List of Common Harvard Training Portal (HTP) Environmental Health & Safety Courses
Commercial Laser Microscope Training – RPO104 – This specialized training for researchers using commercially available laser microscopes with one or more embedded lasers covers basic laser safety and posting requirements
Emergency Action Training – IHS109 – This online course outlines the actions employees and Evacuation Monitors should take in the event of various emergencies. Evacuation Monitors should aid in the emergency evacuation of their buildings in accordance with their building-specific Emergency Evacuation Plans.
General Laboratory Safety – LAB100 - This course provides a basic orientation for staff and students working in research and conservation laboratories. It covers how to safely use, store, and dispose of hazardous chemicals and respond to emergencies in accordance with the regulatory requirements outlined in 29 CFR 1910.1450. It also covers an awareness of additional laboratory-based hazards that may be seen the labs.
General Laboratory Safety Refresher – LAB200 - In accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1450, this online annual refresher course meets the annual hazardous waste training requirement and presents new lab safety information or resources, updating the lab research community on various lab safety topics.
Laboratory Biosafety – LAB103 - This 30-minute online course prepares you to work with biohazards as well as blood and other potentially infectious materials in a research lab, in accordance with the regulatory requirements outlined in 29 CFR 1910.1030.
Laboratory Biosafety Refresher – LAB203 - In accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1030, this online annual refresher training includes technical and regulatory topics relevant to labs performing research with biological materials, bloodborne pathogens, infectious materials, and rDNA.
Laser Safety – RPO102 - In accordance with 105 CMR 121, this online course covers: Laser safety classifications, Effects of laser radiation, Non-beam hazards, Engineering and administrative controls to protect laser users against hazardous laser radiation and non-beam hazards
Laser Safety Refresher – RPO203 - This online refresher course covers current topics in laser safety, as taken from laboratory observations and literature.
Radioactive Materials Safety – RPO101 - This online course reviews radiation safety for laboratory personnel at Harvard University. Topics include: Harvard-specific radiation safety policies, Proper handling, storage, and use of radioactive materials, Minimizing exposure, Monitoring for radiation in your work areas, Personnel monitoring (badges), Emergency response
Radioactive Materials Safety Refresher – RPO201 - This online refresher course reviews Harvard-specific radiation safety policies and procedures, as well as recent audit findings, incidents, and news relevant to the safe use of radiation.
Shipping Biological Materials and Dry Ice – LAB104 - This online course provides the training required by IATA 1.5 to legally ship biological specimens, with or without dry ice, by air.
X-Ray Device Safety – RPO107 - This online course reviews x-ray safety at Harvard University. Topics include: Harvard specific x-ray policies & procedures, Safe use of x-ray equipment, Dose minimization and monitoring, Emergency Response
X-Ray Device Safety Refresher – RPO207 - This online refresher course is required annually for staff members who completed RPO101