MY428 Week 9: Structural & Critical Approaches

  1. Look at the arguments expressed against the use of the referendum as expressed by French and British political representatives in parliament.
    Identify whether Hirschman’s structural patterns of argumentation (perversity, futility, jeopardy theses) are replicated.

1.‘Do you really think that the people will rush off to the polls to vote on a referendum about the accession [to the EU] of Macedonia, Switzerland, Andora or Bosnia? The French are not the Swiss!’
2. ‘There will be a confrontation between French and Turks if, after 10 years of discussion, the French people were to refuse the accession of Turkey to the EU via Referendum’.
3. ‘Once the negations have started, they inevitably end up with the accession of the country of concern anyway, [with or without referendum]’.

4. ‘This referendum is both useless and dangerous for the ratification of the EU Treaty itself’

5. ‘The referendum, which is an expression of direct democracy, is often difficult to handle. It is necessary to use it prudently, especially in a country prone to outburst like ours, because the electorate’s vote is more often than not determined by the political state of affairs rather than by the question which has been asked’.

6.‘[This reform] will harm the referendum itself, because it diminishes the unique nature of the referendum as a means of civic participation on only the most crucial issues’.

7.‘Rather than clarifying the debate on EU integration, this referendum will aggravate the already-existing confusion surrounding the question of Turkey’s accession to the EU and will put the ratification of the EU Treaty at risk’.
8. ‘If these [referenda] are introduced in our country they will have a profound and lasting effect on the relationship between Members of Parliament and the electorate.’

9. ‘If the referendum is held, it will still not settle the question of membership, because decision in such a matter will continue to have to be reviewed, month after month and year after year. Some Governments will want to stay in, whilst others will be doubtful. Some will want to renegotiate, some will not.

10. ‘The referendum is a fallible instrument. We cannot be sure that people will vote on the merits of the issue. We cannot be sure that they will not be swayed by other considerations, whether party political allegiances or the popularity or unpopularity of the Government, or whatever else it may be. So there is the possibility of a perverse answer.’

  1. Attempt a semiotic analysis of the following advertisements:

  1. Apply narrative and rhetorical analysis to the four‘apology e-mails for Not Attending Class’ below.

Dear Dr.xxxx
Please allow me to apologise for not being able to attend your class on xxxx.
I regret missing the all-important lecture.
It is through this email that I want to tell you why I was unable to show up in your previous class. My grandfather has been sick for quite some time now. He is 95 years old. Age has taken its toll on his health, which is why he is sick most of the time. However, his health condition deteriorated even further on Monday evening. He started vomiting and then passed out afterwards. We rushed him to the hospital immediately and fortunately, the doctor on duty handled the situation really nicely. My grandfather regained conscious on Tuesday morning, but I decided to stay with him in the hospital.
I apologise once again for missing your lecture. I hope you will be able to forgive me after reading through this apology email. I would also like to assure you that I will be much more regular in your classes from now on. I will ask a class-mate to share his notes from your previous lecture with me.
Faithfully xxxx

Dear Dr.xxxx
There was a failure on my part to attend class on xxx. I apologize for the delay in notice; however, because of religious reasons/circumstances. I was unable to attend class. Attendance, I know is vital and I intend to make up all of the work load that was allotted to me during my absence. I apologize for missing class and appreciate any understanding on your part.
In the future I will try to notify you further in advance.
Once again I apologize for missing class!
Thank you for any cooperation on your behalf.
Sincerely xxxx

Dear Dr.xxxx
I am sending this email for apologising for not being able to attend your class on Friday that is on xxx. I am writing with deepest respect for you and I feel sorry for missing an important lecture of the class.

The day before Friday that is on Thursday, my uncle had a serious road accident. He was off to London with his friends when a truck bumped his car and he was hospitalised with serious injuries. His son lives in UK for higher studies and his wife was alone to handle the situation all by herself. My presence at the hospital was inescapable and that is why I had to miss the class.

I once again apologise for missing such an important class. I hope that I will gain forgiveness from you after sending you this apology email. I assure you that I will live up to your expectations and complete the missed out topics of the previous class and will take the notes from one of my friends.

Sincerest apologies!

Faithfully xxxx

Dear Dr.xxxx

I wanted to apologize for missing the research assignment in class last week. I know there are no makeups—and I certainly wouldn’t ask you for one, especially given my reason—but I’ve always been taught to be accountable for my actions, and I want to let you know what happened.

In short, I broke up with my girlfriend, and I started moping. I missed the assignment out of a sudden case of post-breakup apathy and a nasty case of the being-out-too-lates. This is completely my fault and I accept all accountability for it.

Again, please don’t think this is some ploy to get a sympathy makeup date or anything like that. I’m sure that missing the assignment, especially one so important as a final research paper, will lower my grade, but I deserve it. If my syllabus is correct, my previous grades—as well as the (hopefully) high marks I’ll receive on the rest of the project—should keep me in pretty good range.

Thanks for your patience and understanding about this all. It’s good to know that I can miss an assignment in your class without getting a bad rep with you.

Sincerely xxxx