Bandit Signs Action Plan
1 Projects to Execute
1.1 1. Order Supplies (2 Hours)
1.1.1 Read "Bandit Sign Training Manual"
To Do:
1. Please read the bandit sign training manual that is in the CORE documents section.
1.1.2 Choose Style of Bandit Signs
To Do:
1. Please go to and click on the link we have for Super Cheap Signs
2. Once your at the website you can pick a template bandit sign or design your own
3. Template signs will be cheaper to purchase
4. Designing you own will cost a little more
1.1.3 Order (200 - 500 Bandit Signs)
To Do:
1. Order 200 to 500 signs and have them shipped to your office
2. Super cheap signs has very good customer service if you would like to complete your order over the phone
1.1.4 Order 100 - 250 Stakes
To Do:
1. Order metal stakes for your signs from Super Cheap Signs
2. We usually order about 1 metal stake for every 2 signs. The reason is we hang a lot of signs on wooden telephone polls
1.1.5 Order Sign Stapler
To Do
1. Go to and click on the Sign Stapler banner ad
2. Order a sign stapler and have it delivered
3. We use the sign stapler to put signs up very high on telephone polls which increase the longevity of the signs we use
1.1.6 Put All Marketing Vendor Contacts into Master Contact List or Database
To Do:
1. Put any vendor contacts into either your database or your "Master Contact List for Your Team." You should be filling out this excel spreadsheet contact list from the "Researching Your Competition" training but we have attached another copy in the core documents. It is the same document that you were putting your competitors into.
1.2 2a. Create Your Route Maps Using Mapquest (2 - 3 Hours)
1.2.1 Break Out Your Area Into 4-8 Target Regions
To Do:
1. Break your area up into 4-8 regions that you want to buy houses
2. The number of regions you select will vary depending on
a. How densely populated your area is
b. How how far you want to go outside of where you live
c. How often you want to circulate your signs
3. We prefer to market only within a 20 minute driving distance from our office
1.2.2 Create 4 to 8 Route Maps For Each Region
To Do:
1. Create a route map for Region 1
2. Use if you want to use a Free mapping service
3. Use MicrosoftStreets & Trips if you want to use a better route mapping service
1.2.3 Highlight the Route You Want Your Driver to Drive in Each Region
To Do:
1. Look for the busiest streets and highlight what route you want the driver to drive and in what direction
2. Put a starting and ending point
3. Draw arrows about which direction they should drive in
4. Repeat this for all 4 to 8 maps
1.2.4 Add Directional Arrows Where You Want Signs to Go
To Do:
1. Once you have your area highlighted I want you to then add push pin directional arrows where you want the signs to go on each street corner
2. The arrow should be where you want the sign facing
3. Put around 15 to 25 signs per route map maximum
1.2.5 (Optional) Drive Region 1 to See Where Telephone Polls are for Directional Arrows
To Do:
1. Drive the streets and mark your directional areas
2. You want to mark the streets/intersections/hot spots where you will have signs posted. When you notice a street that is heavily trafficked, make sure and note which direction the traffic is flowing (northbound, southbound, etc). When creating your final Route Map later, you WILL be specific about which direction you want the sign facing, so this is an important step. If you don't want to be this detailed then stop here!
