October 2017-2018


Listening and speaking:

The students will:

·  Use affirmative and negative sentences in present and past tense.

·  Learn about use of articles (the, a, an) and possessive forms (my-mine, your-yours).

Reading Skills

The students will:

·  Identify and apply consonants Bb, Cc and Dd to specific words.

·  Identify and answer questions about details from different stories.

·  Read short words of vocabulary.

Writing Skills

The students will:

·  Identify, match and write consonants Bb, Cc and Dd.

·  Identify match and vocabulary words with consonants Bb, Cc and Dd.

·  Trace their complete name.

·  Dictation of vocabulary words.


The students will:

·  Count and write numbers from 0-50

·  Work with one-digit additions.

·  Reinforce geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle, diamond.

·  Dictation of numbers


The students will:

·  Understand that plants need food (water, light and air)

·  Understand the plants grow.

·  Understand that the humans get benefits from plants.

·  Be able to classify healthy and junk food.

·  Identify and name fruits and vegetables.


The students will:

·  Identify the traditions and expectations of others cultures. (ONU project)

·  Learn about October festivities (Columbus Day (12th), United Nations Day.


The students will:

·  Identify personal characteristics and say what they like about themselves.

·  Identify their emotions (happy, sad and angry).

·  Express their feelings.

·  Participate.

·  Share.


Escucha y Expresión Oral

Los estudiantes:

·  Reforzarán el uso de oraciones afirmativas y negativas.

·  Reforzarán el uso de oraciones interrogativas.

·  Reconocen acciones, eventos e ideas no posibles.

·  Identifican absurdos en lo que han escuchado.

Habilidades de Lectura

Los estudiantes:

·  Identificarán las consonantes Bb, Rr (inicial, suave, doble), Nn

en palabras específicas.

Leerán palabras del vocabulario

·  Comprenderán la idea principal de diferentes historias.

·  Aprenderán sobre la rima y la usarán en palabras simples.

Habilidades de Escritura

Los estudiantes:

·  Identificarán, relacionarán y escribirán las consonantes Bb, Rr (inicial, suave, doble), Nn.

·  Identificarán, relacionarán y escribirán palabras de vocabulario para las consonantes Bb, Rr (inicial, suave, doble), Nn.

·  Tomarán dictado de oraciones utilizando el vocabulario aprendido.


The students will:

·  Work with:

·  Introduction to Jump Start / Jump Start Reading / Jump Start Painting.

·  Create your own story.

·  Dot-to-Dot 3rd. level.


The students will:

·  Assess and derive meaning from works of art, including their own, according to the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities (primary and secondary colors).

·  Communicate and express through original works of art.

·  Assess and derive meaning form works of art, including their own, according to the principles of design, and aesthetic qualities.

·  Learn about Henri Matisse’s art.


The students will:

·  Comprehend music and the performance of musicians according to aesthetic qualities and human responses.

·  Make informed aesthetic qualities judgments.

·  Compose and arrange music applying vocal and instrumental musical skills in performing a varied repertoire of music.


The students will:

·  Respond spontaneously to different types of music and rhythms.

·  Observe and describe one dance.

·  Identify differences between two dances.

·  Explain basic features that distinguish one kind of dance from another.

·  Create movements that reflect a variety of personal experiences.


The students will:

·  Reinforce knowledge about health and security practices for themselves and others; as well as how to take care of themselves to keep their well-being.