OPHA: Nursing Section Executive Board Meeting: December 2017

OPHA: Nursing Section Executive Board Meeting
March 6, 2018: Time: 12:00-1:00PM

Call in: 646-558-8656 or 669-900-6833; Passcode: 494 632 748

Attendance: Sarah, Capella, Tom, Layla, Kala

Agenda / Discussion / Next steps
Introductions / Sarah, Capella, Tom, Layla, Kala
Review Minutes / Minutes approved / Capella will forward to Tom for posting
Luncheon / Time: 11am -1pm
Food: salad is recommended. Baja provides good flexibility for dietary restrictions: consensus for Baja. Plan for 35-40 people. Order food for 45.
Location is set.
Speaker: Jaime Smith on schools and public health / Layla: share vases with Capella
Capella: order food, set up flowers.
Sarah: will be there to help set-up.
Kala: order coin, post agenda.
Chair-Elect / Amber has resigned, please refer any chair-elects you find through word-of-mouth/net-working to Kala.
Get to Know a Member: Sarah McCall / BS in Community Health ED at PSU, then MPH. Became a Lactation Consultant in England, then moved to Texas and did BSN to become an RN. Currently working in CD investigation for Multnomah County. There are 112 reportable conditions in Oregon, and here work tends to focus on food-borne illness. Interested in maternal-child health for the future. Likes to run, bike, and eat popcorn. Favorite author Naomi Klein: “The Shock Doctrine” and “No Logo”. Favorite PH resource “The Journal of Lactation” and for work, CDC’s information on emerging infectious disease. / Kala will submit summary for newsletter.
Capitol Visit Day / Appears to have been a success. / Layla will connect to Laura Z. for more feedback.
Hot Topics / Need to continue to update website. / Kala will send Tom new bunch of announcements for an email blast.
Any other business?
Meeting Adjourned / Next section meeting: April 3, 2018 at 12:00
Next executive meeting: May 1, 2018 at 12:00

Minutes Respectfully Submitted: 3/19/2018

Recorded By: Capella Crowfoot Lapham

Minutes Reviewed, Amended and Approved: