, produce writing which development and organization are appropriate to task and purpose. / W.3.10-Write routinely over extended time.
W.3.5-With guidance develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising. And editing. / L.3.6-Accuquire grade-level conversational, general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Writing-Narrative / W.3
W.3.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
W.3.3-Write narratives to develop real or imagined events. / W.3.6-(same as above)
W.3.4-(same as above) / W.3.10(same as above)
W.3.5 (same as above) / L.3.6-(same as above)
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Writing-Research to build and present knowledge. / W.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
W.3.7-Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic. / L.3.3-Accurire grade-level conversational general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
W.3.8-Recall information and gather information from sources.
W.3.10-Write routinely over extended time.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Speaking and listening: Comprehension and Collaboration / SL.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
SL.3.1-Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions / SL.3.4-Report on a topic or text speaking clearly and at a understanding pace. / L.3.3-(same as above)
SL.3.2-Determine main idea and supporting ideas of oral information / SL.3.5-Create engaging audio recordings.
SL.3.3-Ask and answer information from a speaker. / SL.3.6-Speak in complete sentences.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Conventions of Standard English / L.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
L.3.1-Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. / L.3.3-Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
L.3.2-Demonstrate conventions of capitalization punctuation, and spelling and writing.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Vocabulary Acquisition and use / L.3 / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
L.3.4-Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown multiple-meaning words and phrases. / L.3.6-Accuire and use accurately grade-appropriate conversational, general academic and domain-specific words and phrases.
L.3.5-Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meaning
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
E ☐
L ☐
R ☐
Supporting Standards

3rd MATH

Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Operations and Algebraic Thinking / 3.OA / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
3.OA.1-Interpret products of whole numbers. / 3.OA.4- Determine the unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation relating three whole numbers. / 3.OA.7- Fluently multiply and divide within 100
3.OA.2-Interpret whole numbers quotients of whole numbers. / 3.OA.5-Apply properties of operation as strategies to multiply and divide. / 3.OA.8-Solve two step word problems using the four operation.
3.OA.3-Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems. / 3.OA.6-Understand as an unknown-factor problem. / 3.OA.9-Identify arithmetic patterns and explain them using properties of operations.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Number and operations in Base Ten. / 3.NBT / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
3.NBT.1-Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to nearest 10 or 100
3.NBT.2-Fluently and subtract within 1,000
3.NBT.3-Multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10-90
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Develop understanding of Fractions as number. / 3.NF / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
3.NF.1-Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part.
3.NF.2-Understand a fraction as a number line.
3.NF.3-Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, compare fraction by size.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Measurement and Data / 3.MD / E ☐x
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
3.MD.1-Tell and write time to nearest minute and measure time intervals in minutes. / 3.MD.4-Measurement data by lengths with ruler, ½, ¼, and inch. / 3.MD.7-Relate area to operation of multiplication and addition.
3.MD.2-Measure and estimate liquid volume and masses of objects using standard units. / 3.MD.5-Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concept of area. / 3.MD.8-Solve real world problems involving perimeters.
3.MD.3-Draw a scaled picture graph and scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. / 3.MD.6-Measure area by unit square.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
Reason with shapes and their attributes. / 3.G / E ☐X
L ☐x
R ☐x
Supporting Standards
3.G.1-Understand that shapes in different categories may have share attributes.
3.G.2-Partition shapes into parts with equal areas.
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
E ☐
L ☐
R ☐
Supporting Standards
Power Standard
(drives content, instruction, and assessment) / Strand / Endurance
Readiness / Assessment
E ☐
L ☐
R ☐
Supporting Standards