Cell Structure

Hierarchy of Living Things:

Prokaryotic Cells and Cell Structure

All cells are surrounded by a ______made of phospholipids and proteins.

Prokaryotic cells

•  Do not have membrane bound organelles

•  Only have ______, cell ______, ______(chromosomes) and flagella or cilia

Eukaryotic Cells and Cell Structure

Eukaryotic cells

·  Have ______surrounded by membranes

·  The ______if the most prominent organelle and controls the ______.

Cell (plasma) membrane- ______.

•  Inside the plasma membrane, the nucleus is surrounded by ______.

•  Plant cells have a ______ in addition to the plasma membrane.

Animal and plant cells have ______.

•  Organelles- ______ functions within the cell.

Nucleus: ______functions of the cell.

·  ______: DNA and proteins

·  ______: Chromatin and ribosomal subunits, makes ribosomes

·  ______: Double membrane with pores, protects the nucleus

Ribosomes: ______occurs at tiny organelles called ribosomes.

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a system of membranous channels.

·  Rough ER is studded with ______and is the site of ______and processing.

·  Smooth ER ______and is the site of synthesis of ______and the ______into vesicles.

Golgi apparatus consists of a stack of curved sacs.

•  ______proteins within the cell.

•  Involved ______.

Lysosomes are vesicles produced by the Golgi apparatus.

•  Involved in intracellular ______.

Vacuoles (large) membranous sacs in the ______that ______.

Chloroplast is found in ______.

•  absorbs ______and stores the energy in ______.

Mitochondria are found in plant and animal cells.

•  ______and produce ATP (______).

Cytoskeleton contains three types of elements responsible for ______:

•  Actin filaments

•  ______

•  Intermediate filaments

Microtubules help ______of the cell and act as tracks along which ______.

Centrioles may be involved in ______and disassembly during ______and in the organization of ______.

Cilia (______) and flagella (______) have a 9 + 2 pattern of microtubules and are involved in ______.