Worksheet 4A

New Combining Form, Prefix, and Suffix Handout

Directions: For each combining form, prefix, and suffix below write out its meaning. Then locate a new

term from the chapter that uses the word part and its meaning.

Combining Forms

Meaning Chapter Term Meaning

1. ankyl/o ______

2. arthr/o ______

3. articul/o ______

4. burs/o ______

5. carp/o ______

6. cervic/o ______

7. chondr/o ______

8. clavicul/o ______

9. coccyg/o ______

10. cortic/o ______

11. cost/o ______

12. crani/o ______

13. femor/o ______

14. fibul/o ______

15. humer/o ______

16. ili/o ______

17. ischi/o ______

18. kyph/o ______

19. lamin/o ______

20. lord/o ______

21. lumb/o ______

22. mandibul/o ______

23. maxill/o ______

24. medull/o ______

25. metacarp/o ______

26. metatars/o ______

27. myel/o ______

28. orth/o ______

29. oste/o ______

30. patell/o ______

31. ped/o ______

(Continued )

Combining Forms

Meaning Chapter Term Meaning

32. pelv/o ______

33. phalang/o ______

34. pod/o ______

35. pub/o ______

36. radi/o ______

37. sacr/o ______

38. scapul/o ______

39. scoli/o ______

40. spondyl/o ______

41. stern/o ______

42. synovi/o ______

43. synov/o ______

44. tars/o ______

45. thorac/o ______

46. tibi/o ______

47. uln/o ______

48. vertebr/o ______

49. fasci/o ______

50. fibr/o ______

51. kinesi/o ______

52. muscul/o ______

53. my/o ______

54. myocardi/o ______

55. myos/o ______

56. plant/o ______

57. ten/o ______

58. tend/o ______

59. tendin/o ______


60. -blast ______

61. -clasia ______

62. -desis ______

63. –listhesis ______

(Continued )

Combining Forms

Meaning Chapter Term Meaning

64. -porosis ______

65. –asthenia ______

66. -kinesia ______

67. -tonia ______


68. ab- ______

69. ad- ______

70. circum- ______

Worksheet 4B

Medical Term Analysis

Directions: Below are terms built from word parts used in this chapter that are not analyzed in the Word

Building Table. Many are built from word parts you have learned in previous chapters. Analyze each term

presented below and list and define the word parts used to build each term.

Medical Term Word Part Analysis

1. osteocyte ______


2. osteoblast ______


3. articular ______


4. kyphosis ______


5. scoliosis ______


6. orthotic ______


7. osteogenic ______


8. osteomalacia ______


9. osteoporosis ______


10. spondylolisthesis ______


11. osteoarthritis ______


12. systemic ______


13. arthrography ______


14. arthroscopy ______


15. arthroplasty ______


(Continued )

16. myoneural ______


17. electromyography ______


18. atrophy ______


19. pseudohypertrophic ______


20. fibromyalgia ______


Name ______Date ______Score ______

Quiz 4C

Labeling Diagram

Name ______Date ______Score ______

Quiz 4D

Labeling Diagram

Directions: Label the parts of a long bone.

Name ______Date ______Score ______

Quiz 4E

Word Building Quiz

Directions: Build a single medical term for each phrase below.

1. fusion of a joint ______

2. inflammation of a bursa ______

3. surgical repair of cartilage ______

4. incision into the skull ______

5. surgically break a bone ______

6. surgical removal of synovial membrane ______

7. pertaining to wrist ______

8. pertaining to ilium ______

9. pertaining to kneecap ______

10. pertaining to upper jaw ______

11. pertaining to tailbone ______

12. pertaining to chest ______

13. abnormal condition of hump ______

14. porous bone ______

15. vertebra slipping ______

16. inflammation of bone and joint ______

17. process of recording a joint ______

18. inflammation of fascia ______

19. pertaining to muscle ______

20. muscle disease ______

21. inflammation of many muscles ______

22. abnormal tone ______

23. slow movement ______

24. excessive development ______

25. inflammation of a tendon ______

Name ______Date ______Score ______

Quiz 4F

Abbreviations Quiz

Directions: Write the medical term for which each abbreviation stands.

1. AE ______

2. BK ______

3. BDT ______

4. DJD ______

5. DXA ______

6. Fx ______

7. HNP ______

8. NSAID ______

9. ORIF ______

10. RA ______

11. THA ______

12. TKR ______

13. UE ______

14. LE ______

15. ortho ______

16. JRA ______

17. Ca ______

18. L1 ______

19. C2 ______

20. T3 ______

21. MD ______

22. IM ______

23. EMG ______

24. DTR ______

25. CTS ______