Southington Northern Baseball Little League
Board of Directors Meeting January 25, 2015
AgendaTopic / Speaker / Notes
Call to order / President / 8:00PM
Officer Reports
- President report
- Treasurer Update
- Equipment
- Concessions Update
Eric Eisenberg from the Yard Goats opens the meeting to talk about potential fundraising, as well as the new facility. Discussed the possibility of them running the pitch, hit, and run contest. If we can purchase 200 tickets, we can get $250 back in donations. They will help with flyers, posters, etc. 25 tickets is the minimum needed to get group outing.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Not much paid out recently.
- 2016 proposal for budget is completed.
- Molly displayed budget for everyone to review on screen
- $38,905 currently in budget
- Board will vote in February to approve budget
- Concessions Report
- Grounds and Maintenance
- Equipment Update
- Safety Update
- Fundraising Update
- Coaching Coordinator
- Umpire Update
- Player Agent
- Jocelyn – Double fryer found, but there is an electrical issue. Will continue to look and price.
- 2 boxes of hand warmers were purchased.
- Meeting took place with Dave Lapray
- Corey will take inventory on all the keys. Scott Paradis has keys as well as a home depot credit card that needs to be turned in.
- Possibly re-sod the fields at the end of each season. Good first step with Dave Lapray
- 12 new helmets, 4 pairs of smaller shin guards need to be ordered.
- Jim would like to get Chris down there to determine what stuff needs to be thrown out. They will work on a schedule.
- CP has met with Herbs Sports about equipment..
- Diane – Safety meeting on March 3rd. Those who attended last year as well as those who are already credentialed do not need to attend. Concussion protocol will be discussed
- Todd – Discussed sponsorship opportunities.
- $500 to sponsor a team. Sign Sponsorship is $425, and website sponsor is $100
- Todd has determined all those that sponsored last year. He has not received a tremendous response back.
- Currently has about 9 commitments
- Board needs to get involved to help in recruiting.
- Dick’s and Herb’s are the 2 sponsors so far
- Team Sponsors will get them an entire package
- Damon – Unanimous decision on the four returning coaches.
- Couple of leads for minors
- Farm division is all set
- We will worry about t-ball a little later
- We will be using the Big Al clinic again this year. It was well received last year. Dates will be 3/21 & 22. Same format as last year. Over 100 attendees last year
- Brett – Training session coming up. Brett will reach out to coordinators and try to get as many there as possible. Gary will be coordinating the younger division umpires and Tim will train them
- Kristi – 57 registered so far
- $5,855 in income and 1200 still needs to be received
- No need for paper. New players will need birth certificates as well as address information
- Family of more then 2 children will need to pay by check or cash.
New Business
- President Report:
- Evaluations on the 5th and 6th at Depaolo. Groups broken up by age..
- Parent called CP and said that if his child does not get put back into the draft, he will be leaving the league. Discussion around this occurred and CP agreed to find out more info and discuss at next meeting.
- Inter-league play will be back on this year. Wood bats will be used when we play the South.
- Dicks Sporting Goods will be a sponsor again. League appreciation day will be March 19th
- Dicks will be giving us practice balls as well as a couple of t-ball buckets.
- Need to change by laws by mid March if we want any changes. By mid February things need to be nailed down
- Meeting Adjourned at 9:01.
- Any new players to the league who register online will need to be verified.
- No one other than Chris, Molly and Kristy will have access to info placed on website.
- Web site will be launched soon. Once launched ability to register will be open.
- Website has a Gmail account that Molly has access to.
- All useful documents were pulled over from previous website. Stats were not pulled.
- Re-draft next year. There is no way around this. 4 scenarios were emailed out by Chris. Option #2 seems to be best option to go with. All in attendance agreed to some variation of option #2
- Complete re-draft. Start with a manager and redraft entire league. Some discussion around doing what minors currently do and have an assistant as well.
- Parents need to be well informed as to what will take place in 2017.
- Fundraising Effort – Todd
- Solicitations for Managers and Coaches
- Budget – Molly, Chris, and Gary
- Registration approval for flyers and sending out to schools
- Volunteer forms for coaches
- Preliminary League Schedule
- Inter-League Play
- Dicks Sporting Goods Appreciation Day info
- Registration coverage and schedule completed
Adjournment / President / Time: 8:06pm
VP of each level:
- Gary Simard – Massarelli
- Richard Whitehead – Majors
- Ed Roderick – Minors
- Andy Denorfia – Farm
- Dave Miller – Tee Ball
Diane Malzewski – Safety Officer
Brett Carroll – Umpire in Chief
Kristi Larson – Player Agent
Jocelyn Pelletier – Concession Manager
Lloyd Goldstein – Secretary / Damon Delmonte – Coaching Coordinator
Corey Kosienski – Grounds manager
Molly Pierce – Fundraising(committee to Include Todd Pelletier)
TBD - Information Officer
Chris Pierce
Molly pierce
Lloyd Goldstein
Kristi Larson
Dave Miller
Jim Larosa
Ed Roderick
Diane Malzewski
Steven Morelli
Leif LaFramboise / Jocelyn Pelletier
Andy Denorfia
Brett Carroll
Corey Kosienski
Gary Simard
Rich Whitehead
Damon DelMonte
Todd Pelletier
Jim Martin
Mark Wolven