SGB Back-up Item 9.1A


SIG, Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing

SIG Type

Full service


The purpose of ACM SIGMOBILE is to promote research and development by bringing together researchers and practitioners and fostering interestin the mobility of systems, users, data, and computing. SIGMOBILE will address the above spectrum of topics, which share one common theme -- mobility. The group’s technical scope reflects the emerging symbiosis of portable computers and wireless networks, addressing the convergence of mobility, computing and information organization, including access, services, management, and applications.


Mobile Computing and Communication Review (MC2R) Record is issued quarterly, in print.

VolumeIssueDate # of PagesArrived at ACM HQ

051January 2001606/6/01

052April 2001486/19/01

053July 2001681/14/02

054October 2001681/14/02

061January 2002483/23/02

062April 2002566/6/02

063July 20021128/28/02

064October 2002963/10/03

071January 20031327/1/03

072April 20039210/3/03

073July 20035612/3/03

074October 2003721/9/04

081January 20041443/1/04

082April 2004845/18/04

083July 20049/10/04

084October 2004

Membership1st yr2 + yearsTotal


June’0048037149266814 56.2% 72.1% 67.7%

June’01549361522 73912 53.7% 69.3% 63.7%

June’02628291583 81817 53.4% 78.9% 68.3%

June’03616381503 80716 50.2% 73.2% 63.6%

June’0465948144185214 57.8% 63.3% 71.4%

Fund Balance


June ‘00 $100,135 $71,695 $69,273 $40,862 $61.00

June ‘01 $219,502 $119,367 $41,304 $178,198 $241.11

June ’02 $177,533 ($41,969) $45,477 $132,056 $161.44

June ’03 $ 53,880 ($123,653) $76,420 ($22,540) ($27.93)

June ’04 $103,298 $49,418 $125,467 ($22,169) ($26.02)

Conference ActivityPapersPapers
FY’01 EventsSponsorshipLocationAttendanceStatusSurplusDateSubmittedAccepted

MobiCom ‘00100%Bostonclosed$101,5908/6-11/0022628

Sixth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking

MobiHoc ’0050% Bostonclosed($5,298)8/11/00

The First ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

WoWMoM ’00100%Bostonclosed$7,9558/11/00

The Third ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Multimedia

Dial-M ’00100%Bostonclosed$7,9098/11/00

Fourth International Workshop on Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Computations

MSWiM ’00100%Bostonclosed$3,0318/11/004413

ACM International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

SIGMOBILE was in cooperation with 6 events in FY ’01.


FY’02 EventsSponsorshipLocationAttendanceStatusSurplusDateSubmittedAccepted

MobiDe ’01100%Rome, Italyclosed$2,2165/20/01

Second ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Mobile and Wireless Access

MobiCom ’01100%Rome, Italy351closed$19,2417/16-21/0128130

Seventh Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking

MSWiM ’01100%Rome, Italyapproved7/21/015516

ACM International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

WMC ’01100%Rome, Italyapproved7/21/011510

Workshop on Mobile Commerce

Dial-M ’01100%Rome, Italyapproved7/21/01

Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications

WoWMoM ’01100%Rome, Italyapproved7/21/01

Workshop on Wireless Multimedia

WMI ’01100%Rome, Italyapproved7/21/01

Wireless Mobile Internet

MobiHoc ’01100%Long Beach, CA141closed$11,57310/4-6/01

The Second ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

SIGMOBILE was in cooperation with 7 events in FY ’02.


FY’03 EventsSponsorshipLocationAttendanceStatusSurplusDateSubmittedAccepted

MobiHoc ’02100%Lausanne, Switzerland 204closed$14,6436/9-11/0213422

The Third ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

MobiCom ’02100%Atlanta, GA325closed($80,794)9/23-28/0240026

The Eighth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking

WSNA ’02100%Atlanta, GA96closed$6389/28/026015

First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications

MSWiM ’02100%Atlanta, GA39closed$5159/28/028116

ACM International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

WoWMoM ’02100%Atlanta, GA50closed$8039/28/02

Workshop on Wireless Multimedia

WMC ’02100%Atlanta, GA27closed($1,150)9/28/02

Workshop on Mobile Commerce

WiSe ;02100%Atlanta, GA91closed $7,5839/28/023810

Workshop on Wireless Security

Dial-M ’02100%Atlanta, GA19closed($2,507)9/28/02

Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications

SIGMOBILE was in cooperation with 9 events in FY ’03.


