Norton School PTA Minutes
October 1, 2012
Location: Norton School Cafeteria
Time meeting called to order: 6:30 p.m.
Members present: Lisa Palma, Lori Braun, Ulari Dike, Angela Ruggiero, Shari Grayson, Mary Karas, JC Wiltshire, Carol Warner, Robin Gordon, Deb Fowler, Kelly Grillo, Christine Sullivan, JoAnn Brown, Alissa Tessier, Lisa Arciero, Julie Lawlor, Sally Markowski, Tammy Wertz, Courtney Devine, Amy Smith, Abby Santa Maria-Nageotte, Michelle Wynne, Janine Mahan, Megan Bartlett, Sally Markowski, Deb Lasher, Crista Misiewicz, Christine Ulicki and MaryBeth Colosky.
Call to Order
Lisa Palma and Lori Braun, Norton PTA’s Co-Presidents, called the meeting to order, welcomed all in attendance to the PTA’s first meeting of the school year and had everyone present introduce themselves.
Presidents’ Report
Lisa Palma and Lori Braun, Norton PTA’s Co-Presidents, reported that they still need a membership chair, secretary and nominations chair positions have been filled by Shari Grayson and Amy Smith respectively. Someone is also needed for school store and a Townwide PTA Chairperson is also needed. Lori will be going to the meeting this month. They are looking to have guest speakers at some of the meetings and said that if anyone had any ideas to please contact them. They are looking for speakers who are preferably free of charge beginning in January 2013.
Vice Presidents’ Report
Vice President, Joesephine Carroll-Wiltshire, thanked Lisa, Julie, Deb and Diane for helping stuff first day of school folders and assist with spelling books and agendas. New folders will need to be ordered for next year.
Treasurer’s Report
Abby Santa Maria-Nageotte, Norton PTA’s Treasurer, referred to the Budget for 2012-2013 for her account. The PTA’s current balance is at $25,255.28.
Secretary’s Report
August meeting minutes were discussed and there was a correction made by Lori Braun because of the wording of the financial statement for the boy scout charter renewal. PTA did receive monthly reports, just not consistently on time. This was per Lisa Arciero.
Motion: To approve the August 2012 Meeting minutes.
Moved: Lori Braun Second: Joesephine Carroll-Wiltshire Unanimous
Principal’s Report
Mary Karas thanked everyone for the beginning of the year stuff. Norton is down to three first grades. Everyone is looking forward to a great start to the school year.
Committee Reports
Cultural Committee Chairperson Ulari Dike reported that the first day of school went well. Suggestions included having students play instruments outside next year. She met with Mary Karas before school to see what school would like. Norton wants more diversity. The Children's Choir of Uganda not here until 2013 but they did take our information and we may be able to book them for next school year. Still looking into other things, but working mainly on high touch high tech right now. All grades are set this year. Total we have spent so far is $6125 and stopped there for now. Budget is $8500.
No more first day trinket sales
Deb Lasher, Book Fair Coordinator, said that she is excited for this year’s book fair and is hoping it will be the best yet since it will be her last one. Scholastic has incentives for Norton that if the sales are better than the previous year, then the Norton PTA will get a monetary bonus. As of this meeting, there was one first grade grandparent luncheon and over $400 was spent by them that afternoon. The next luncheon was later that week.
The Ice Cream Social will be held on Thursday, October 4th in the Norton cafeteria during the week of the Book Fair. Janine Mahan, Chairperson, said that they found a vendor for ice cream. Diane Michaud was able to order ice cream through Thurston’s Food Service and it was less expensive than last year.
Plant Sale Chairs, Janine Mahan and Christine Ulicki, said there would not be a mum sale this year. They were thinking of doing a Casertano holiday fund raising event sellings wreaths, etc. Christine and Janine would take care of this through presale orders, it would not become the responsibility of the fundraiser chairs.
Picture This! Chairperson, Deb Lasher, said that this is her first year coordinating this committee and she’s trying to get it figured out. She is looking for ways to spice things up a bit and may be getting some help from Flavia Cass.
Open House Treat Sales was coordinated by Sally Markowski and Megan Bartlett. This year was very well received and very successful.
Julie Lawlor reported that Fall Family Fun Day was held on September 22nd from 1 – 4 p.m. at Norton Brothers Farm. It was a nice day with beautiful weather and things went very well. About 130 people came. Netted $63.08 and made the Cheshire Herald.
Fundraising Committee Co-Chairperson, MaryBeth Colosky, reported that the wrapping paper fundraiser just ended and the PTA will make at least $2500. They also sold car magnets and cinch bags at the Open Houses and made $205. Pie fundraiser is next and they will be in for Thanksgiving. Square One Art fundraiser update: students are completing art this week. Forms will go out in November for holiday delivery.
The Norton directory is being worked on and completed tonight. Will go out this week and the cost is $10 each. Card stock for covers is only expense.
MaryBeth and Co-Chair, Deb Fowler, contacted Butch Hanover to schedule fundraisers of both Quinnipiac hockey and basketball games. Butch Hanover reported the following:
QU fundraiser was successful last year and for a variety, basketball and/or hockey can be offered. Prices would be $11 for hockey games, which would be over break when college kids are gone and more seats open up. Basketball games would be $7 and good seats are always available in February. The split would be 60/40 for fundraising. QU is very good to work with. The National anthem can also be sung by a student and the idea of going to Mr. Campbell was put out there to see if he was interested in making some sort of competition out of it.
Wednesday Weekly information needs to be sent to Sally Markowski by Tuesday evening in order to be in the following newsletter.
Carrie Brabant and Robyn Speckhart of the Sunshine Committee reported they are going to do a pumpkin day for the teachers as a fall surprise. Looking for pumpkin baked goods and small raffle items.
Helping Hands meets on Friday mornings from 9-11 a.m. and they do various tasks for teachers. Children are welcome to come too.
Beautification report talked about the Memorial Garden for Beth T. and how one bench was donated by 6th graders and the other from PTA and parents and teachers.
Scouting report: Karen Arai is cub scout leader and they planted mums around school this past weekend. They were donated by Everybody's. Food drive is coming up as is popcorn fundraiser. Boy Scouts just had camping trip, no other new news
PTA scholarship committee has suggested an increase from $250 to $1000. There has never been an increase in several years and Lori Braun made a move to increase the donation. This is something to think about for when we get closer to the end of the year.
Membership report: Goal was 100% which was high but we thought it was important that every child have a voice in the PTA. We have 140+ members as of today. Maybe having a parent/teacher survey would help to see why people don't come to meetings. Get perspective from parents to help increase membership and reach goal. Survey monkey might be a good, easy option.
Old Business
Since there is really no need for a special playground swing, the $1000.00 allocated for that is now available to something else. $5000.00 had been put aside last year for wish list items and with this extra money now available, the thought came up to use it to purchase more iPads for the school.
Motion made to use last year’s wish list money allocated for swing to purchase iPads.
Moved: Lisa Palma Second: Shari Grayson Unanimous
New Business
PTA Facebook page was suggested to promote events and deliver school news. Mary Karas was OK with this as long as the security is tight and no pictures of students get posted.
The next PTA meeting will be held on Monday, November 5th, at 6:30 p.m. in the Norton cafeteria.
Raffle Prize Winners from drawing are as follows:
3rd prize Sergio's and Buffalo Wild Wings Gift Cards - Bryan Campbell
2nd prize $100 Lia Sophia gift card – Deb Lasher
1st prize Projector valued at $500 – Julie Lawlor
The meeting was adjourned at 7:39 p.m.