Psychology Chapter 6 Body and Behavior Study questions

Section 1--The Nervous System: The Basic Structure

1. Briefly, explain how the nervous system in the body works.

2. What do Neurons do, what are they composed of, how they transfer information, and what their activity is.

3. What is the Somatic Nervous System and give an example of its activity..

4. What is the Autonomic Nervous System and give an example of its activity.

5. Explain how the mind and body work together from what you can formulate from the first section.

Section 2--Studying the Brain

1. What are the three parts of the brain and what do they do? Be complete--long answer, here.

2. What are the brains lobes?

3. What are the differences between the right and left hemispheres?

4. What are split brain operations?

5. What “recording” is done by the brain?

6. What stimulates the brain?

7. How do lesions affect the brian?

8. Explain how accidents can affect the brian.

9. Explain the uses of the medical procedures of CAT scans, PET scans, and MRI’s.

Section 3--The Endocrine System

1. What is the endocrine system consisted of?

2. Fully explain exactly what the four glands do.

3. What is the concerned about the relationship between Hormones and Neurotransmitters? What do each do in relation to one another and as a singular thing.

Section 4--Heredity and Environment

1. What is your thought on the Nature vs. Nurture argument?

2. Can genes control behavior and are people “biologically” predestined to behave a certain way?

3. The twins studies are always interesting. What do you make of this research?

4. As a confirmed Skinnerian based behaviorist (actually I would call myself an environmentalist) I cannot simply accept the “nature side” of the Nature vs. Nurture argument. I have done this job too long not to know that social factors contribute to n individual’s personality. How am I correct? How am I wrong?


Find a website that covers either twin studies or the Nature vs. Nurture argument and compare and contrast the information provided by the site with that of the text.