Al Bahr Al Ahmar International School

First Term Session 2017-2018

Revision Sheet English Grade 5

Q: No: 1 Words to know

1 / lofty / Tall, high
2 / prickle / Spike, thorn
3 / vine / A grape plant
4 / violent / Using physical force to cause hurt or damage.
5 / voyage / A journey by sea or air, especially one to a distant place.
6 / hurricane / A storm with a violent wind 75 miles an hour or more.
7 / Stockade / An enclosure or barrier of skates and timbers
8 / Resolved / Determined firmly
9 / Solved / Found the explanation or solution to a problem
10 / Skylark / A songbird
11 / Soared / Circled and wheeled about.
12 / Botanist / Somebody with a scientific interest in plants.
13 / Preserving / Keeping something protected, storing carefully.
14 / Comrade / friend
15 / headlong / Head first
16 / Maiden / A young unmarried woman.
17 / Advance / Come forward.
18 / Islet / A small island.
19 / Glee / Joyful delight.
20 / Gait / A way of walking or moving along.
21 / Sleet / Partly frozen rain

Q: No: 2. Answer the following questions:

1-Why did Robinson Crusoe sleep in a tree?

Ans: He slept in a tree because he did not know what animals there might be on the island.

2-Why did Robinson Crusoenot want the gold coins?

Ans: Robinson Crusoe did not want the gold coins because he had no use for them on the island.

3-Did the fox really want the grapes?

Ans: Yes, the fox really did want the grapes. He was eager, and he tried to snatch them.

4-What was so attractive about the grapes?

Ans: The grapes were rich, ripe, and purple-red.

5-Why did the fox curl his nose?

Ans: The fox curled his nose because he could not reach the grapes and he now wanted to show that he no longer cared for them.

6-Why is a magnifying glass useful but not essential?

Ans: A magnifying glass is useful if we want to study the leaves carefully. For most purposes our eyes are good enough.

7-How was the skylark behaving?

Ans: The skylark was hanging between the earth and the sky, and scoring, and singing.

8-Could the poet see the skylark’s nest?

Ans: No, The nest was hidden (unseen) in the cornfield.

9-Why were the people of Athens wailing?

Ans. The people of Athens were wailing because some maidens and men were leaving for Crete.

10-What huge figure did the men and maidens see in the sea and what was the figure’s job?

Ans: They saw Talus, the man of brass, who walked three times round the island every day and challenged all the vessels.

11-What did the king Aegeus ask Theseus to do with the sails?

Ans: The king told Theseus to take down the black sails and put up white sails in their place if he had been able to kill the Minotaur.

12-Why did Ariadne refuse to marry Theseus?

Ans: Ariadne refused to marry Theseus because her father would be alone and lonely without her; she was his only daughter.

13-Why did king Aegeus throw himself over the cliff?

Ans: King Aegeus threw himself over the cliff because Theseus had not changed the sails from black to white, and the king thought Theseus was dead. 14- Why did Theseus want to go to Crete?

Ans: Theseus wanted to go to Crete with the young men kill the Minotaur.

Q # 3 (A) Match the phrasal verbs in A with the meanings in column B.

1. / On the ball / (d) /
  1. To be recovering after an illness.

2. / On the mend / (a) /
  1. To be available for duty.

3. / On hold / (f) /
  1. To be doing a job of work

4. / On call / (b) /
  1. To be alert, well-informed.

5. / On edge / (g) /
  1. To be punctual.

6. / On the dot / (e) /
  1. To be waiting.

7. / On the job / (c) /
  1. To be nervous.

Q. 3 (B) - Match each word with the meaning:

1. / burrow / A hole made in the ground and used as a shelter by some animals.
2. / Ditch / A long narrow channel dug at the edge of a field or road, etc. to carry water away.
3. / revive / To come back to consciousness
4. / roots / Those parts of hairs that attach the hairs to the body of a person or animals
5. / Curiosity / A strong desire to know or learn
6. / pillow / A cushion to support the head
7. / bloodhound / A large dog.

Q: # 4 Complete the sentences using adverbs:

  1. He drove hastily to the station because he was already late.
  2. Aslam operated the machine carefully.
  3. The actors performed the play most beautifully.
  4. He speaks English fluently.
  5. They regularly come to see us at the weekend.
  6. We rarely see them during the week.

Q: # 5 completes the following in your own words:

  1. Every day I bought items to take on my journey.
  2. One day I set out to explore the streets of the old city.
  3. I picked up the strong walking stick that my father had once used.
  4. I grew a number of crops because the ground was so fertile and there was a good supply of water.
  5. Suddenly I saw the ship turn on its side and sink.

Q: # 6 (a) Say whether the sentences below are about the past, present, or future tense.

  1. She went to the circus last week. (past simple)
  2. I’m doing my homework now. (present continuous)
  3. I’ll ask her tomorrow. (future simple)
  4. She’ll come if you ask her nicely. (future simple/present simple)
  5. She usually goes to the circus when it comes here. (present simple)
  6. What is she doing now? (present continuous)
  7. Will she come to the cinema with us? (future simple)
  8. She’s doing her washing. (present continuous)

Q: # 7(a) Change the following into passives.

  1. The boy kicked the football.
  • The football was kicked by the boy.
  1. The man drove the taxi.
  • The taxi was driven by the man.
  1. The boy flew the kite.
  • The kite was flown by the boy.
  1. The postman brought the parcels.
  • The parcels were brought by the postman.
  1. Jameel won the prize.
  • The prize was won by the Jameel.
  1. Shazia sewed the dress.
  • The dress was sewn by Shazia.

Q. 7 (b) Change the voice in these sentences; make the active verbs passive and passive verbs active.

a. Sameer caught the ball.

* The ball was caught by Sameer.

b. The elephant was played by the whole class.

* The man saw the elephant.

c. Basketball was played by the whole class.

* The whole class played basketball.

d. Aamir invented a new machine.

* A new machine was invented by Aamir.

Q: # 8 (A) Say whether the following verbs are in the active or passive voice.

  1. Khalid cut the branch. Active
  2. Rida prepared a marvelous meal. Active
  3. The car was painted by the man. Passive
  4. He ate the cake. Active
  5. Javed was scolded by his father. Passive
  6. He cleaned his old shoes. Active
  7. The toys were broken by my brother. Passive
  8. The books were spoiled by the rain.Passive
  9. This television set is not made in Pakistan. Passive
  10. The fish was thrown into the water. (Passive)
  11. My shoes were taken by my sister. (Passive)
  12. My sister took away my shoes. (Active)
  13. Our beautiful house was knocked down by the gale. (Passive)
  14. My grandfather built another house but that was knocked down by a gale too. (Passive)

Q. 8 (B) Change these sentences from the simple present to the continuous:

1. The postman brings a letter every day.

* The postman is bringing a letter now.

2. We work in the garden every day.

* We are working in the garden now.

3. The sun is rises in the east every day.

* The sun is rising in the east at this moment.

4. She takes her dog for a walk every day.

*She is taking her dog for a walk now.

5. Our dog chases cats every day.

* Our dog is chasing cats now.

Q: # 9 Use the following words in sentences:

Who / Which / When / Whether / Why / What / Whenever
  1. He is the gentleman who gave me a lift the other day.
  2. He gave me a new certificate, which I promptly lost again!
  3. We go to see her when we have the time.
  4. I do not know whether they have gone yet.
  5. He did not tell us why he was late.
  6. We have no idea what they are going to do with the kitchen.
  7. She cries and howls whenever we go close.

Q: # 10 what do these abbreviations mean?

  • Adj: adjective
  • Abbr: abreviation.
  • e.g: exempli gratia. (for example)
  • i.e: id est (that is, in other words)
  • pl: plural
  • pp: past participle
  • pt: past tense
  • sb: somebody
  • esp: especially
  • etc: et cetera

Q: # 11(a) Make new words by using one of the prefixes:

  1. extent
  2. depart
  3. discourage
  4. relate
  5. export

Q. 11 (B) Make new words by using one of the suffixes:

a. peaceful d. bigger

b. safely e. shameful

c. dancer f. happily

Q: # 12 Join the pairs of sentence below; use the word and, but, so, or because.

  1. He could not swim because he had a bad cold.
  2. She was not at home so we were not able to meet her.
  3. Mr. Shah went to the market and he bought some eggs.
  4. He is very tall but his sister is quite short.
  5. Atif did not have a pen so he could not sign the cheque.
  6. Alia could not read the book because she had her glasses.
  7. The children had a rest after they finished their lunch

Q: # 13 Use each conjunction once and fill in the blanks in these sentences.

So / as / since / because / while
after / where / unless / although / if
  1. The shop was closed sowe went home without buying anything.
  2. My mother washed the dishes whileI swept the floor.
  3. We went to see the film again although we had seen it before.
  4. We will be late for the show unless we go now.
  5. The children went homebecause the cricket match was cancelled.
  6. We are going to play football tomorrow if it does not rain.
  7. Please have a bath quickly since we are already late.
  8. The children had a rest after they finished their lunch.
  9. The boy was not at school as he had measles.
  10. Fahad went to Lahore where he saw the ShahiQila.

Q: # 14 (A) What is the collective name used for:

  1. A group of bees? Swarm/hive.
  2. A group of ants? Colony
  3. A group of grapes? Bunch
  4. A group of thieves? Gang
  5. A group of kittens? Litter
  1. Q. 14 (B) What is the name given to the female gender of the following?
  1. Actor: Actress. 5. Gander : Goose
  2. Tiger: Tigress. 6. Emperor: Empresses
  3. Landlord: landlady. 7. Stallion: Mare

Host: Hostess. 8.Duke: Duchess

Q. 14 (C) What do the following mean?

  1. On the ball: to be alert, well-informed.
  2. On the mend: to be recovering after illness.
  3. On call: to be available for duty.
  4. On edge: to be nervous.

