We Care Minutes
A Grassroots Community based initiative addressing quality of life issues in the Southwest Quadrant of the city of Rochester organizing and implementing projects.
Attendees: Raleigh McGill, Charlie Dunagan, David Hawkes, Officer Jeff Schroeder, Florence Clemmons, Dorothy Hall, Shelley Beason, JoAnn DeMott, Jake Waters, John Boutet, Nolia Brooks
Ø National Night Out Aug. 7: Critique/Evaluate
Positive: Parade went quickly, 45 min.
Evalutation/Suggestions for next year?… fire trucks should be in the lineup at the beginning if possible …didn’t have the steady stream of sirens and horns as in the past...not a lot of children…many children who did attend were not respectful…PA system still not loud enough…more advertising and marketing is needed to make sure people are more aware of the event…promote through the schools?… program should be revised & formatted better… make an announcement about left over food – carryout for participants?…transportation for those not able to drive?… SWAN & Recreation centers bus/van could stop to pick up non drivers, ...light bulbs were given away years ago & people were told to leave their porch lights on, do again?…PAC-TAC bikers could help at the intersections?
Project 365 –Frost to Columbia Ave. on Jefferson Ave. Before photos were taken by Officer Joe & John Boutet and they will be ready for review next month. Officer Joe wrote a letter to the NNO Committee explaining our Project. The before photos will be sent at another date.
Ø Vacant Houses – Our goal is to hold the landlord/s accountable into taking care of their neglected property especially if it becomes a hazard/danger to the community or a haven for criminal activity.
Updates of vacant properties submitted by members needing status checks:
43 Elba- secure/work order was sent to secure check next month
24 Seward… completed …trees were cut down
Corner of A Place & Enterprise … cut down hedges are trimmed & ok now
Mt. Pleasant and Exchange? High grass trash & debris has been taken care of
679 681 Plymouth …toters sent a letter
163 –165 Frost Ave. …toters –sent a letter
Magnolia & Plymouth … cars parked out on front terrace- house in front of store – should call 311 –and it will be referred to RPD
1111 S. Plymouth … cars parked out front – David will send someone to check
11 Earl St.- vacant house needs to be secured…high weeds & grass
335 Aldine & Woodbine- demo hearing on 16th… in probate
2 Schwarts – vacant property –stashing drugs on the ground behind a bush on the ground…
76 Sewart – weeds are left on fence line
Ø Corner Store Updates: Officer Joe & Officer Jeff
· Frost & Genesee –NSC is in negotiations… lease is coming up in October…the “bad” guys have moved down Frost
· 645-649 Frost - Lots of hanging out & loitering… RPD met with landlord, problem tenants will be evicted and the landlord will use resources from RPD to screen for better tenants.
· Hawley Street – …has fallen flat…relatively quiet… camera still there
· Checklist for Neighborhood stores: (John Boutet)
The checklist is posted on Location 19; some stores still need to be checked out. The big question is with the Go Clean rating, as it will require working with CPO’s to do premise checks.
Comments from attendees: NSC…Good Neighbor Policy is under evaluation...if a business violates any good neighbor policy the business will be closed immediately and will not be able to renew their business permit until they come to judification. A meeting is planned to strategize on August 13th at 6:30 at the NSC office.
Are permits required for people to cook and sell food on the street? Response: Yes…Health Dept Certification & vending permits are needed. If you suspect an illegal operation of food vending call 311. How does a street get speed humps? Response: 80% of the neighbors have to sign a petition then a speed survey will be set up.
Crime fighting idea…It has been proven that classical music has reduced crime in train stations. Why can’t we send music through the traffic lights? How far away is the legal limit for loud noise? Response: 50 feet from the property line.
Ø Other Updates
#5 Kensington Street – nothing further…nobody there
Frost Ave & Epworth –trees- all taken care of …
995 Chili Ave.-
Lattimore Funeral Chapel on Plymouth…the church that sits on Magnolia Street and backs up to the parking lot of the funeral home has gutters that are hanging and bushes that are overgrown.
Ø JAC (Juvenile Accountability Conference) – Officer Joe
Nothing happening yet…
Ø Community Up –Lifts - up date
Tuesday, 9/7/12- issued 12 door hangers…22 participants…cleaned vacant houses boarded up one …promoted NNO… next date will be Sept. 4…
Ø Future Projects for the We Care Team
Under pass clean up at Glide & West Ave. (impact absorber) 753-7750
Peace Garden (Chili & Thurston)- was cleaned up by the city
Troup Street Park-
Frost & Epworth garden- block club is supposed to be doing
Ø Walk In Items:
Corner store located at 810 Brown St. is organizing a Mini Clean Sweep in the area on Saturday August 17 from 9-1 p.m. They are looking for help with cutting down trees, weeding, picking up trash & debris, etc.
Farm stand at 144 Reynolds St. is being run with Food link help– on Thursdays from 3-6
Farm Market on Dr. Samuel McCree Way, Grow Green Kids, Fridays from 3-6 p.m.
Ø Next Meeting: Thursday, Sept. 13 - 9 a.m. NSC office-
Mini clean sweep will be after the meeting at Troup Street Park …so don’t forget to wear your We Care shirt and join us for an hour or so…