OSP --- Deposit Account Codes As of 09/24/14

PeopleSoft Account

/ PeopleSoft Fund / Account Code Description
525651 / 48002 / 48007 / Drug study payments
525652 / Corporate Clinical Income – SWOG ***
530001 / 48xxx / Payments for services / also for IRB payments
545005 / 48xxx / Miscellaneous income / also used for GACA Awards
510220 / 48xxx / Agreement Services Income (New as of FY15)
525601 / 48xxx / Gifts other*
525602 / 48xxx / Gifts from a corporation*
525603 / 48xxx / Gifts from faculty*
525604 / 48xxx / Gifts from alumni*
525605 / 48xxx / Gifts from individual*
525606 / 48xxx / Gifts from public foundation - Foundation w/ multiple donors
525607 / 48xxx / Gifts from private foundation* - Foundation w/ 1 or 2 donors
525608 / 48xxx / Gifts from parent or current student* (rare)
525609 / 48xxx / Gifts from educational institution*
525610 / 48xxx / Gifts from voluntary organizations - KC, Rotary Club
525611 / 48xxx / Gifts from faculty for honorariums**
510201 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment from other, city, state
510202 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment from a corporation
510206 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment from a public foundation – Fnd. w/ multiple donors
510207 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment from a private foundation Fnd. w/1 or 2 donors
510209 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment from an educational institution
510210 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment from a voluntary organization
510211 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Grant payment account used for when Accounting bills only
708012 / 41xxx – 44xxx or 48xxx / Reimbursement
770303 / 41xxx – 44xxx / Cost Recovery --- Program Income

*Gifts for research over $500 can be subject to F&A --- **Honorariums are a 1-time lecture event or speaking engagement – EXEMPT from F&A, but dept. must provide b/up with date and name of the event with deposit