1.2.6 Take Masters and Make 10 Copies of Each Region Map
To Do:
1. Once you have your Master Region Maps created you must make copies of them to give out to your part time help you will be hiring in the future
2. Copy 10 of them and mark the master so you don't lose it
1.2.7 Put Each Region Map into a Separate Folder
To Do:
1. Put the master and the copies into 4-8 different manila folders so you can pull a copy each time you want a driver to put out signs in a certain area
1.3 2b. Create Your Route Maps Using Streets & Trips (3 - 4 Hours)
1.3.1 Purchase Microsoft Streets and Trips
To Do
1. Go to and purchase Microsoft Streets and Trips
2. You can also buy on Amazon and Ebay and sometimes it is cheaper
3. Go through the tutorials on the StreetsandTrips website to learn how to use the program
4. We use this for door knocking and pre-foreclosure door packet delivery systems as well so it
has multiple uses
1.3.2 Break Out Your Area Into 4-8 Target Regions
To Do:
1. Break your area up into 4-8 regions that you want to buy houses. You may assign a region to cover as much as a town, or you may separate two or three neighborhoods out within a town into separate regions. Because these maps will be used in a rotation schedule I recommend having 4 to 8 regions. The best thing to do is then hit each one of those regions each week which will put you on a 4 or 8 week rotating schedule
2. The number of regions you select will vary depending on
a. How densely populated your area is
b. How how far you want to go outside of where you live
c. How often you want to circulate your signs
3. We prefer to market only within a 20 minute driving distance from our office
1.3.3 Pull a Map for Each Region
To Do:
1. You now have a list of regions you'll be targeting, and we will start with Region 1. Open Streets and Trips, pull up a map of Region 1 (with the software’s easy-to- use search engine). Then, zoom in so that you’re close enough to see major street names (when you outsource your map, it’s only effective with the street names), see below:
1.3.4 Drive Region 1 and Mark Where Your Signs Should Go
To Do:
1. Following tips we’ve discussed earlier take your map and drive Region 1. You want to mark the streets/intersections/hot spots where you will have signs posted. When you notice a street that is heavily trafficked, make sure and note which direction the traffic is flowing (northbound, southbound, etc). When creating your final Route Map later, you WILL be specific about which direction you want the sign facing, so this is an important step.
2. Write down the street address of where the sign should go
1.3.5 Put all Addresses into Streets and Trips and Create "Stops"
To Do:
1. Now that you’ve detailed on your map where and in what directions you want Bandit Signs put up, you’ll enter all the addresses into Microsoft Streets and Trips for Region 1 Map. Create a new “stop” in the location you want a sign installed.
1.3.6 Once All Your "Stops" Are Added Generate the Route
To Do
1. Review your stops on your Route Planner (left panel on above example), if ok click on “Optimize Stops” and the software will automatically generate the quickest route (which will be highlighted in green) and directions are also provided for you.
1.3.7 Add Directional Arrows Where You Want Signs to Go
To Do:
1. Streets and Trips has now mapped out the quickest route for your sign worker to take when putting up signs and gives them a location for every spot you want a sign posted. Now, you need to take the instructions one step further and indicate which direction of oncoming traffic you want the sign facing. Thankfully, you’ve already gathered this information when you drove your region with your original map print- out. Now, you just have to print out the final version with the route layout and transfer that data to your map.
2. For those of you who are ultra tech-savvy there are a variety of ways to create the final version on your computer using a combination of other programs. Here, however, we will go through how to do it manually (physically writing on it). So print out your map, get out a fine- point red or black Sharpie, and mark each of your sign “stop” points appropriately.
1.3.8 Take Masters and Make 10 Copies of Each Region Map
To Do:
1. Once you have your Master Region Maps created you must make copies of them to give out to your part time help you will be hiring in the future
2. Copy 10 of them and mark the master so you don't lose it
1.3.9 Put Each Region Map into a Separate Folder
To Do:
1. Put the master and the copies into 4-8 different manila folders so you can pull a copy each time you want a driver to put out signs in a certain area
2 Documents
2.1 Bandit Sign Training Manual
See attachment(s): 09-08-08 Bandit_Signs_Manual_Final - Edited by Than.doc
2.2 Master Contact List for Your Team
See attachment(s): Master Contact List for Your Team.xls
3 Websites
3.1 - For Bandit Sign Company we Recommend
3.2 - For Sign Stapler
3.3 For Mapping Software
4 Long Term Action Plan
4.1 Every 4 to 6 Months Redo the Region Maps
4.2 Upgrade Your Mapping System to Streets and Trips after a Few Deals