Award Statistics for 2012

QQI is committed to providing timely and comprehensive data to satisfy national and international data needs. As part of this commitment the latest awards data for 2012 are published herein.
Awards analysis - June 2013 update
QQI is continually engaged in efforts to upgrade and improve the annual awards dataset. The latest awards analysis was completed in June 2013, and supplements the data for 2012 set out in the tables below. It provides headline data and trend data and reveals further detail according to Award Type and Level, Fields of Learning, Region and Age.
A breakdown of the following figures is available in MS Excel format.

FETAC 2012
Award holders
Certificates (Major) / 42,593
Component (Minor) / 122,876
Specific Purpose (Special Purpose) / 15,134
Supplemental / 730
Total number of Award holders (see notes) / 170,136
Type / Level / Analysis of Awards
Major / 42,593
Major / Level 1 / 314
Major / Level 2 / 666
Major / Level 3 / 1,080
Major / Level 4 / 2,246
Major / Level 5 / 26,666
Major / Level 6 / 11,621
Minor / see notes / 240,094
Minor / Level 1 / 634
Minor / Level 2 / 3,464
Minor / Level 3 / 25,818
Minor / Level 4 / 47,367
Minor / Level 5 / 137,623
Minor / Level 6 / 25,188
Special Purpose / 15,134
Special Purpose / Level 4 / 377
Special Purpose / Level 5 / 11,446
Special purpose / Level 6 / 3,311
Supplemental / 730
Supplemental / Level 6 / 730
Total number of awards (component awards disaggregated) / 298,551
Female / 53%
Male / 47%
NDP Region
BMW / 27%
S&E / 73%
<15 / 0%
15 - 19 / 12%
20 - 24 / 15%
25 - 29 / 13%
30 - 34 / 13%
35 - 39 / 12%
40 - 44 / 11%
45 - 49 / 10%
50 - 54 / 7%
55 - 59 / 5%
60 - 64 / 2%
>65 / 1%
n/a / 0%

There are two ways to represent FETAC awards as indicated above.

1.Total number of Award holder
The total is not the sum of the four award types holders shown above as some people achieve awards of more than one award type, e.g. a major award and a minor award.

2.Total number of awards (component awards disaggregated)
Provides a breakdown of the component certificates (for minor awards) issued. The number of minor awards when disaggregated is approx. double the number of paper certificates issued for component awards, which means that a component award lists an average of two minors attained.

The breakdown by gender, age, region (and centre type, fields of learning further on) is based on the total number of awards (component awards disaggregated).

The nomenclature for award types refers to major awards as 'certificates', minors are classified as 'component', special purpose as 'specific purpose' and supplemental as 'supplemental'. The term for major awards (certificates) is not to be confused with paper certificates. All awards are also referred to as certificates in terms of the paper (certificate) issued to the award holder.

The levels refer to National Framework of Qualifications levels (refer to

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