Progressive Era

EQ: During the early 1900s, how did the Progressive reformers try to correct societal problems produced during the Industrial Revolution?

Identify using the 5w’s the following words:

1. Progressivism (p. 246)

Reform movement in the early 1900s concerned with curing problems of urbanization and industrialization.

2. Muckraker (p. 249)

Investigative journalists who wrote about corruption and in business and politics, in hopes to bring about reform.

3. National Child Labor Committee (p. 253)

Committee that set laws to protect children from working 8-10 hrs. not work at night. Go to school to learn to read and write.

4. New York State Tenement House Bill (p.259)

All new tenements are required to have a courtyard and let in air and light. Apartments are suppose to have a bathroom or one for 3 rooms.

5. National Tuberculosis Association (p. 259)

Educate the public on tb and set up special hospital for the sick.

6. NAACP (p. 263)

Group founded by W.E.B. Dubois in 1909 to end racial discrimination.

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

7. Square Deal (p. 276)

Theodore Roosevelt’s 1904 slogan pledging to balance the interests of business, consumers, and labor.

8. Sherman Anti-trust Act (p. 181)

Law prohibiting monopolies and trusts that restrained trade.

9. Elkins Act (p. 277)

Federal laws that prohibit shippers from accepting rebates.

10. Hepburn Act (p. 277)

1906 Law that let the Interstate Commerce Commission to set railroad rates and to regulate other companies engaged in interstate commerce.

11. Meat Inspection Act (p. 278)

1906- Federal law that required government inspection of meat shipped across state lines.

12. Pure Food and Drug Act (p. 278)

1906- Law that prohibited the manufacturing, sale, or transportation of food and patented medicine containing harmful ingredients; also required food and medicine containers to carry ingredients labels.