Get Registered, Get Active, Get Involved!

The challenge for you and your business to get active in 2012

The Active Together Workplace Challenge is aimed at organisations in Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland and promotes a more active lifestyle with offers of innovative methods to stay active. It's comprised of three programmes; The Activity Log, Competition Programme and Business Games.

The Workplace Challenge is free to join and once registered there are many tools, resources and support available to help achieve your activity goals and compete for prizes along the way.

The Workplace Challenge: Activity Log is a FREE tool to keep track of your levels of sport, physical activity and active travel online and compete with other workplaces at the same time! The more activity you do, the more points you get - and points mean prizes!

You don't have to be a budding athlete to take part and neither do your colleagues - you can make small and simple changes like cycling or walking to work, or getting off the bus one stop earlier than usual.

Just register at then log your activity over the 8 week challenge (16th Jan – 11th Mar 2012) to be in with a chance of winning prizes! You don't have to log on everyday - it's possible to back-date entries, so what are you waiting for?!

Prizes will be awarded to the top organisations (based on overall activity points earned and Co2 reduction). There will also be prizes for individuals throughout the duration of the challenge to keep motivation levels high!

The Workplace Challenge: Competition Programme is a series of inter-workplace sporting competitions for you to take part in! Each competition has links with either a local sports club or "Back2" sports programme so that you can have the option to continue with the activity after the competition ends!

These exclusive events are only open to participants of the Workplace Challenge: Activity Log but places will be limited so if you and your colleagues are keen to get involved, hurry and register to ensure that you don't miss out!

So far this year we have 6 competitions programmed; Basketball, Football, Netball, Tennis, Badminton and Volleyball. All events are low cost and the emphasis is on fun.

The Workplace Challenge: Business Games is a new event that is inspired by the 2012 Games to get workplaces fit, healthy and active on Saturday 12th May 2012.

Businesses from across Leicestershire, Leicester and Rutland will be able to take part in a range of team sports alongside a series of fun sporting challenges over a one day event.

Team building and networking opportunities will be scheduled to encourage camaraderie between your colleagues as well as providing the chance to meet likeminded individuals from other organisations.

Represent your company, business or organisation and build employee confidence, loyalty and team spirit!

To find out more about the Active Together Workplace Challenge visit or contact Kim Lillie and Andrew Watson at Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport on or

Or find us on:

Twitter: WorkplaceChall

Facebook: Active Together Workplace Challenge

LinkedIn: Active Together Workplace Challenge