Welcome to American History II

“The past reminds us of timeless human truths and allows for the perpetuation of cultural traditions that can be nourishing; it contains examples of mistakes to avoid, preserves the memory of alternatives ways of doing things, and is the basis of self-understanding…”

Ms. Turner ()

Room: 1522

Office Hours: T, Th @ 3:15-4:15 or by appointment

Course Website: http://kturner4khs.pbworks.com

Wish List Supplies for Classroom:

v  Hand Sanitizer

v  Clorox Wipes

v  Marker Packs/ Colored Pencils

v  Construction Paper

v  Previously read news magazines (Newsweek, Time, etc.)

v  Tissues

Required Supplies for Students:

v  3-ring binder (for notes)

v  Higlighters

v  Composition Notebook/Spiral (for bellwork needs to stay in classroom)

v  Post-it notes

v  Loose Leaf Paper

v  Pen/Pencil

To: Parents & Guardians

From: Kayla Turner

Re: Course Overview American History II

Date: January 21, 2015

Welcome to Knightdale High School! This promises to be an exciting year as students adjust to the new year, new friends, and new teachers to guide them. I look forward to an exciting, educationally productive, and informative semester for myself and the students in American History II.

American History II is one of the four Social Studies courses required for graduation. Students will be assessed throughout the year on their mastery of Common Core Standards, and Content Standards. A culminating NC Final Exam from the state will be given for 20% of the final grade.

The classroom structure of lessons will include minimal teacher lectures, class discussions, and problem base learning activities, small group work and presentation, individual research and presentation and visual documentaries. During these lessons, progress will be assessed and evaluated in conjuction with tests and quizzes which will require students to recall and apply factual information.

In order to help students organize the material and their learning, I will require the students to keep a 3-ring binder that will be checked for order and completeness at the end of each unit. Each day students will be required to bring their binders, pens, and papers to class. I will also give students a unit plan of due dates and topic covered in class, so they are able to plan their schedules and test preparation.

There are many ways that you as a parent can be involved in your students learning of American History: interims and PowerSchool; the class website; encourage and monitor student attendance at tutorials; encouraging them to complete assignments and classwork on time; discuss with them some of the issues we discuss in class; check their binders and look at their progress; and lastly save any political or geographical magazine or newspaper sections for them to look for current events or perspectives.

I will be using the Remind 101 App to send course and tutorial reminders. This is a one way form of communication, but is useful as a means to keep everyone up to date on activities. To be apart of the group you will need to text 81010 the message: @ef7ce.

Again, I look forward to a great semester with your student. I may be reached at the school if there are any concerns via e-mail (). Please reference the course website for any necessary course documents or resources (kturner4khs.pbworks.com)


Kayla Turner¸M.A.T. Secondary Social Studies Education


Welcome to American History II

American History II is a survey course and a continuation of the American History I curriculum, beginning with a review of the Era of Reconstruction, and ending with the modern Era. Students will assess the impact of political, social, economic and cultural changes on American society through examination of primary source documents. As a means to assess student knowledge part way through the course there will be a midterm exam. There will also be a NC Final Exam worth 20% of the final grade.


v  3-ring binder

v  Composition Notebook

v  Loose leaf paper

v  Highlighters

v  Post-it-notes

v  Pen/Pencil

Grading Policy:

v  The components are as following:

o  Test/Projects = 40% of grade

o  Homework and Classwork = 20% of grade

o  Document Work = 25% of grade

o  Quizzes = 25% of grade

v  The final grade will then be calculated according to the school grading scale which is as follows:

A = 100-93 C = 84-77 F = 69 and below

B = 92-85 D = 76-70

Late Policy: (not due to absences) Students are expected to complete all assignments and submit them on or prior to the established due date. Late work will be accepted up to the end of each unit. Each day the work is late the student will lose 5 points until they hit a grade of 70.


KHS supports the premise that all students can succeed. Students who perform poorly (below a 76.4) in the class each week will be provided an opportunity to improve their progress via class remediation in between 1st and 2nd period on their assigned day (Monday). Knight-time is required for students with a 76.4 or below in their classes or based on the teacher’s discretion.

Extra Credit (Alternative Learning Points)

Extra Credit/Bonus Points must be connected to learning outcomes and may be offered for students who go above and beyond the standards. Extra credit and bonus points are at the teacher’s discretion and are not required.

Brief Course Outline:

1.  Goal 1: Review of Westward Expansion and Gilded Age

2.  Goal 2: Progressive Era

3.  Goal 3: American Imperialism

4.  Goal 4: World War I and Aftermath

Mid-Term Exam- Multiple Choice and Short Answer

5.  Goal 5: Great Depression

6.  Goal 6: World War II

7.  Goal 7: Cold War – Foreign

8.  Goal 8: Cold War – Domestic

9.  Goal 9: Modern Era

NCFE worth 20% - Multiple Choice and Constructed Response

Notebooks: To help you be successful, you will be expected to keep a three ring binder notebook and bring it to class on a daily basis, along with pens, and loose leaf paper. These binders will be graded at the end of every unit for organization and completeness. They will keep a portfolio in class of past units so that evidence of learning and mastery is on hand during class at all times.

Document Activities: Assignments in these categories will require students to use critical thinking and analysis as they discuss and investigate History. These assignments will encourage students to be actively engaged and ask deeper questions of History and its connection to today.

Unit Projects:

For certain units there will be projects assigned and you will have the entire length of the unit to complete the project. Sources and information will be graded as part of the project. While the project topic and direction will be determined for you, you will be in charge of presenting the information in your own way.


The use of desktop computers, laptop carts, iPads, clickers, Quia, Study Island, the online textbook, and class website will be integrated into the classroom. Use of school technology will be monitored by myself but it is the student’s responsibility to use the equipment in the correct manner. The classroom computers and media center computers are available for student use throughout the day if access at home is an issue or students wish to complete needed research during school hours.

Classroom Contract

In order for us to have a successful and exciting semester there are some areas that we must come to an agreement about in our classroom. This classroom is not Ms. Turner’s classroom, but an American History classroom, therefore, we need to set some ground rules for our classroom. You are aware of the Honor Code, and that will be followed in our class, so as to assure that we are becoming good members of Knightdale High School’s student body and future members of society. Social Studies courses are a great chance to interact with your peers; however, we must remember that each member of our class has different perspectives, beliefs, and outlooks on life.

You have the RIGHT TO:

1.  A safe classroom environment, both physically and emotionally

2.  Be respected by classmates and teacher

3.  A classroom where it is safe to share opinions and ideas

Group Work Expectations:

1.  Work with your group

2.  Work on the task

3.  Accomplish the task

4.  Clean up materials and be ready to present


1.  Be respectful of other’s ideas, opinions, and personal items

2.  Be prepared for each class and on time

3.  Keep our classroom a learning environment

4.  Make up ALL missed classwork and assessments

Presentation Expectations:

1.  Come prepared

2.  Listen Actively

3.  Engage Don’t Enrage


Student Name (Print) ______

Student Email:

Student Signature: ______Date: ______


Parent Name (Print) ______

Parent Email:

Parent Phone Number:

Parent Signature: ______Date: ______