Mini – Grant

Guidelines and Application


First 5 GlennCounty Children & Families Commission

will assist our community to raise children who

are healthy andready to learn.

We will assure that our resources are effectively used

and all community voices are heard.


First 5 Glenn County Children and Families Commission (GCCFC) are making mini-grants available directly to community members for local, community-driven projects or events that benefit children ages 0-5 and their families. Mini-grants will be awarded for a minimum of $100 to a maximum of $5,000. The Commission will award $10,000 annually. Twenty-five percent (25%) advancement may be given to the grantee at the discretion of the Executive Director. The application process is simple, with few requirements or restrictions. Community members with a desire to improve the lives of GlennCounty’s youngest children are encouraged to apply.

What is the Purpose of the Mini-Grant Program?

The goal of the mini-grant program is to encourage community-driven programs around the First 5 Glenn County priorities for children ages 0-5 and their families. These include:

  • Improved Family Functioning: Strong Families
  • Improved Child Development: Children Learning and Ready for School
  • Improved Child Health: Healthy Children
  • Improved Systems: Integrated, Consumer-Oriented, Accessible Services

Small amounts of money, coupled with technical assistance and resource referrals, will empower community members to act on their own ideas and improve the well being of children 0-5 and their families. This money aims to maximize a community’s own resources, and involve members of the community with untapped potential.

What Can Be Funded?

The intent of mini-grants is to encourage community members to think creatively about how to improve the lives of children 0-5 and their families in their own communities. The First 5 Glenn County believes that community members have a unique and critical understanding of their community assets and needs. The First 5 Glenn County wishes to fund locally driven projects or events that will:

  • Increase community knowledge about early childhood development;
  • Increase community resources available to benefit children 0-5 and their families;
  • Encourage children 0-5 and parents to spend quality time together;
  • Provide opportunities for community skill building (education or training) for parents or others that benefit children 0-5 and their families;
  • Promote community gatherings, events or celebrations that have a positive impact on the community on behalf of children 0-5 and their families; and/or
  • Address First 5 Glenn County overall mission.

The following activities are prohibited: Religious activities that include worship, instruction or proselytization; capital improvements to an individual’s home; direct assistance to individuals; existing obligations or retroactive funding for costs already incurred; fundraising; or political campaigns.

Who is Eligible?

Mini-grants are intended to support projects or events that are community-driven, enabling individuals to take action around issues concerning children 0-5 and their families in their own communities. Community groups, individuals, residents, and civic and social organizations are eligible.

How can Community Members Apply for Mini-Grants

To apply for a mini-grant complete the attached application and return it to the First 5 Glenn County Children and Families Commission office. The Commission will award $10,000 annually in mini-grant funding. Mini-grant applications will be accepted through October 1, 2007. All applications will be reviewed during the months of October and November of 2007 by the Program Grants Review Committee and a recommendation will be made to the full Commission at the December’s meeting. Notification of funding will be made on or before January 31, 2008. Awards will be made subject to State Funding availability.

How Will the Commission Decide What to Fund?

Mini-grant applications will be funded based on the following criteria: Link to the First 5 Glenn County mission and goals for children 0-5 and their families; community needs being addressed; community resources being used; and outreach to diverse community members. Special consideration will be given to the equitable distribution of mini-grants to all communities throughout GlennCounty.


***A summary of your proposal will be shared with members of the

GlennCounty Children’s Interagency Coordinating Council for informational purposes and to encourage potential partnership

and collaboration.

Application Process

  1. Plan a project or event that benefits children 0-5 and their families in your

community. Think creatively about who could be involved, what you hope to

accomplish, and what community resources you are building upon. If you’d

like assistance with project planning, contact First 5 Glenn CountyExecutive Director, Joy Amaro at 310-C West Wood Street, Willows. Phone: 530-934-6885 or 530-934-6882. Email:

  1. Attend one of our applicant information workshops (dates and locations to

be announced). If you’re unable to attend, one-on-one assistance is also


  1. Complete the attached mini-grant application. The application can be typed

or hand-written. The application can be completed in English, Spanish, or Hmong. If you have other language needs, please contact the First 5 Glenn County Office at 530-934-6885 or 530-934-6882 to make arrangements.

  1. Submit a completed application (cover page, proposal description, and budget

form) to the First 5 Glenn County Office between July 1, 2007 - September 30, 2007. Applications must be delivered in person or mailed. All applications must be received in the office or postmarked by 5:00 p.m. on September 30, 2007. The First 5 Glenn County Office is located at 310-C West Wood Street in Willows.

  1. Notification of funding will be made on or before January 31, 2008.

Mini-Grant Application


Cover Sheet

Contact Person:______

Name of Organization:______

(if applicable)


Phone Number:______Fax Number:______

Email:______Date of Application:______

Community that will benefit from this project or event:______


Signature of Person Submitting Application:______

Briefly describe what you plan to do if awarded this mini-grant:______





Amount Requested for Mini-Grant: $______

Mini-Grant Application


Proposal Description

(If there is not enough space, you may use 1 (one) additional blank page for your proposal description)

  1. Please describe your project or event and how it will benefit children ages 0-5 and their families in your community.
  1. Please describe your community’s needs and strengths related to this

project/event. What needs are you addressing? What local resources are you using?

  1. Please describe other community members or organizations involved in this project/event. How did you include others in the planning? If funded, will others be involved?
  1. What do you hope to accomplish and how will you know if this has been successful? Please identify at least one result you hope to see.
  1. Please describe when this project/event will take place.

Please briefly describe each resource to be used in the project/event from your approvedbudget / Funds requested from the Commission / Additional funds from other sources / Non-Monetary Community Contributions
Original Budget-Personnel (people)
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
Original Budget-Equipment / Supplies
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
Original Budget-Other (describe)
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
4. / 1.
Total amount from other sources:
Total amount requested from the Commission: / If more space is needed, please use an additional budget form.

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