FY’04 EventsSponsorshipLocationAttendanceStatusSurplusDateSubmittedAccepted

MobiSys ’0350%San Francisco, CA154closed5/5-8/03

The First International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services

MobiHoc ’03100%Annapolis, MD177closed$14,0866/1-3/03

The Fourth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

MobiCom ’03100%San Diego, CA325closed$34,5219/14-19/0328127

Ninth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking

Dial M-POMC ’03100%San Diego, CA23closed$7309/19/03278

Joint Workshop on the Foundations of Mobile Computing

WiSE ’03100%San Diego, Ca58closed$1,3049/19/034110

ACM Workshop on Wireless Security

WSNA ’03100%San Diego, CA77closed$2789/19/036018

Second ACM International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications

MSWiM ’03100%San Diego, CA38closed($181)9/19/0310021

6th ACM International Workshop on Modeling Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems

MobiDE ’03100%San Diego, CA45closed($2,044)9/19/03349

ACM International Workshop on Data Engineering for Wireless and Mobile Access

WMASH ’03100%San Diego, CA 40closed$5069/19/033213

First ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots

SenSys ’0335%Los Angeles244closed$45,87511/5-7/0313724

The First Annual Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services

SIGMOBILE was in cooperation with 8 events in FY ’04.

FY’05 EventsSponsorshipLocationAttendanceStatusSurplusDateSubmittedAccepted

MobiHoc ’04100%Tokyo, Japanapproved5/24-26/0427524

The Fifth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing

MobiSys ’04100%Boston, MAapproved6/6-9/0416222

The Second International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications and Services

Awareness ’0450%Boston, MAapproved6/6/04

MobiSys 2004 Workshop on Context Awareness

WAMES ’0450%Boston, MAapproved6/6/04

MobiSys 2004 Workshop on Applications of Mobile Embedded Systems

MobiCom ’04100%Philadelphia, PAapproved9/26-10/1/04

Tenth Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking

WiSE ’04100%Philadelphia, PAapproved10/1/04

ACM Workshop on Wireless Security

Dial M – POMC ’04100%Philadelphia, PAapproved10/1/04

Joint Workshop on Foundations of Mobile Computing

Vanet ’04100%Philadelphia, PAapproved10/1/04

Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks Workshop

WMASH ’04100%Philadelphia, PAapproved10/1/04

Second ACM International Workshop on Wireless Mobile Applications and Services on WLAN Hotspots

MobiWac ’04100%Philadelphia, PAapproved10/1/04

International Workshop on Mobility Management and Wireless Access Protocols

SenSys ’04 30%Baltimore, MDapproved11/3-5/04

ACM Conference on Embedded Network Sensor Systems

SIGMOBILE is in cooperation with 8 events in FY’05.

SIG Officers1997-991999-012001-032003-05

ChairmanImrich ChlamtacImrich ChlamtacVictor BahlVictor Bahl

Vice-ChairmanVictor BahlVictor BahlMary BakerMary Baker

SecretaryChristopher RoseChrisopher RoseAndrew T. CampbellAndrew T. Campbell

TreasurerDavid B. JohnsonDavid B. JohnsonDavid B. JohnsonDavid B. Johnson

Past Chairman------Imrich ChlamtacImrich Chlamtac

N/L EditorVictor BahlVictor Bahl Dr. Jason RediDr. Jason Redi (to Dec. 2003)

Prof. Nitin Vaidya


SIGMOBILE Outstanding Contributions to Research in Mobility of Systems, Users, Data and Computing

2001Prof. Imrich Chlamtac

2002Prof. Randy Katz

2003Prof. Ian Akyildiz

2004Prof. Andy Hopper

SIGMOBILE Distinguished Service Award

2001 Victor Bahl, David B. Johnson

2003 Jason Redi

SIGMOBILEBest Student Paper (MobiCom)

2001“Exposure in Wireless Ad Hoc Sensor Networks, Seapahn Meguerdichian (University of California, Los Angeles), Farinaz Koushanfar (University of California, Berkeley), Gang Qu (University of Maryland), Miodrag Poltoniak (University of California, Los Angeles)

2002“Zero-Interaction Authentication,” Mark Corner and Brian Noble (University of Michigan)


2004 “MobiDesk: Mobile Virtual Desktop Computing,” Ricardo A. Baratto, Shava Potter, Gong su, Jason Nieh (ColumbiaUniversity)

MobiSys Best Paper Award

2003“Energy Aware Lossless Data Compression,” Kenneth Barr and Krste Asanovic

2004“Ghosts in the Machine: Interfaces for Better Power Management. ” Manish Anand, Edmund B. Nightingale, Jason Flinn
Viability History

10/1/00Found viable and moved out of original transitional status


SGB Attendance

October 2000yes

March 2001no

August 2001yes

February 2002no

September 2002no

March 2003no

September 2003no (illness)

March 2004no

October 2004

Annual Report Submitted

June 2002no

June 2003no

June 2004no