Q: # 15 Fill in the blanks with appropriate adverbs or adjectives:

  1. I really hard to finish the work in time.
  2. When did you go home last night?
  3. Which train takes the least time to go from here to Islamabad?
  4. Naila is never absent from school and always gets the prize for best attendance.
  5. Has the doctor given you some medicine for you fever?
  6. How much time have you wasted doing nothing?
  7. It was cold and we all crowded round the fire.
  8. Why are you still lying in bed? Are you ill?

Q: # 16 (A) Fill in the blanks with correct forms of pronouns:

  1. Each man must protect himself, who does not, may lose his life.
  2. Though Aafia does not fish herself, she does not mind spread cooking it for us
  3. The boys made all the arrangements for this picnic by themselves and it was very enjoyable. They should be congratulated.
  4. All of them wanted something for themselves.
  5. Usman said, ‘I do not worry about myself. It is this brother of mine who worries me.’
  6. Though he does not know how to read and write himself, Haris has set up a school in his village.
  7. These children cannot look after themselves. We must look after them.
  8. Irfan has borrowed a book of mine. I have to ask him to return it, for I want to read it myself.

Q. 16 (B) Explain the following:

  1. An only child: no siblings.
  2. A spoilt child: has his own way, not liked
  3. A mighty king: a powerful ruler
  4. Repeated in his head: said to himself silently many times.
  5. Plucked up his courage: made himself feel as brave as possible.

Q. 16 (C) Explain the following:

Explain the following expressions in your own words:

  • Made up his mind. (decided)
  • Taken aback. (shocked/surprised)
  • Get even with. (get revenge/repay for harm suffered)
  • Standing part. (separate/ on one’s own/not part of the crowd)
  • Tricks up his sleeve. (a secret plan)
  • Get off lightly. (escape with little or no punishment)
  • His blushes were saved. (was not made to feel embarrassed)

Q. 17 (A) Read the given passage and answer the questions given at the end.

Imagine that you're a fly. You're just zipping around the sky, looking for a place to rest, when you see nice pink leaf.That looks like a nice place to land. You think to yourself in your fly head. As you rest your feet on the leaf, you notice something strange. This leaf is hairy. You begin to make your move, but you trigger the plant's reflex.Snap!In one-tenth of a second, you are caught in the Venus flytrap. You will be digested in five to twelve days. Welcome to the world of carnivorous plants!

There are over a quarter of a millions plant species. Only 600 or so are carnivorous. We call them this because they attract, trap, and eat bugs. Like other plants, they get energy from the sun. But unlike other plants, they get their nutrients from their prey. Carnivorous plants live in bogs and places where the soil lacks nutrients. Most plants get nutrients from the soil. Carnivorous plants have turned to other sources.

The snap of the Venus flytrap is not the only way that plants eat bugs. Pitcher plants trick their prey into landing on them. They offer nectar bribes to the foolish insects that would take them. True to their name, pitcher plants have deep chambers. Their landing surface is slippery. They have inward pointing hairs, making it hard to escape. The fly lands on the pitcher plant to eat, but slips into a pit filled with digestive fluids and is eaten.

Then there're sundews. We call them sundews because they sparkle in the sun as if covered in morning dew. Of course, that sparkle is from something much moretreacherous. It isa sweetgoo called mucilage that bugs can't resist. Sundews create mucilage to attract bugs. As they fly in to eat, bugs become trapped in the very object of their desire. They soon exhaust themselves by trying to escape the mucilage. Or the sundew's tentacles, which respond to prey by curling around them, smother them. Bugs usually die in about 15 minutes. Then the plant dissolves its prey in enzymes and absorbs the nutrients.

Have you ever walked into trouble and found that you couldn't get out? So has every insect that has ever wandered into a corkscrew plant. Bugs love to investigate plants for nectar and food. Corkscrew plants have inviting stems. Curved hairs line the inside of these stems. These hairs allow insects to go up the stems, but not back. Going forward leads a chamber filled with digestive fluid, the plant's stomach. Bugs who wander into the corkscrew plant find that they are unable to escape. They must march to their own demise.

And then there are the bladderworts. They're about as nice as they sound. They live in water and float near the surface. Their traps are like small bladders hidden beneath the water. Only their flowers are visible from the surface. When bugs swim into the trigger hairs, the plant reacts. A trapdoor in the bladder opens up. The bladder sucks up the prey and the water surrounding it. A tenth of a second later, the bladder shuts again. The plant has trapped the prey. It releases digestive fluids. The prey will be digested within hours.

Carnivorous plants might sound tough, but they are difficult to keep at home. They are built to survive in places that other plants cannot. This specialization comes at a cost. They have a hard time adapting to other environments. Their strengths become weaknesses in rich soil. They depend on the harsh yet delicate environments in which they thrive. They are not so hardy after all. Still, there's something to be said about the power of life when one finds a plant that can survive in barren soil.


1. Which statement would the author most likelyagreewith?

a. There are too many species of carnivorous plants.

b. There are too few plant species in the world.

c. Only a small number of plants are carnivorous.

d. A majority of plants are carnivorous.

2. Which plant traps bugs in its stem and forces them to walk forward?

a. Corkscrew plantsb. Sundews

c. Bladderwortsd. Pitcher plants